A lot of very good answers. Personally, I never have said this in the sense that I’m whining about something. It was said to me when I was in the Army when I expected a result from hard work that wasn’t forthcoming to me but went to someone that was liked but neither smart nor hard working. An eye opener at the time, but quite the truism, as I had been taught that hard work, skill and talent would always be rewarded over the opposite. If I didn’t receive the reward it was always because I hadn’t worked as hard as I needed to.
So I find myself saying this to others not as a result of my actions toward someone else but as the simple truism that it is. As an aside, I mention the only fair they may expect is the county one (county fair).
I have had more than my share of bad happen to me (as observed by others). My answer to that is usually “and?” I look at these challenges now that seemingly have nothing to do with cause and effect by my own actions, as choices that result from my pre-existing soul waiting to reincarnate like a form of lottery the more negative circumstances I bid to happen to me in my life, the more chances I have at reincarnating sooner than someone who bids only positive things. Without all the negative things, I would not even feel the wind in my hair or the sun on my cheek. I would be mental energy only able to remember and reflect and communicate with others in the same condition, souls in a vast waiting place, remembering life and sensation. I no longer believe in karma as something that is a result of one’s own actions in the sense of a byproduct, but more of as a direct result of choices that my soul made. I also believe that there are good and evil factions of us. We come into the world hoping to pursue these agenda but often getting caught up in the minutia of sensation or circumstance because we forget why we came back. Some ARE here for that sensation and what they can get at the expense of another specifically and these I would classify as evil. I understand them but I try not to be like them. I’m pretty sure that someone else reading this may think I’m way out there but I since this came to me I find it much easier to deal with bad circumstances or the bad that others do to me as my choice and is empowering rather than look at as impersonal fate and chance or as the design of some uncaring or even malevolent being greater than myself. Life is as fair as I’ve chosen it to be for me.
As an aside, when Nancy Kerrigan got whacked on the knee by Jeff Gillooly(sp?) and screamed “Why me?” I immediately felt that was so egotistical, as if someone else should have taken her place in getting injured? ‘Ike why not you as opposed to someone else, not that anyone should be purposely injured by anyone but why put it off onto someone else? When something bad happens to me that I may not have chosen, perhaps I save someone else the pain and suffering who could not bear it whereas I can.
I AM one of those people that had wished to die in the past and tried to bring that about when I had enough energy. I was brought up with the idea that I was never good enough to be loved, that whatever I did just wasn’t good enough, that somehow if I was perfect I could be loved. Rude shocker when the realization set in that no matter what I did I wasn’t going to be loved by my parents the way I wanted to be, they just weren’t capable and I just couldn’t be perfect. Oh well, the physical and emotional abuse aside, I lived through it and gained empathy for others despite my low self esteem. I’m working on valuing myself enough to the point where I take care of myself as best I can to try to help other living things that will let me help them. Tried with people but that was way to frustrating as the population I was given to work with preferred to be enabled rather than helped. Now I choose to work with animals, which for me is more rewarding emotionally and I help the the stray person as I can, I just don’t make a vocation of it.