What's in your freezer right now? why?
I’ve been cleaning out my freezer over the last couple of days. I threw out some braised purple cabbage that was over two years old. I made chicken stock from half a chicken and some thigh bones. Then I made some spicy squash and corn soup with frozen squash from last winter, frozen sweet corn from last summer, and roasted red poblano from last summer. Finally finished a very fancy cake I made… a year and a half ago? Also used a steak that’s been there…. for a while.
Do you know what’s in your freezer? Do you have any idea how long the oldest thing in there has been there? Do you ever clean things out; throw things away? How often do you do this inventory? Often enough to keep things useful? Or does it turn into an ancient glacier before you try to figure out what caveman is buried under all that ice?
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69 Answers
Ice and tiles with glaze experiments on them ;)
I am no cook.LOL
Ice, martini glasses, and grey goose. I despise freezing leftovers. Beyond that some frozen veggies a couple home made ice creams and some frozen meatballs.
Nothing stays in longer than a year. It gets cleaned twice a year.
More interestingly, two years ago I had about a quarter of a butchered deer in my ice chest. I was only willing to freeze it because there was no way I was turning down good deer meat and no chance of eating that much before it went bad, I did manage to pack a lot of it in jars though.
A lot of frost, for one thing. I need to do what you have done.
Other than that, I keep bread there; I have several loaves waiting. I have some frozen french fries, a ham that’s probably older than some jellies reading this, some Buffalo chicken tenders and a bunch of frozen vegetables. And some bags of shrimp.
Oh, and a half-gallon of coffee ice cream, and a fifth of gin.
My freezer or my frizzer? Oh freezer…...okay…....frozen vegetables, organic crinkle cut french fries with sea salt, chicken breasts, sugar free ice cream, ice cubes, and mucho frost. Exciting.
I actually have a Turkey carcass from Christmas dinner I still have to make soup with! I’ll get around to that say…4th of July! lol!
12 pounds of white Gulf Coast shrimp, heads on; 3 pints of Ben ‘n’ Jerry’s ice cream. 10 lbs of Tasso, 10 pounds of andouille sausage from Louisiana, a few pounds of chicken thighs, a few 12 oz. packages of Lap Cheong (臘腸), a few pounds of frozen blueberries, 10 pounds of Louisiana brown sausage, some ice.
All the grains that the moths get into (oatmeal, brown rice, amaranth, quinoa, oat bran, flax seed);
All the nuts that the moths get into (Almonds, walnuts)
Frozen kale, collard greens, spinach.
Blue and raspberries.
Ice, and the frozen things for coolers.
Frozen soups and milk.
A bag of the fat I skimmed off a soup I made with coconut milk.
Some serious breads.
@gailcalled I had great success with Pantry Pest™ pheromone traps for Gypsy Grain Moths. Here’s a link to a generic version that’s cheaper.
I have some ice cubes, a few bags of frozen vegetables (I refuse to eat crap from a can), some bear meat, deer meat and some chicken.
Also a lot of icy build up. I never defrost.
Frozen entrees… I hate to cook.:)
I have two freezers now. Half a cow went in one and our other is filled with meals, or potential meals.
I put together a system where meat is placed in milk crates, so we can easily rotate food from the bottom of the freezer to the top. I only grocery shop once a month and so, the freezer gets defrosted every couple of months just before I go shopping.
My mom ended up wasting tons of food in her freezer so I had an imperative to figure out how to avoid that.
Of course I know what’s in there and how old it is. No cavemen in my freezers.
Ice Cubes, freezer thingies for keeping things in a cooler cold, almond meal, pecan meal, sesame seeds, pine nuts, frozen tablespoons of tomato paste.
Dog food, a pair of frozen pork chops, frozen green peas for eating, and a bag of frozen green peas that is used as an ice pack.
Just purchased a brand new Samsung 26.8 cu. ft. fridge/freezer. it is huge! we have never owned a fridge with the freezer at the bottom. we love it! our old fridge was bought back in the 80s and the freezer contained the following throw away items: half a turkey from 1986, frozen popsicles that did not have a upc code on them so they had to be ancient, snowballs from an unknown year placed there when our children were young, a Banquet tv dinner, those frozen pushups that i do not remember, a frozen $20 dollar bill inside a jar, frozen doughnuts(you knew i would have those, didn’t you?). there was more frozen junk that was unidentifiable. threw everything away, except the $20 dollars.
Ice ice baby, oh & food of course.
WHICH freezer? We have 2 refrigerators with freezers & a big deep freeze. The usual…ice, lots of meat, seasoned curley fries, pizzas, chicken pot pies, ice packs, frozen veggies, a container of chopped green, red & yellow bell peppers, turkey livers for dressing, & candles. And probably some other stuff that I’ve forgotten.
You’re lucky I just went in to get something to defrost for dinner!
A couple of bags of gourmet coffee, parcelled-out and wrapped chicken breast fillets, fish fillets, some Omaha steaks, Italian sweet sausage, homemade ragú, Trader Joe’s veggie patties, icepack, frozen peas, frozen spinach, henna hair-dyeing cube from Lush Cosmetics, Trader Joe’s veggie potstickers, a bag of brown sugar, butter, Amy’s veggie pizza, homemade butternut squash soup, chocolate gelato, a small tray of my roommates’ dad’s homemade chocolate laced with ginger, a bottle of vodka and ice.
I don’t think there’s nothing in there older than a couple of months, and that would be the Lush cube.
People are actually listing their freezer contents.
A gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream, 16 frozen burritos, a bottle of peach schnapps, a bottle of Bombay gin, 5 pounds of jumbo shrimp, 2 pounds of shredded crab meat, 3 boxes of wonton wrappers. This is just the kitchen freezer. The storage freezer is mostly full of pork and venison from last year. The shrimp, crab meat and wonton wrappers are for tomorrows feast. That reminds me that I have to go over to my neighbors and get the suckling pig (it will take most of the day to prepare).
Rice balls, steak, chicken wings, frozen peas and carrots and a tub of rainbow sorbet.
Oh, and some home made chicken soup.
There’s cake in my frizzer!
Oh, I forgot: two of those pliable rubberized cold compresses with which I ice my hurty Achilles tendons.
The suckling pig, in or out of the freezer, gets my Oh, Dear award.
I don’t let things stay in there that long. There’s some frozen pizza and frozen fries and other frozen stuff and my room mates liquor.
Edamame, gel ice packs, two month old spaghetti sauce, a loaf of bread and other frozen veg.
We live at my parents house, and mixing two households forced us to buy another fridge with freezer.
The upstairs holds mostly my sons food (since I couldn’t do stairs for a bit), veggie corn dogs, frozen peas and corn…then lots of mexican food for me to just heat up so I can get a quick meal. Also lots of french toast because it’s my sons favorite.
Downstairs has quite a few frozen meals, pizzas, wings, veggie nuggets.
Oh, and my frozen breastmilk is in the downstairs freezer.
(This is totally me admitting we eat a lot of frozen meals. I find that Trader Joe’s has easy and quick frozen meals, which comes in handy after having a child..and for someone who doesn’t know how to cook. lol)
@casheroo -Trader Joe’s is the shiznit, innit?
What amazes me is the people who have a deer or a cow on ice. How long does it take before you consume those things? It would take me years.
@Bluefreedom Oh, FREEZER!
We have some ice, some frost, shelves, tofu (I need to check the date on that), some meat patties, some veggie patties, and a lot of those freezer-packs-that-they-put-in-with-our-organic-produce-to-keep-it-fresh-when-they-deliver-it-to-our-door-and-leave-it-on-the-doorstep thingies.
I don’t own a freezer! :-/
We had to buy a deep freezer when my husband started working at the ranch. We get a hog and either a Texas Longhorn or Black Angus each year from the boss. Right now we have several roasts, tongue, liver, ham steaks, ox tail and chops.
The freezer in our kitchen has cherry tomatoes from our garden, many many popsicles, frozen veggies for stir fry, cookies and cream ice cream, orange sherbet and walleye that we caught in northern Wisconsin 18 months ago. Do you think we can still eat the walleye or has it been in the frizzer too long?
We have two freezers. One of them is a normal freezer that is part of a refrigerator. This one has ice, shredded cheese, butter/margarine, juice mixes, etc. The other freezer is a giant one down in the basement. That one has meat, bread, vegetables, fruit, stuff like frozen pizza and fries, etc.
A whole lot because the mother-in-law is in town. It doesn’t help that we have a small fridge.
i have bread, ice and vodka. Gotta love being a poor college student. (btw that SAME bottle has been in there for 3 months. not much of a drinker) LOL
Nothing the police need to know about.. hehe 0_o
shifts eyes
Well ill tell you when MTV Cribs comes to my house.
@jonsblond Same here. Our neighbor “pays” us for our help in pork and chickens. We also take one or two deer a year, whatever we don’t give away goes in the freezer.
Only stuff that’ll be used within 2 weeks. I never buy anything thats going to sitaround for ages.
My dogs Kong with pnut butter in it.
Reese’s peanut butter cups. Mmmm, they are delicious frozen.
We have a large freezer in the garage, and a small one in the kitchen.
Pizza, ice cubes, bbq’d chicken, water bottles, lunch boxes, tv dinners, chicken, turkey, various vegitables, bread, cream puffs, hamburger buns, hamburger, stew meat, hot dogs…
why, yes…I am a member of Costco…
The question should ask: “What’s in your frizzer right now? why?”
Flax bread and ice cubes. Because it goes moldy and I don’t eat too much bread :)
Pine nuts, Almonds and Flax Seed. Organic tomato sauce, some chops for the hubby, chicken for the boy. Edamame is always in there, we have it all the time. Frozen strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. Gel packs for my foot, it’s never been the same, post surgery. Gel packs for my head, when I get migraines – then they are quickly tossed back into the freezer. Yogurt – or Gogurts that my son snacks on. Frozen tea – decaff – concentrate that we make up in bulk batches, in case I’m not feeling good or for the hubby when he goes fishing.
Not sure what kind of bread is in there, it was a gift, but we froze it since we weren’t ready to eat it – yet.
I get buggy if thinks stay in there uneaten too long. Once I can no longer identify it then it goes to the trash bin. Right now there are frozen blini, a bag of flour, packets of chili powder, powdered sugar, boxed raisin, lube lozenges, boxes of baking soda, butter and shelled walnuts.
ive only lived in this apartment for 4 months and i rarely buy frozen foods or freeze things that i cook, so right now the only thing i have in the freezer are eggo waffles and strawberry fruit bars, which are about the best thing on earth by the way. the rest is packed to the brim with my roommates stuff. it is really unbelievable how much shit is in our fridge.
Like, almost nothing. A big tub of homemade vegetable soup I made and am reserving for when there’s nothing else to eat since I’m so goddamn poor, some ice packs and a severed finger for some reason.
Can I list 3 things that are in my boyfriends freezer? A dead horned owl, a goldfish, and a lambs stomach. Don’t tell anyone. I known the owl is illegal to have but it was already dead and his roommate scraped it up off the road near Aspen and is keeping it to do an art project with. It’s in perfect shape except for a bloody spot on its bottom, and it is one of the most beautiful creatures I’ve ever seen.
@Symbeline If I’d been drinking coffee when I read your post, it would be gumming up the works in my computer now! GA!
Makes me wonder. Does anyone freeze cigarettes? Or weed?
Dunno why I associate severed fingers with smoking.
No one mentioned vitamins and supplements. I have 6 bottles of Omega -3 fish oil, 7 bottles of calcium-magnesium tabs and 8 bottles of Co-Q-10 enzymes.
@gailcalled Not all of us have to provide fuel for the Starship Enterprise.
In a few years the Japanese will have figured out a way to produce energy thru Karaoke
People are still actually listing what is in their freezers. I’m amused.
@wundayatta – Thank you for asking this question! Both of my freezers need some organizing and this was a good reminder. There’s one over the fridge and a chest freezer in the garage. We bought the big one as Mr. tedibear took up hunting a few years ago and we needed to be prepared if he got a deer. He has a couple of times, but it has also been useful when chicken, burgers, bread, etc. go on sale.
For @thriftymaid‘s amusement: veggies, bread, butter, Crisco sticks, Lean Cuisine, coffee, split pea soup, leftover pizza, lasagna, Girl Scout cookies, some venison, chicken parts with which I intend to make stock, various other meat products, and ice pack or two, ice cubes, some frozen fruit and of course, ice cream!
@jonsblond Yes, and we’re building a smokehouse for the hams, venison and salmon.
@wundayatta “Does anyone freeze cigarettes? Or weed?”
Funny you should ask! Back then when I was in the habit of keeping a stash (of smoking substances both legal and not) I would occasionally keep some in the freezer. Cigarettes, usually when I bought them by the carton; weed, when I (rarely) happened to have more than a quarter ounce; Hash—It’s usually where I kept all but my pocket stash.
@wundayatta My dad used to stick his rolling tobacco into humid places, but he never put it in the freezer. I used to stick my pillow in the freezer and then it was all awesome and cold…wait what. XD
@Symbeline Frozen pillows…you’re an awesome lady :^)
@deni….“eggo waffles and strawberry fruit bars”...... if thats the whole truth then I’m afraid you’re just not a woman, there has to be a few bags of chocolate or some ice-cream crammed in there too to qualify :)
@JeffVader my roommate buys gigantic bulk bags of chocolate chips at Costco so sometimes i steal a few i admit…can i be at least HALF woman?
@deni Hehehe, thats good enough for me….. hell, why not ‘all woman’ eh!
I have some mince, peas, ice cubes, lots and lots of Ice Cream.
I’ve got PANCAKES! Jolly, jolly PANCAKES!
And two 5 lb. boxes of granulated sugar for the hummingbird feeders.
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