Do you ever have a reaction similar to this upon seeing the resurrection of questions you answered long ago?
A question popped up on my Activity For You this evening which I had entirely forgotten about. When I clicked on it and read the question all I could think was “I wonder how I answered this question.” Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever revisited a question you answered a year or more ago and had no idea how you even responded? Have you ever read your answer and thought you might answer differently if given the chance?
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19 Answers
Yes, I have sometimes liked my answer or considered I must have been in a bitch when I answered others. I like going back into siblings and seeing questions from 2008.
So resurrection is a reality!
When you’re as old and scatterbrained as I am, you don’t have to wait a year for that to happen.
I see that with questions from last week sometimes.
Yes, and I hate that it’s usually a serial spammer who does it. It’s fun when it’s a new user adding to our enjoyment.
Yes, I sometimes am satisfied with my old answer even though and attitudes. I did not recall what I had written. Other times, I really wonder what prompted me to answer as I did. My moods vary more than my core beliefs and attitudes.
No it hasn’t happened to me yet, but perhaps I haven’t been on Fluther long enough.
I always like seeing these “Stab from the Past” questions.
I’ve definitely felt that way before. Sometimes I’m really impressed with what I wrote! Then, sometimes I think what I wrote was completely stupid.
@ubersiren that would make two of us be piling on. I’m not going to say it.
Some of the answers I wrote just a few months ago, if I look at them today, I think “you idiot, why did you write that?”. Sometimes I think that depressed, cynical people like myself have no business being on quality sites like Fluther.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land write to me when you feel that way, will you? Within the past minute I read an answer you wrote a couple of months ago… and just gave it a GA.
Give yourself a break; you definitely belong here. (Wait… in case that seems too limiting: you belong here, as well as any place else you might belong.)
Occasionally I will think of a question, and check to see if it was asked before. If it was, then I answer the question, though it may be over a year old.
When I have forgotten how I answered a question, I am often surprised at how I phrased the answer.
I’ve never had that exact experience, but I asked a question about 5 months ago and about 2 weeks ago it got answered. It was really surprising.
It happens to me, although I rarely look at what I wrote back then. Sometimes I’ll hit the stop following button.
I read old responses sometimes and it feels like another person wrote them. It is funny to look back every now and then!
The “stop following” button is my best friend.
I love revisiting the ghosts of Fluther past. It’s always interesting and sometimes embarrassing, too.
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