For men: What is your position on women with tattoos?
I am quite interested in a discussion most specifically how men view women with tattoos. Even more specifically, older to middle aged men. Do you find them alluring, or repelling? I’d like to think more about women who are successful and also have tattoos, rather than the stereotypical view that most people with many tattoos are unsuccessful, and ‘primitive’. Or, more importantly, do you agree with this stereotype? I am very interested to hear your views.
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220 Answers
As long as it doesn’t advertise your previous boyfriend, I think you’re fine. We can talk about my position on women later. The Kama Sutra shows many positions.
Depends on where the tat is. If it is a tramp stamp or other suggestively placed tat, then I call them by the name of their own tat, a tramp.
Depends on the tattoo and the woman of course, but generally I think tattoos are sexy.
My view is that ladies, if you’re going to get a tattoo, please get something original and not a heart, butterfly, or tramp stamp like 90% of the women who have tattoos get.
My oldest daughter has a single tattoo on her foot.
My youngest daughter has her leg and torso covered, and has a dark mark on her arm.
I don’t care for tattoos, though I have slept with women who had them.
My wife wants one, and I have asked her not to.
I grew up in an era of tattoos being fairly acceptable, and when I was younger I found them sexy to some extent. Now I generally dislike them. They look dirty and nasty to me in most cases. Every once in a while a really beautiful and artistic tattoo appeals to me, but as a general rule tattoos make women less attractive to me, size and location do not matter as long as I can see it.
As with any art work, there are some that I adore and some that are repelling.
It was an exotic wonder at one point, but then I had a woman with them and now I’m not into it anymore. I don’t care about the tattoos, but I just don’t personally find it appealing anymore because all the wonder is gone. Too many tattoos is a turn off.
Well, I don’t quite fall into the age range, so feel free to ignore but for me, if there’s some meaning or story or symbolism behind it (not your typical college, oooo look at me I’m different because I’ve got the same tribal tramp stamp as everyone else thing) I’m interested. I don’t, in general, associate tattoos with attractiveness or success (or lack thereof), though there are, of course, always exceptions.
Another thought: I guess that I just find the skin in its natural unadorned state far more appealing.
I find well done tattoos on anyone quite attractive but I’m biased and have many myself. (not a man but attracted to women, so I am qualified to answer)
Thanks for all your input, it is very interesting to hear your views. And women, also don’t hesitate to state your opinions even though it was directed to the men :).
Coming from a gay woman, I have no problem with tattoos on other women. I’m all about artistic expression. I, myself, have no tattoos, but, do plan on getting one in a few months (back tatt). Now, the only thing that I don’t care for are tramp stamps. Yowza. Not my cup o’ tea.
I find tattoos on both men and women to be sexy as hell. I love sleeves.
What exactly is a “tramp stamp”, anyway?
One of those awful tribal looking designs on the lower back
@jjmah Oh, that. Well honestly what’s the difference between that and any other tattoo? Now maybe showing off half your crack to show your tattoo in public is trampy, but just having a tattoo there?
An old friend went and got a tramp stamp awhile back. She went to China town and got the word “Lesbian” written in Chinese characters. The tatt shop owners spoke little English. For all we know, the tatt says “Cum of Sum Yun Guy”. ;-)
Silly tatt.
I think they are dreadful. Young people may think of them as a fashion accessory now, but imagine when they are in their sixties and they have old skin. Yuck, I think they will look awful.
If you adorn your body, then let it be temporary.
@jjmah There was a sit com a while back, don’t recall the name, it was pretty funny but didn’t last long. One episode had the lead character get a Chinese character tattoo that was supposed to mean something cool of some sort, but turned out to be “what you call a man who goes to prison and has to marry his cell mate”. It was pretty funny. Everywhere he went Chinese people laughed at him. Then he went and got it changed and someone said, do you know what this means? And he said, yeah, Kung Pao Chicken. I love me some Chicken.
@Snarp Personal preference. For me, it’s the location and that some tend to get tribal, butterflies and hearts. Not my thing.
However, perhaps when you’re in your 60s, you probably won’t be showing off too much intimate skin to the world anyhow. But who knows, there are probably some provocative ladies who are older out there :P
@Snarp LOL! See what I mean? ;-) You never know…
My mother got a tattoo of a rose that ran along the top and inside of her right breast. She joked that as she aged it would just become a long stemmed red rose.
Tattoos are just not for me, although my hubby keeps asking me to get one.
@Snarp “I guess that I just find the skin in its natural unadorned state far more appealing”
I agree totally with your answer
I think if they’re done well they can certainly compliment a woman. I’m not quite middle aged yet though. Bad tattoos are always bad, regardless of the bearer.
I want to get something similar to this one. Not exactly as it is there, but, the same idea (bird free from cage). It pretty much sums up my life as of late. I’m not sure of the location. It’ll be black and grey, and simplistic. A little more detail than the one in the photo, though.
Think Maya Angelou’s poem “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”.
I’m a woman but I approve of tattoos on both men and women as long as they’re in good taste. I have a very small one on my hip. It’s covered when I wear panties. And I got it for myself, nobody else. I didn’t want one that the world could always see. My fiancé has a couple tattoos but they’re also easily hidden if need be.
Usually doggy style. I think I speak for dirty old men everywhere when I say “we love ‘em.” Suicide Girls are as sweet as corn fructose syrup.
I never seem to be able to sell them for as much as un-tattooed females on the market.
Some can look ok, and some to me are just plain tacky. I didn’t know what a “tramp stamp” was either. It isn’t the tat, but the placement and where it draws attention. Which I believe is the goal, so yes, that justifies the word “tramp”.
My ex SO had a sleeve and several other tats, some of which he did himself, and others he had done in prison. I never had dated a man with tats before. He used my bias against me in the beginning, and said I was judging a book by its cover and being unfair. I’ll trust my instincts another time. It may not be tattoos but what they are and where they’re placed. I personally am not interested in another tattooed man, but I’m not yet evened back out so….
@partyparty I never got my tattoos because they’re ‘fashion accessories’ – I could care less about fashion, but I did get them because it was a meaningful way for me to commemorate some things in my life.
I’m not a fan of tattoos on women and I’m only 20. My girlfriend talked about wanting a tattoo and I couldn’t help but hide my disappointment. She didn’t get one in the end though.
I just like seeing skin, I don’t think there is anything that’ll be more attractive to me. Its like a piece of clothing or an accessory that you can’t take off.
I like them if the work is good. I don’t like sloppy art or a brand.
Depends on the woman more than the tattoo. If she has nice ____, good-looking ____ and a good __ and a pretty face—and a nice personality (oh, yeah, that too) ... then I’ll I would hit it.
I like tattoos on men and women, as long as they’re well-done and original. Too many identical tramp-stamps out there.
When I was growing up only sailors and bikers had tattoos.
Then I found out my grandma had one. She hated it.
I prefer none I don’t see the need to mark up their body.
Okay, I’m NOT a man (I hope..), nor am I middle-aged, nowhere near
But from adult to middle-aged men, I’ve heard they think tattoos make women look trashy and cheap, this is from 5 or 6 different men.
Hearing this from one man in particular changed my whole view of them, but he was worth it ;P
I think they they are ugly no matter what the subject is. When I was a little girl, and I would sit on my dad’s lap, I could see his tattoo on his arm. It looked like snake skin.
My teenage granddaughters wanted to get a little one somewhere. I sat them down and told them that I had some rules, in order for them to get their inheritance.
1. No tattoos
2. No piercings other than ear lobes
3. No smoking
4. No drugs
5. No promiscuity
I also told them that it was their choice. The only rule they didn’t like was the tattoo. I said, sure you can get a tattoo if that is what you really want. But, you will not get your inheritance.
So far it is working just fine. The girls are wearing promise rings and stopped talking about tattoos.
@Rangie good on you! I am around the age of your granddaughters, and if i were them I would have lost my inheritance several times by now (today alone..)
but even i think girls need keeping in check (especially with the tattoos!)
I don’t generally like tattoos. Some tattoos are beautiful pieces of artwork, and look good. Not generally alluring to me – more like suggestive of promiscuity, self-loathing/abuse, or at best, er, maybe just very vigorous lack of attachment and embracing of change of oneself, but in a way that’s beyond what I’m comfortable with for myself, so if I’m unattached, she might look like a wild romp if she’s had tests (sorry, just being honest). And, I like to relate to actual women as themselves, and tattoos have meanings for me like, this woman is permanently stained with dye. I wonder about her decision process in getting it, and usually tend to judge her about it negatively, or to disagree or not relate to her, because I think of permanent tattoos as a dubious choice that I would not make for myself (permanent drawing on self seems unwise to me).
And piercings (even of earlobes, but that’s ok with me sort of) are much more severely that way. When I see someone with something through their nose it nauseates and disturbs me.
There’s something gut-level about it all, in addition to ideas about the subject. Dislike.
Here is one example of change of heart. I have a brother in law that is 67 years old. When he was married the first time, he got a tattoo of a woman wearing a bikini. It was on the outside of his calf and about 10” long. Now, he is older and does not like it. So when he wears short pants, he always wears long socks.
@TheOnlyException Why only girls? And do you think tattoos matter when it comes to character?
I am a 21-year-old woman. I got my tattoo rather, I started to get it. It took three sessions during the school year to finish when I was 19. Before I got it, many young men told me that they thought it was really hot because of the location lower left part of my abdomen and afterwards, many were in awe of the beautiful work. These are not middle aged men, but I did get the approval of many liberal middle aged people both male and female. AS far as I know, my boyfriend has no opinion on my tattoo and he is 24. He says that he appreciates the artwork but he is not particularly turned on by it nor is he repulsed.
Also, as an interesting aside, I showed my very conservative very judgmental grandmother my tattoo and her response was very startled but she held her tongue. I told her to think of it as a piece of commissioned artwork that I carry around with me. :)
Like I said, I appreciate the art. I wouldn’t say that they’re a turn-on, no.
@KatawaGrey Did your boyfriend mind that you were showing all these many men the lower left part of your abdomen? Personally I think artwork belongs in a gallery, or on display for all to see, not hidden on someone’s body.
@jjmah I think the symbolism of the cage and free bird is wonderful, but why do you need to permanently put it on your body?
There seem to be a lot of friends/boyfriends/loves/parents/grandparents setting limitations on these women.. Way to show them you’ll love them no matter what… oh wait…
I don’t like tattoos at all.
All other things being equal, I’d go for a girl whose skin is un-inked.
But it isn’t an absolute dealbreaker if a girl has a tattoo.
I do not have one, nor do I ever plan to get one.
It is like women are saying “I am not particularly attractive so I had to get this tattoo.”
Or perhaps it just indicates how much women need to copy one another.
Something akin to a woman’s need for makeup, to pluck their eyebrows, and the need for perfumes.
Apparently most women don’t find their natural beauty enough…
It is funny to see the women with multiple tattoos all over their bodies. They remind me of the circus lady. (And I don’t mean the circus McGurkus)
@davidbetterman yet I have no need for make up, plucking eyebrows or perfume and my tattoos don’t look like anybody else’s
@davidbetterman I’m defensive? must be the tattoos…see I got them because I couldn’t handle talking to men
@partyparty :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
@davidbetterman Is that really what you think? Women feel the need to copy one another? I copied nobody. And I didn’t get a tattoo to show it off for the world to see. Nobody even knows about it (except for my fiancé and now fluther). Not everyone does it to fit in. You’re making quite a generalized statement about women and it’s pretty offensive…
I honestly couldn’t give a flying fig out of a rolling donut what other people think. If I like it, that’s all that matters. :)
@davidbetterman That’s a really uninformed opinion. Do you think the same of tattooed men?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Well not only girls, most people under the age of 25 haha!
And I do not think tattoos matter when it comes to character.
I.e. if i was with someone and i found tattoos unattractive and said person then got a tattoo without telling me, it would not affect my opinion of them. after or it is only superficial. it would be like having your view of someone affected because of their haircut!
I think the important thing about tattoos, is to ensure you are able to cover them. I have two large tattoos and plan to extend them, and I am planning on being a lawyer. I don’t think that either defines someones’ character, however I do enjoy the different views expressed here, but I think some are going slightly off the original question and are generalizing the ‘stereotype’ a bit.
I certainly don’t believe that people with tattoos get them because they think they are unattractive, as davidbetterman stated. There are plenty of attractive and unattractive men and women out there with tattoos.
@davidbetterman these sort of generalized stereotypes was something that this discussion was meant to avoid.
@sarahjane90 Oh puhleese…lol…”I think the important thing about tattoos, is to ensure you are able to cover them.” hahaha…
You are entitled to you opinion, ”I certainly don’t believe that people with tattoos get them because they think they are unattractive…”
Why jump on me for having an opinion?
@sarahjane90 You said yourself in your Q, ” Or, more importantly, do you agree with this stereotype? I am very interested to hear your views.
I believe davidbetterman was doing just that.
I personally think women with tattoos look like they are either hiding behind the tattoos, or are exhibitionist hoping to get noticed. Like it or not, that is my opinion and I am sticking to it. I also hate tattoos on men.
Rangie, we get that you don’t like tattoos already. =)
I have noticed that many women with multiple tattoos are bull dykes…not that there is anything wrong with that…just an observation.
@Rangie, personally, I think that you’re wrong. But, hey, to each his/her own.
@jjmah I’m sure others will too!
@jjmah I bow to your opinion. I am glad we agree that we both are entitled to our own opinions.
Variety is the spice of life. And I guess a tattoo fits in with a different spice. Some men can’t stand a blond woman, so they seek out a red head or brunette. I suppose it is the same with a tattoo. Only a blond can dye her hair, and a tattoo is permanent.
@Rangie: When I was about to get my tattoo, an awful lot of people were very rude to me about it. They said I would regret it, it was permanent, yadda yadda yadda. You know what? There are a lot of things in life that I have done/have been done to me that affect me more and that I am more likely to regret. The only reason people get all up in arms about tattoos is because they leave a physical mark.
@KatawaGrey I saw the pic of you getting tattooed – I believe I marked it as hot
@Rangie as you have no tattoos, I’m sure you don’t understand it. As you’re unwilling to try it, I’m sure you never will.
@JeanPaulSartre LOL…that is so ridiculous it is funny… She should try something that permanent just to decide she doesn’t like it…when she already knows she doesn’t like them.
Why does having no tattoos mean someone doesn’t understand them?
Simply absurd.
@JeanPaulSartre What’s to understand? I simply think they are ugly. I don’t have to understand something to think it is repulsive to me.
@KatawaGrey That was a pretty narrow statement. ”the only reason people get all up in arms about tattoos is because they leave a physical mark”. Not quite, my reason is because they are ugly, not because they are a physical mark. If you want ugly stuff marked all over your skin, go for it. We don’t have to look at you.
@Rangie: It’s even more narrow to say that all tattoos are ugly. My mother has three tattoos. The first is silly, yes. It is a cute little frog that she got off a tee-shirt she had. The second is reminiscent of the artwork of Northwest Indians. It is in the spot where her tumor was. She got it because she survived cancer. The third is a Picasso steno graph of a mouse over her heart. She got it because she calls me her mouse and she wanted something to honor me.
It is preposterous that you are calling something ugly simply because of the medium on which it appears. Also, I would be quite happy if you never looked at me. That way, I could make silly faces at you.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir: Haha, yes you did! It didn’t feel so hot at the time though… :P
@KatawaGrey I believe you meant to say the body is the canvas and the ink is the medium. I personally think the medium (the ink) is the least desirable of all mediums.
I don’t understand why someone would honor their child with a tattoo. I don’t see the connection. I honor my children by respecting them and who they have become. Not by a picture, but I guess there are all sorts of honor.
Do you really think it is more narrow to say that all tattoos are ugly, than it is to say” the _only_reason people,etc”. I am referring to my opinion, only my opinion. You on the other hand are saying PEOPLE, inferring you know why all people that don’t like tattoos, don’t like them because they leave a physical mark. How would you know that?
When people become defensive, they come up with all kinds of excuses or reasons. Funny isn’t it?
I dont think I’m middle aged, however, on the issue to tatoos, I think it depends on two things…. what the tatoo is of, & where it is. Now, I’m not going to argue that tatoos are ever classy, but some just are trashy…. ie. the tramp stamp.
I do like Drew Barrymore’s tattoos though, I have to admit, i think she has butterflies across her stomach?
But those are the only tattoos on any person i have ever found myself admiring.
(Again not male.. but a female with a dislike for tattoos in general)
@TheOnlyException Yeh, Drew’s are kinda cute… or maybe thats just her :)
That link is fantastic….. everyone in the office laughed!
I think that denying someone their inheritance, because they have a tattoo, is disgusting. You must be someone with serious control issues. Forcing someone to be something you want them to be, while hanging money over their head, is awful.
@Rangie You honor them and who they are… unless they get a tattoo… then no inheritance!
@Rangie I stand by my statement – it’s clear you don’t understand them, and you never will. Your dislike of the art is a prejudice.
continues to wait for someone to answer this question ‘on top’
My favorite position on a woman with tattoos is missionary.
You asked for an opinion, so this is it. If a woman is beautiful, with a tattoo, she is less beautiful. If a woman is quite plain, she is more plain with a tattoo. A tattoo never ever enhances a woman’s appearance, nor a man’s for that matter. When I look at a person’s body, I really want to see body and skin, not a picture of something else.
@JeanPaulSartre It is because I honor my granddaughter that I try to educate them on permanent mistakes. The can still do as they like, but at least know the consequences. Sometimes young teenagers do things without thinking about it.
@sarahjane90 I think you need to be able to interpret what someone is saying before you will be able to become a lawyer. Well, I guess there are bad lawyers.
Now, I am not denying anybody their inheritance for having a tattoo, as they don’t have any tattoos yet. That is their choice. Nothing is free in this world, or do you think things should just be handed to you without stipulations?
No, I am not a control freak. As a potential lawyer, you might want to check out the requirements for a contract. That is what I am forming with my granddaughters, a contract.
You seem to be a very accusatory person, or do you expect to have an inheritance just handed to you. Or, it is possible you are not getting an inheritance? Either way you sound like an angry individual.
@Rangie You seem to be a very accusatory person – yea, kettle calling the pot black
@Rangie You’re making a consequence of losing out on your inheritance. They might not otherwise consider it a mistake at all. I regret none of my tattoos.
@JeanPaulSartre I certainly hope you don’t regret any of your tattoos, because you after all have to live with them.
No, I am making a contract with my granddaughters. I call it a permanent mistake, because that is what I believe it is. That is my opinion, and I am not speaking for them. They may not think it is a mistake at all and choose to have one. I have not said it is a mistake to them, but what I have said is: I think they are ugly, once you get one, you have it for life, you can’t erase it, paint over it and blot it out. So much consideration and thought should be put into that kind of decision. I am the one with the money, I certainly get to write my own contract. They don’t have to sign it. It all depends on their priorities. I certainly don’t think it is disgusting or awful to teach children they will be making small and large decisions in their life.
@Rangie If they’re old enough to get a tattoo on their own, they are an adult. Withholding your money is an interesting way to impose your values. It is one that I do not respect. But I imagine you don’t care what a tattooed person has to say about it, as we are all ugly and make poor decisions. I certainly value teaching children how to make good decisions, but I will do so in a loving way. I also will remind them that they only live one time, so regrets are not good, but neither is not living life fully.
@Rangie I think you need to be able to interpret what someone is saying before you will be able to become a lawyer. Well, I guess there are bad lawyers. That sounds accusatory and insulting and had nothing to do with anything yet you said it anyway – to @jjmah, you kept pointing out ‘why why’ when she gave you plenty of reasons for her choices (which are valid) – I know you may not mean to but it all comes off as really pushing your values on others instead of just sticking to your own.
@JeanPaulSartre My contract with them is until the age of 21. I believe that gives them enough time to make an informed decision of this magnitude, and not a peer pressure one. Regrets are never good, and that is why I wish for them to make a decision as an adult not a child.
My not caring about whether you respect my way of doing things, has nothing to do with you or your tattoos. I don’t have to care what you think, I am concerned with what my girls think. And I never said you are all ugly and make poor decisions. I said I think tattoos are ugly. A little sensitive are we? I didn’t say you make poor decisions.
Why did sarahjane90 say ”I think the important thing about tattoos is, to ensure you are able to cover them. If she thinks they are a beautiful piece of artwork, why would she want to cover them?
@Rangie Because some people (ahem) in the professional field don’t accep them and that’s too bad, imo because it has nothing to do with how capable a person is and you still didn’t answer me from above if you liked the paining I linked?
Rangie, in case you were unaware, but in order for a valid contract to be formed you need an offer (which I suppose you could say is your ‘inheritance’), consideration, and an acceptance. Now, you stated that they haven’t signed it. You have failed so far to form a valid contract. All technicalities with your ‘requirements’ aside, your conditions of this contract is not going to hold up whatsoever – especially when you have not even formed a contract!
I’d advise you to not make frivolous assumptions upon my intelligence or knowledge. As for me being the angry person, you decided to come in here on your moral high horse to answer a question that was not even originally directed to you. I would imagine everyone can come to their own conclusion upon who is the ‘angry’ ‘controlling’ person – I don’t feel the need to spell it out to anyone.
In regard to covering tattoos in a working environment – it’s the same as not showing your cleavage or letting your thong (god forbid!) hang out, or your stomach show. It takes away from ‘business’ in the ‘business’ environment. There is a place and a time for everything.
@Rangie: I just think it is so sad that you would punish your grandaughters based on what they look like. Well, my uptight conservative grandmother still loves me even though I have a tattoo and will still be leaving me a substantial amount when she dies. Tell your granddaughters they can share my inheritance with me. :)
Also, do you inspect the naked bodies on your granddaughters on a regular basis to make sure they are still lacking tattoos?
Oh, yes, katawa makes a good point. My parents, and grandmother know about my tattoos. But, if I didn’t want them to know, would they? Nope. Do they like tattoos? No. Do they love me? Yes. Am I getting an inheritance? You bet!
@KatawaGrey @jjmah :) (insert Chandler’s voice here “uhh, I can check that for you…”)
Also, is it just me, or is it kind of morbid how often rangie must be reminding her granddaughters of her impending death?
Funny thing. I got my tattoo when I was 18. I was living with my grandmother at the time. I got 29 stars going from my shoulder to my hip. My grandmother absolutely loved and still does love the tattoo.
@Rangie Tattoos are ugly, really? Well I’m sorry you think that.
I’m a little late coming to this question but whilst I am not a man myself, I know what my boyfriends feelings about tattoos are which is why I felt the need to answer this question. For as long as I can remember I have wanted a tattoo and I know what I want and where I want it the first one at least. This hasn’t changed in about 10 years, I have wanted the same tattoo in the same place. I planned to get one when I turned 18 years old and was able to affoord what I wanted at the time. And then I met my boyfriend. Now, firstly I must make it clear that he has never tried to stop me getting a tattoo and, if I were to get one, I know his feelings for me wouldn’t change but because I know he doesn’t like them (on anyone, male or female) I can’t bring myself to get one. I asked him how he felt about them before I told him that I wanted one so he has never forced his opinion on me with the knowledge that I want one but now that I do know how he feels I am scared that he wouldn’t be as attracted to me physically if I were to have a tattoo.
I also need to make it clear that my boyfriend has never stopped me doing anything that I have wanted to do and when we talk about me getting a tattoo he just tells me to do what makes me happy. I am not one to change who I am for other people but I do believe that this is a sacrifice that should make for the peace of mind that he doesn’t find any part of my body a turn off.
Phew! I’ve wanted to get that off my chest for ages.
@Leanne1986 Why can’t our partners find parts of our bodies a turn-off? I am just wondering
@Simone_De_Beauvoir They can but I’d rather my partner was attracted to my body in the way he is now, without a tattoo. This may not be the right way to think about things because, after all, our bodies aren’t just there too please others but I like knowing that when he admires my body, he admires it all. I don’t care about anyone else’s opinion and if others are repulsed by my body then it doesn’t bother me but his opinion is important.
@sarahjane90 That is a really silly thing to say. Of course a contract will not hold up if it is not written yet. They are not 21 yet either. We only just discussed this and are in the process of drawing up the contract. My consideration is the inheritance, and of course “the date” of drawing, and the acceptance, and “the date” of acceptance, and the deadline date. Which will be their 21st birthday. I believe that is a contract my dear. Certainly not one that would hold up in a courtroom, as the children are under age to sign a contract. This is a prelude to possible contracts they will be involved in, in the future.
I don’t own a horse moral or otherwise, and you did invite me here when you said “_and women, don’t also hesitate to state your opinions even though it was directed to the
I wasn’t making frivolous assumptions on your intelligence or knowledge, it was done with a serious purpose. And you advise me not to, or what?
So, what you are saying it is okay to let your cleavage show or your thong hang out or show your stomach, as long as you are not in the work place?
By the way, I make it my business not to get angry, and certainly not over the things you have to say. I don’t sweat the small stuff. However, I do find a lot of humor in all of this.
Some of you are really so defensive you have become quite nasty. You should be ashamed of yourselves. People seem to get quite brave when they are typing on a computer.
Why can’t you be adults about this topic?
I love and trust my granddaughters. I would never invade their privacy in any way shape or form. They were raised knowing what trust means. And that would be up to them to follow their own consciences.
They are not being punished by any stretch of the imagination. I would call it a reflection time.
and chels are you really sorry that I think tattoos are ugly? I am surprised that you care. I know some people love them and I am not happy or sorry about that. It just doesn’t matter. Some things are important and some are not.
Rangie, this topic isn’t about your granddaughters. No one is that intrigued by your moral views, I believe, or how you intend to deal with your family affairs. So, as the old saying goes ‘stick a bun in it’, as this entire conversation has really gone off the original topic.
While all this abuse is being heaped on @Rangie I would have to note that those heaping it seem to be working on the hypothesis that an inheritance is a preordained God given right. He is depriving them of nothing that belongs to them and therefore it is not deprivation. He can do anything he wants to do with his money and under any terms.
@plethora Thank you for the backup. I know somebody said Rangie meant something about a boy in some other language, but truth be known, I am the grandma. Rangie is a nick name for my granddaughter. It is a cute little bond between she and I.
@Rangie You should be ashamed of yourselves – that, right there, is what makes you intolerable. Anyone saying that to me will get no respect in return, no matter the matter.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Oh come on, Simone. She’s not intolerable. We all should be ashamed of ourselves sometimes..:)
@Simone_De_Beauvoir That’s a laugh. Didn’t have it before, don’t want it. I am not trying to make friends with you. You and your little band of thugs tried to jump all over me like a bunch of bully’s, but you didn’t succeed in accomplishing anything. So take your intolerance and go home little girl.
@Rangie I think it’s that if I was going to try to teach responsible decision making with money, I would say “Show me the tattoo you want to get, we’ll talk about it, and what I think you might feel about it later. If it’s something that I don’t like, you’re welcome to get it, I will still love you regardless, but you’ll need to earn all the money for it yourself. When you have that much, I’ll take you to get it, if it’s still how you want to spend it. If it’s a really amazing and well thought out tattoo, I’ll help a certain amount with the money.” I think anything short of that is more like enforcement than teaching. I’d want them to get something from the experience. I’d want them to learn how to make decisions and what they cost.
@JeanPaulSartre I don’t know how else to say this, but this is not about decision making with money.
This is about tattoos. I am an artist, and I now have taken up doing the little henna tattoos on their feet. They love them because they can wash them away and have something new or nothing at all.
When they had their Spring Formal, all three of them wore little heels that revealed their feet where they like to have their tattoo.
I am not the hard nose @Simone_De_Beauvoir and her little gang think I am. I compromise with the girls and everybody is happy. I don’t know why you all seem to think it is important for me to think like you do. The fact is I don’t and never will.
Eh…..what’s up, Doc? Hi, Rangie! Good to see ya :)
@phillis Hi phillis, good to see you too. I guess you could say I have been busy today with this tattoo issue. It has been quite interesting.
@plethora hey there cute little puppy. I have been here all day. I have been too ill to get out of the chair. So I somehow got myself into a conversation about those tattoos. Wow, those people are very adamant about their defense of tattoos.
@plethora ‘Sup, dood? You guys be sure to use the mice type feature for off topic comments, aight?
@Rangie Adamant about almost everything..:)
Mice type feature?..what is that?
@phillis I am afraid I am too new. I don’t know what mice type is. I really don’t know what we are allowed to do and what we are not.
Before you start typing, put two dashes first, THEN start typing. When you’re finished, put two dashes immediately after the last character. It shrinks your words :)
@phillis Thanks for the info. I don’t want to do anything wrong.
I am quite surprised about the language allowed on this site
@plethora YEAH!! Awesome! It keeps your comments from being deleted :)
@Rangie No worries! Let’s just move along, shall we?
phillis, type a line with the dashes at front and end
@phillis so if we want to change the subject we need to go somewhere else?
@phillis This tattoo thing has been more than exhausted, don’t you think. Or do you have something to add on to it?
@Rangie I noticed that everybody made their points. What’s left to say? Let’s have some fun, instead!
@phillis what’s on your mind to make us laugh?
whats the dash thing about shrinking the letters?
@Rangie Hey, I left a joke for you in yer PMs. Go have a good laugh :)
My my, I was going to chime in with an answer about tattoos but I guess we’ve moved on to tit for tat. Cool, tag you’re it!
I like tattoos but I don’t have one and now that I’m as old as dirt I’m glad I don’t. It would be fucking depressing to see my once pert rose looking like a Picasso.
@phillis gottcha kiddo. that is very smart
@Silhouette—love your silhouette, did you come in and take that off my wall.? It looks just like—
@plethora I just did the dash dash thing wrong. I think you put two dashes then start typing, when you are done, put two more dashes and push your answer button
@Rangie In that case I won’t have it tattooed on my butt. :o)
@Silhouette actually the skin even on old butts is smooth, at least my old butt is. lol
this has two dashes before and after
But I see no differnece in the appearance.
@phillis hey girl, where did you go? you have so much to tell us, we need your input.
@plethora I can see the difference. it is smaller print
@Rangie would you do one and let me see?
@plethora okay, this is not with the dashes. this is with the dashes, but you will not see the dashes when it comes up on the board.
@Rangie They look exactly the same to me
@plethora —really, maybe you can ask the moderators what you can do, this is the first time I am using it too. I can see the difference in what you are doing. maybe it is your computer.—
Yeeeeeah…..and about this tattoo thing. I don’t like em. I like people, though :)
@phillis ditto, I also like people. I like music, and painting. I once spent the day with Wyland, the undersea painter, and I found it to be one of the most interesting days I ever spent. His medium is oils, mine at that time was pastels. He showed me how he makes his whales and others look as if they are really under water. When I got home I tried it with my pastels. Wow, what fun that was. I sold quite a few of my dolphins and whale paintings.
@Rangie No kidding! Do you have a website that shows any of your art? PM me with the link! I’d love to see them.
@phillis no, I don’t have a website. Actually most of my art work is murals. Childrens bedrooms, outdoor walls in patios, in fact I have one coming up. It will be an ocean scene with the beach and I haven’t decided what I want on the beach yet. I am mostly a realistic painter, but the children’s rooms are things like a circus, precious moments, I am talking large paintings on all walls with each interacting with the other. I might be able to scan some of those and send them to you. My scanner is finicky though.
@Rangie How miserable. Bye
@Plethora you can be ashamed of yourself if you want, it’s a free country
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I didn’t know you were leaving Fluther, but maybe you could use a new outlook on things. bye bye
[mod says:] Please keep the discussion on topic. This question has a topic, so please stick to it. Other users (myself included) that come to the question later in the day don’t want to read through quips of casual conversation. So yes, if you’re going to change the topic, please take it to PMs.
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It seems like there is a lot of off-topic remarks here..
(And some very rude people. If tattoos just don’t matter, then why continue to voice your opinion about it?)
But to answer the question, I find tattoos on women very attractive, as long as it is original and well-placed. I have seen some tattoos that I would classify as ugly, but I have also seen women with tattoos that look so good, it’s captivating.
@Rangie Are you a man? I believe that was the original question.
@Foxtrot keep reading women were brought into the Q.
@Rangie Yes, but the point remains.. That is not the original question. But either way, if tattoos don’t matter to you, why couldn’t you just post that you think they are ugly, but they just don’t matter and leave the question? You called someone defensive, yet you’re the one who stuck around and tried to justify your reasonings. That’s a bit hypocritical.
@Foxtrot —I guess just like you are sticking around to continue your interrogation of me. I don’t need to defend myself, but I do try to answer questions.
@Foxtrot Ummmm….as long as the question is on the board, it’s probably gonna get responses, positive and negative. Each comment leads to another.
@Foxtrot Not interrogating. Just curious.
@Foxtrot that is the point of the Q. Tattoos are apparently very personal, so some folks protect them as if if were a born growth on their bodies. There will always be controversy about this. It was a good question, but some tattoo wearing people got a little too sensitive. Communication, information, and how and why other people feel about things is interesting. Too bad we couldn’t have stayed with it. I could have walked away, but I found it somewhat funny how serious some people could get. So I stayed to see the end of the show. You have a right to your opinion of what I do or don’t do, or say or don’t say, But, just because it is your opinion, doesn’t make it so.
@Rangie I would be offended as well if someone told me that a part of my body was ugly. Especially if there was a personal reason behind it.
@Foxtrot excuse me, did I say a part of somebodies body was ugly?
Or did I say the tattoo was ugly to me?
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@Rangie Are tattoos not a part of a body? If it’s permanently on your body.. it’s a part of the body.
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@Foxtrot you were not born with it, so if you read what I said you would understand what I was saying. That is the problem here. Some people are not taking the time to actually read what is written. Then get all pushed out of shape and jump to conclusions. Which causes us to repeat and repeat. If you were born that way, I would hope nobody would make any remarks about it.
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[mod says] That’s enough, people. Stop making it personal, and stick to the original question. All off-topic remarks will be removed.
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Tattoos like many other forms of self decoration (be they piercings and/or fashion choices) are a matter of personal taste. People who like tattoos will (in most cases) not find them to be a factor in attraction to the opposite sex, those people who dislike tattoos (for the most part) will be turned off by them in any sex.
I personally have no tattoos on me but would not dismiss the possibility of one day getting one off hand. I find I am attracted to strong, intelligent, independent women regardless of how they choose to decorate their bodies. This has provided me with the opportunity and privilege of spending quality time with women from all walks of life… some tattooed and some not. All lovely women and all a valued learning experience.
I stand by his answer.
::skips to the bottom::
Hugely unattractive.
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Honestly, the assumptions and profiling based upon someone having a tattoo that some people are making are pretty disgusting. Tattoos are not a fad, or a fashion accessory. People have tattooed themselves for thousands of years for a plethora of reasons. Love, religion, status symbols, and, yes, even punishment. If you feel it pertinent to judge someone’s character based upon whether they are inked or not, then I think there are some issues you need to address.
If someone wants to ink their body, it’s no one else’s buisness. It does not mean they are promiscuous, it does not mean they are a convict, it does not mean they are low brow or anything of the sort. People adorn themselves with tattoos for many reasons, and I would think the majority, for personal reasons close to their heart.
You don’t like it? Fine. You do like it? Fine. But do not hurl insults or try to press your opinion on others because of your personal feelings about the matter.
And no, I don’t have any tattoos. But I might want one someday. And if I get one it’s going to for me and no one else, and I will take no one else’s feelings into consideration except for my own because it affects no one but me.
@jjmah I LOVE that tattoo you linked – I was looking at it a few weeks ago!
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For me personally, I find tattoos very attractive on men and woman. Of course, I have certain tastes – certain tattoos or series of tattoos appeal to my tastes and some do not.
I can’t say I have formed opinions of character about people I have seen with or without tattoos but I suppose I don’t think it would be fair of me to do so.
I want to extend my apology to those I may have offended during the course of the tattoo saga. A lot of us were offended, including myself. There was no excuse for that kind of behavior, from any of us.
I am hopeful we can listen and understand one another and widen our tolerances. Ours is not the only opinions that counts. Life does not revolve around our opinions alone. I know when we feel passionate about something, it is hard to remember that. So, let’s give it a try, what do you say?
@Rangie That is by far the best answer on this thread.
@plethora Gee, thanks, I appreciate you for taking the time to comment.
@sarahjane90—this is a really good topic—- so good im tired now from reading just half the responses…. (breath) so i just rolled down to the bottom to put in my words of wisdom or lack there of. So first of.. i find girls with tattoos are sexy…especially good ones that aren’t so typical like your classic butterfly/ rose….. girls please be creative, new and fresh with your tattoo ideas. Second i think girls should get them everywhere….. i enjoy rib, shoulder/sleeve and back pieces and bigger tattoos too on girls. Thirdly i do believe there still is a stereotype all though i believe it has faded a lot it is still more predominately present in the white collar world. I feel though if you cant be you, do what you want and enjoy life to the fullest in your views, your mind that life just isnt worth living. So do it and do it well. Last but not least dont be a-hole and put other people down cuz they want to enjoy themselves and splash art on themselves. we only live once so make the most of it…okay i am done rambling…..sometimes i get carried away
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