Why do people pretend to be crazy?
I think people pretend or even aspire to be “crazy” because they think it’s cool like the Joker from Batman. I purport it’s a fantasy of people striving to be different who in reality aren’t that different.
The reality of “crazy” is a much less romantic notion than teenagers make it out to be.
I knew a whole bunch of people in high school who got together and pretended this. Really, they just sought attention.
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20 Answers
Isn’t it a bit of a conundrum though? What’s that saying… something like “If someone says they’re crazy they’re either crazy, or crazy”? Something like that.
It’s easier to be crazy than sane.
Plus, you get pity, and people like to be pitied.
Doesn’t it take a little bit of craziness to actually pretend to be crazy?
But you couldn’t pretend day after day, could you?
Especailly with teens, who are trying to find where they fit in, I think they like to be able to identify with something. It makes them feel more comfortable to have a label, even if it is a mental illness. It also gives them an element of uniqueness, and makes them feel special.
It also lets people put the blame on something: “life is hard because I am crazy”...When in reality, if you are crazy or not, life is fucking hard.
But really, its not the ones that say/think they are crazy that are. Its those that think they are normal that are the real nutters.
Well…high school… I mean, you’re allowed to be young & stupid for awhile, it’s almost expected. I used to tell my kids that ran out at about 25 – after that it was just stupid.
You have to be crazy to live in this world.
I avoid crazy like the plague.
Thank God I’m at that great time of life where crazy holds no intrigue.
Katy bar the door…no crazies in my life! lol
I don’t have any idea. It sure seems like you would have to be completely crazy to do something like that, doesn’t it? So maybe they are—but wait, then they aren’t pretending at all, are they? That’s driving me crazy.
Crazy people never question their sanity, it’s only the un-crazies that do.
You should try it sometime,,,,it’s great F*ing with people’s heads.
I have some friends and we usually mess with the sale ladies at the mall like this !
(fast forward the video to :40 seconds from the begin)
They always fall for it but one time they actually had a person who spoke the language working at the store. : (
I agree that young people claim to have an undiagnosed mental disorder for attention. Why don’t they know they are getting a type of attention different from that which they seek?
attention is, unfortunately, an innate impulsive desire that all humans require for their healthy stable well being. Case in point: people will do anything for attention, even acting foolish to do so.
Being crazy in a world that is run by criminally insane greedy bastards is actually quite sane.
Being “crazy” is just something people do for attention. It just cries.. please, help me ! (even though I’m not really having problems.. but I’d love the attention those problems get)
People don’t realize that being “crazy” is a terrible thing to be. And the life of a crazy person isn’t a sociable one.
IMO it’s crazy that anyone would give a shit if other people get their kicks from pretending to be crazy! Why waste time worrying about things like that?? People just having fun is all.
They want attention or time “away” ;)
I knew a girl like that in middle school. She was so lonely and thought no one would like her for who she was, so she put on an act and told a lot of puffed-up lies about herself. When that didn’t get her enough attention, she would act “crazy” in the hallways. I had tried to hang out with her, but I got sick of her stories and told her that she needed to quit. She got mad at me and we stopped speaking, which was fine by me; I was 12, and like most kids, I didn’t want to be tarred with someone else’s “crazy” brush. I was already pretty low on the social totem pole as it was.
One day I saw her look around at people gathered on the playground in their various groups, see that no one was noticing her, basically prepped herself the way actors do before they start a scene, and then started running around and screaming.
Which, actually, was probably a little bit crazy.
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