A video game responsible for many sleepless nights?
Asked by
Vunessuh (
April 8th, 2010
With all this talk of movies, music and books, I’m curious to know what video games have been an addiction for you either presently or in the past.
Back in the day, I was pretty addicted to Super Mario World and Diddy’s Kong Quest.
I also really enjoyed Crash Bandicoot and Pac Man World 2.
And how could I forget Spyro. :)
I’ve always liked playing the real ‘cutesy’ games with little animals and silly bosses that you had to kill in order to get to the next world.
However, for the last couple of years, Grand Theft Auto (mostly San Andreas) has been responsible for the majority of my all-nighters.
I can’t get enough of that game.
Strategic/time management games pull me in as well. I really enjoy The Sims, The Movies and Roller Coaster Tycoon.
Which has it been for you and what in your opinion draws you into this particular game and is responsible for the addiction?
Have you ever put off doing important tasks because you simply couldn’t back away from the game?
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34 Answers
Pretty much anything with Final Fantasy in the title has buzz-sawed my time mercilessly (I actually took time off work with 11), currently FFXIII is my sink of choice. Several Atlus and Nis titles have done likewise as well as the deadly strategic with endless manageable minutia category.
I’m currently trying to get better at Centipede. As with a lot of classic games, it takes many hours of practice to increase your score by a few thousand points.
Lufia II: Rise of The Sinistrals and Final Fantasy VII are two engrossing RPG’s that kept me up a few nights too.
The last game I was addicted to was CS Source.
I’ve been clean for two years now
Zelda games. I would play ‘til 4 in the morning. And the only reason I stopped is because my eyes hurt.
When I got Halo 2, I stayed awake for three days straight. (Literally, I was in college, I went to class, bought the game, played all night, went to class, played all night, went to class, and then came home and slept through to the next day)
Lately it has been replaying Bioshock and Bioshock 2.
I have to say the common trait amongst the three has been the captivating story. I kept playing b/c I HAD to know what happened next.
I don’t play any video games,but I once had a problem with golf.
They called me Tigher Woulds.no they didn’t,but they wanted to;)
@lucillelucillelucille Did you have the same problem as Tigher like sleeping with the neighbor kid, pool boy and calendar model??
GTA is the all-nighter game for sure.
“I bet I can shoot 10 more cops before bed.”
The trick is banging 10 hookers while blasting 10 cops.
That’ll get you 5 stars fo sho.
@Cruiser-I would let you shoot your ball out of a cannon and I’ll still get to the hole before you using a flip flop as a driver!LOL
@Cruiser Who’s spatula are you playing with?
Wait, are we still talking about golf?
@Vunessuh Just in time I need a caddy expert in Spatulas!
Oh my. You don’t shovel snow with them, silly! You use them to stir your chocolate milk.
Anything from the SMT series.
@Vunessuh -Or to decipher political speeches..
I have spent a couple hours on Team Fortress 2.
But more recently, I’ve been playing Bioshock 2, especially after the increased level cap in the first DLC for the game.
I usually don’t spent too much time on these games. I usually get frustrated and (rage)quit frequently. Which is why I enjoy playing FPS games.
I liked all those games you described. Thief Deadly Shadows (aka Thief 3) has a gripping storyline. Once you begin playing the storyline just becomes more and more intense – by the end I could think of nothing else and couldn’t wait to get home from school to play it :)
Right now I’m obsessed with Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii, Plants vs. Zombies on the PC and Guitar Hero (I,II,III & Encore 80’s) for PS2, as well as my Guitar Hero III app on my cell phone.
I’ve never been much of a gamer, and I really don’t generally shirk other things to play them, but for some reason I’ve gotten into these games more than any others I had ever gotten into and I’m starting to get fairly good at them. I think SMG and PVZ offer something of a strategic focus, making you think about your moves and practice them, and GH is just that I like music I think and I’m getting a minor thrill out of actually feeling myself get better. Things I thought there was no way I’d ever be able to do, I’m starting to get the hang of. And all of these represent a long term challenge, where I can just do part of it, put it away and come back to it, and that way I’ll be playing them for months.
@lucillelucillelucille The only crying I will be doing is tears of laughter as I watch you throw your tantrum over the trouncing you will endure. I can tell you are competitive and hate to lose and you can even cheat all you want and you still will get YAK!
I loved Crash Bandicoot years ago Dr.Cortex was my fave the incompetent buffoon.Now i’ll mash it up on Gears of War 2 or Modern Warfare 2.That’s if I can get a look in with the kids playing on them damn their eyes.As for GTA I still have a soft spot for Vice City.Loved chasing the low lifes around in a golf buggy,true to life.
Mario 64, Killer Instinct and International Super Star Soccer 64 come to mind.
I played balders gate 2 over and over as well as civilazation 4 by sid myers
@dalepetrie How far along are you in PVZ? I can’t beat Survival Endless (the very last challenge), although I have made it to the 36th (omg!) round.
@FutureMemory – I just unlocked Survival mode a couple days ago, I just have been WAY too busy to embark on something called “endless” just yet. I still have a few mini games and puzzle mode games left too, mostly I’ve been working on my Zen Garden.
Final Fantasy 7
Tomb Raider
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