@MrGV I give you a big “fuck you” for presuming she’s stuck up because she’s thinking about taking an alternative path in life.
That said, @Foxx, there are many things that you should consider before leaping into something like this. When I was in high school I chose to become home schooled, for various reasons. I didn’t feel that the education I was receiving was good enough, I could not relate to most of my peers, etc.
I know for me, choosing to become home schooled was one of the best decisions of my life. I was horribly depressed at the beginning of high school because it just wasn’t the right path for me. Once I was home schooled, I started to slowly come out of depression. I was learning more than I had in school, I had the option of meeting friends where and how I felt was personally good for me, etc.
That said, if you choose to take these online courses, there are a couple of things you need to know. It probably takes much more self-discipline than regular high school. If this is something that you don’t have, or if you don’t love learning in general, make sure you talk to your parents about it, because if that’s the case, you will need someone who has both the time and willingness to support you when and if you need it. Making your own schedule will be important, because you might get distracted more easily knowing that you don’t have to follow a rigid guideline. This is also something that your parents can help you with.
In terms of being social, making friends, going to the prom and all of the other stuff: Stop. Think. And seriously ask yourself if, years from now, you will regret missing out on those things. I’m 25 now and I have never regretted not going to public school, but it’s not the same for everyone. Just keep in mind if you decide to go through with this, there are always alternatives for meeting people and having fun. If you would like to know some, if you’re worried about not being able to socialize with anyone, send me a private message and I will gladly help you brainstorm ways to meet people that you will be able to value.
Now, the most important thing, above all else, is to listen to your heart. Dive deep, think about what makes you personally happy, and do not make a decision until your heart tells you to. Good luck.