General Question

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

When stress builds up, what's your release method?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) April 8th, 2010 from iPhone

I suppose you could let the stress build until it’s release in a huge cathartic explosion but those tend to have negative consequences so let’s keep answers limited to constructive stress relief methods.

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28 Answers

chels's avatar

And sleep.

Vunessuh's avatar

Like @chels I write and sleep. Sometimes I’ll watch a movie or play video games or Fluther. Lately, I’ve been taking my dog to the park which I find is very peaceful.
If none of that works, I cry. I usually feel better after crying.

gailcalled's avatar

Plant a rose bush. You have to dig a BIG HOLE first and amend the soil. It is backbreaking work, particularly if you have shale and clay that pretend to be soil. But then you end up with a beautiful rose bush.

erichw1504's avatar

Well, I like to “release” my stress in a certain manner, if you know what I mean.


Captain_Fantasy's avatar

I like Gears of War for the xbox. It provides the fantasy that I have more control over my life than I actually do.
Exercise helps me too.

Yes Erich, masturbation is an acceptable answer to this question.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Getting out my chain-saw!!!!

Idknown's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy With a partner helps too! Even if they are the ones producing the stress? Hmm – I’ll have to ponder that one.

CMaz's avatar

Sleep and my helicopter.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Of all the things I’ve tried, nothing works better than listening to music while chopping some firewood.

I must say, I’m tempted to try @gailcalled‘s method.

njnyjobs's avatar

turning to my pet birds and fishes for diversion . . . sleep or nap also works.

wilma's avatar

A brisk walk.
Some really physical work, like digging or hammering or throwing junk.
Kneading dough.

erichw1504's avatar

My kitties! All five of them!...

..or is that what gives me the stress in the first place?

TogoldorMandar's avatar

Well i had never stress(so i think atleast)
I think i would go meditate during my Aikido lessons it really helps. And Aikido is a sport for the calm ones i suppose.

Disc2021's avatar

Play video games. Call a friend to vent. Go out and get wasted. Go for a long, long run. Sleep/listen to music.

Jude's avatar

Exercise. Sex.

jeanmay's avatar

I turn up my stereo really loud and dance around the kitchen like a lunatic. If I’m lucky, my husband and my two year old son join in – watching those two dance is hilarious. Flipping shapes + much hilarity = zero stress.

Jude's avatar

Exersex is fun. But, next time, I’m going to plant a rose bush.

Really, I like that idea. :)

gailcalled's avatar

And the product lasts longer than 30 seconds.

jeanmay's avatar

@gailcalled The product of exersex could, at certain times, last a lot longer than 30 seconds.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

I’ve found that exersex is sometimes synonymous with digging a hole.
So in a way, you’re both right!

wundayatta's avatar

Sex is good. Failing that, masturbation. Making music. Dancing. Bicycling. Forgiveness. Resolution of whatever is causing stress.

gailcalled's avatar

No matter what the timing, pink aromatic roses in a blue vase (like my grandmother’s in my avatar) will always last longer than the Guiness’ female orgasm record. Do both, I say.

erichw1504's avatar


jeanmay's avatar

@gailcalled I was referring to the other product of sex – like my son, for example! Hope he lasts longer than pink roses.

gailcalled's avatar

@jeanmay: Very good point.

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