When being chased by Police, what is the best way to defeat the P.I.T. maneuver?
The P.I.T Maneuver either stands for:
Precision Immobilization Technique
Pursuit Immobilization Technique
Pursuit Intervention Technique
Parallel Immobilization Technique
Precision Intervention Tactic
Here is a sample of it in action.
I’m not interested in how to avoid the P.I.T Maneuver. I want to know how to defeat it once it has been employed upon my vehicle. My theory is that once I feel it happen, that my natural instinct of hitting the brakes should be avoided. I think that’s what turns the car around to a stop. My theory is that instead, to defeat the maneuver, I should hit the gas hard and keep the back wheels spinning, never allowing the vehicle to halt completely.
THIS GUY defeats the maneuver twice and looks like he gets away. I think he’s doing what I suggest, just keeping the back wheels spinning. But the P.I.T. is supposed to be employed with two cars. One behind to prevent the bandit from continuing his spin.
How would you overcome the P.I.T. Maneuver? Keep in mind, that you may not necessarily be running from the cops. This could be employed by anyone who wanted to run you off the road.
And lastly, would you ever consider doing the P.I.T. on someone else, out of anger, or to save your life?
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48 Answers
Once the pit has been performed, you’re done.
Best to avoid getting PIT’d in the first place.
Don’t let yourself get in that position in the first place by avoiding motorcades.
This one is all about prevention.
BMW’s active steering technology.
Let the computer worry about it.
Can you say flawless J Turns? Spin FTW!
Skill: 1, Fuzz: 0
The car was stolen, This means the talented driver likely was unaccustomed to vehicle and still he demonstrates such ability.
Hats off to you bro.
I’d so much rather have drivers like him on the road than granny in her Pinto.
Once the person committing the PIT backs off, the victim is expected to keep his/her wheels turned in the direction which keeps the car moving forward. When the force that makes this turning angle work goes away, the driver has to quickly reverse the direction of the front wheels. Failure of the victim to do this properly will result in quick, chaotic movements and, as hoped for by the person doing the PIT, loss of control of the car.
I’m not sure what differences acceleration make in this scenario. Remember that there are FWD, RWD, and AWD cars, and this could change the effects of using acceleration as well.
@CodePinko n00bs who spam like you aren’t welcome here. shoo.
Best way to defeat it is to not break the law.
You’ll notice on the training video that the 100% score is awarded to the driver that turned into the car with hard acceleration after the P.I.T. is deployed . The other vids (where the guy defeats it) I don’t think the P.I.T. is being deployed properly. The Cops keep going into the direction of their first turn, but never turn back into the spinning vehicle.
Well thanks for stating the obvious. That wasn’t the Q. How would you defeat the maneuver if it was some crazy lunatic just trying to run you off the road?
@Fred931 Mine was a serious response as an individual no longer associated with BMW AG. I was not spamming on their behalf.
You said “When the force that makes this turning angle work goes away, the driver has to quickly reverse the direction of the front wheels”.
My mentioning that a technology exists that duplicates this action is not off topic.
@CodePinko I saw all of your previous posts with just one letter. That last one just said @Fred931.
Stomp on the gas as hard as you can, turn your wheels the same direction in which you are being pushed, then quickly back to the front as soon as the PIT maneuver is broken.
@CaptainHarley I think you’re right. So if the P.I.T comes from my left rear, then I should turn steering to the right, and if from my right rear, the turn steering to the left? Is that what you mean? That’s what makes sense to me, plus stomping the gas pedal.
“This video contains content from bbc, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.”
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Exactly backward. If you are hit from the left rear, steer to the left. If you have front wheel drive, continue gas. If you have rear wheel drive, no gas. Don’t apply brakes here at all.
@filmfann Care to elaborate, Mr. I’ll-piss-fred-off-by-ruining-his-traditional-spam-post-in-aprilsimmel’s-party-thread-person-thing ?
The third try (on the third video in the question)—the cops successfully pushed the car into another highway – great way to cause a crash—seems like the risks outweigh the benefit. If they can tail the person long enough surely there is another way.
@filmfann OK I’ll buy that but it sure does make me think I’ll roll my vehicle… turning into the spin… r-u sure?
You need to keep the wheels from skidding. A tire that is sliding will want to lead, and you’ll end up in the ditch.
Keep the front in control, and let the back ones spin you around.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies You run that risk, if you don’t continue to spin.
@citygrlincountry Exactly. If they could just start using a car that didn’t get about ½ MPG (Ford CV), it could be an endurance chase rather than a bumper-cars one, which is more risky for everyone. And, it’s more embarrassing when they come to a slow stop rather than finish with a bang before spending time.
I’ve heard about some new kind of mini car that is controlled by the cops, but it speeds ahead underneath the bandit and emits a strong electrical pulse knocking out the bandits electronics and killing his car. The problems with that is no brakes for the bandit… and he’s moving at 100mph towards other cars.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies It’s worse than that. They actually have a shotgun that shoots an electronic pulse, that can knock out your car remotely. They are not widely distributed yet, but I have been in a car that it was applyed to, and watched them do it to another.
Loss of brakes and power steering at high speed?
It fries the entire electrical system of the vehicle, stopping the engine.
Loss of brakes and power steering at high speed??
It didn’t fry the system, but it did fail it, temporarily. Scared the shit out of me.
You should still have the emergency brakes. The stalled engine should provide a lot of braking power also.
@filmfann I think you’re right. The third vid where the guy defeats it, he is in fact turning front wheels into the spin as you suggest. He does it 3 for 3 but the third he can’t complete his spin because of the guard rail. It looks like he’s lucky it was there, cause the drop seems steep. That bandit has some talent. Looks like he’s playing with them.
@filmfann Would the electro gun work on older vehicles that didn’t have electronic ignition? Or even older that didn’t have computers? Would it work on something like THIS bad motor scooter?
IDK. Both vehicles were 1997 Ford Vans.
Turn into the skid, just as if your car is skidding out in a slide without aid of the cops.
I hope the boyz in lockup saw this footage.
They will all be going the same direction @RealEyesRealizeRealLies and never suspect that you will suddenly be turned round and going the opposite way.
Then simply wave as you drive by the whole pack of ‘em.
They will crash into one another in their zeal to apprehend you and you will get away scot free.
I have a friend that owns and drives an M-8 greyhound scout car…I wonder if a PIT would work on that?
Just from looking at the video, it looks like the guy turns with the manuver so he can bring the front end of the car all the way around and keep going. That’s what I’d do.
If it was me (as in not instructing someone to do it) I would floor it every time I saw the cop car moving in. I’m not sure how well that would work, but I would see. The idea would be to get the cop to miss my car.
Ive seen the video before, but the guy in the mustang was fucking sick. They honestly should have just gave him a get out of jail free card for being such a good driver lol
@davidbetterman thats not really a PIT more a battering ram. And to think you can just smash into the back of an SUV? really?
@uberbatman lol…That was pretty stupid trying to ram the SUV!
Big weekend plans, darlin’?
Ha! Just thinking of the many ways to make my Youtube debut. Pulling a P.I.T. on a cop in a runaway Toyota sounds like a good start.
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