Is there an organ in the human body that fascinates you more than all others?
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April 9th, 2010
Undoubtedly every organ of the human body is a source of fascination. The brain for example, is a universe all of its own. Share your views on the human body. IS THERE A PART YOU WOULD LIKE TO MODIFY IN SOME WAY?
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32 Answers
The brain and synaptic processing.
A part modified: knees, they should be sturdier. Nothing is easier than screwing up your knees. Running, martial arts or what not.
I don’t have a deep medical understanding of renal function, but from what I do know, I think kidneys are sort of perfect, and very, very fascinating.
It’s quite impressive that the liver can actually regenerate – as in grow back to full size from only a small amount that remains intact
I have started doing a bit of photography and knowing some of the concepts leads to me thinking that the eyes are truly extraordinary things. The top cameras that exist are just now gaining the type of sensitivity that a dark-adapted eye has, Also, our autofocus system (ignoring that some of us need corrective lenses) is almost instant
Ever since I had to go through some heart tests last spring, that’s fascinating to me. To lie there & watch & listen to your heart pumping blood through all the chambers & into your body was awesome. And to think it does that 24/7…every second of your life. Now THAT’S something!
The brain is a wonderous creation, absolutely fascinating.I’d modify it by inserting one into the heads of the bigots among us.
You know they are there and you know something is that sack. But as much as you feel them and feel around. You just can’t figure it out.
I’m impressed by the whole system, but i would like the blather to only empty itself at given times during the day (and not in the night).
The skin. Yes, it is an organ. I’m amazed at how it regenerates.
As a response to all amazed by regeneration. I am NOT amazed by how we’re not able to regenerate everything, especially neuronal cells. That’s something we need to tinker with, and hopefully implement :)
The brain because of the metaphysical ramifications of the mind.
the brain is a chunk of meat and look at all the things it can do. it is beyond comprehension.
The Islets of Langerhans.
I think they’re located in/on the pancreas.
Well, I could say the female sex organ, but that would be too obvious. Think I’ll go with the liver instead.
The liver is an amazing organ. It filters your blood of toxins. Also, it’s the only internal organ that rebuilds itself (plus many enjoy eating liver and onions). I had hepatitis back in 1980 so I know what it’s like when it’s not functioning properly. Believe me. Hacing hepatitis will give you great respect for your liver.
I think it’s fascinating that my children and my husband all think my Uterus is a tracking device. “Mom, where’s my hat?” “Honey, where are my car keys?”
Well my Lungs it kinda keeps use alive
Roseanne Barr used to be funny in those days.
The spleen is sort of fascinating. When i was in med school it was the most “defined” organ, when you disect it the spleen is the organ that is most by it self (not intertwined and interconnected with other organs). Also nobody really knows what the spleen is good for.
Oh, I know! I can show you some examples of my splenetic posts.
@nisse- I thought the spleen’s role was to aid the immune system by synthesizing antibodies and removing old RBC’s.
@AstroChuck: Well certainly, that is the current theory, but isn’t it sort of mysterious how we can survive so well without the spleen..
@nisse- We can survive without our tonsils and our appendix but we still know what their purposes are.
I will always be facinated by the uterus and cervix! To not only grow an entirely new organ (placenta), but to grow an entirely new human being blows my mind. Then to know that a pin hole, deep inside, can stretch to allow a 10 lb baby slide through is beyond belief! I had 2 babies and was in a state of wonder for the length of each pregnancy.
Is the vagina an organ? I’m fascinated by that. I think about it constantly, more than anyone here probably thinks about lungs or a brain or a heart…
Seriously, I think if most people here answered based on what truly popped into their minds most of all organs, they would also say the same.
I’m surprised no-one has mentioned the stomach. I lurve mine for what it allows me to eat – err, do.
For me, it is my pancreas. I’m fascinated (and angry) with how it just suddenly stopped working effectively causing me to end up with diabetes. =(
I would like to modify my pancreas in a way that would once again stimulate it into producing the effective and proper amounts of insulin (among other things) that I need to correctly regulate my blood glucose levels.
@ of them, they are called boobs. I am fascinated by them every day.
I don’t have a favorite organ, per se, but there are a few parts that should be modified, like the sinuses and circulatory system. They get infected way too easily, and why must the sinuses drain down the esophagus? It would be better if there was a separate tube for that.
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