Meta Question

dpworkin's avatar

Does anyone want to play a game?

Asked by dpworkin (27095points) April 10th, 2010

I’m not sure if we’re even allowed to do this, but just to lighten the atmosphere a little, I thought of a game. A nostalgia game. I’ll start with a phrase, you tell me where it’s from. The person with the first correct answer goes next. I was hoping we could try to have no meta-conversation (other than some attaboys and attagirls.)

OK, To start: “Tear Off End, Pull String Down”—where have you heard or seen that?

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153 Answers

Seek's avatar

Tear off end, pull string down….


I’m inclined to think of a cigarette packet, or maybe something that had to be sterile, like a box of band-aids or something.

gailcalled's avatar

On tampon boxes?

susanc's avatar

Band-Aids! Oh hell, @seeky was too quick for me.

dpworkin's avatar

Band-Aids! Bingo! @Seek_Kolinahr‘s turn.

janbb's avatar

I want to play. How long do we wait for “winner” to return and post the next question? Should there be a time limit? Maybe susanc can post one since she got it right and then Seek can have a turn later if she comes back?

dpworkin's avatar

I think that’s a great idea! Thanks, @janbb.

@susanc You go.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

“You go” was from Drowning Mona… not that anyone cares. What a great movie, though.

dpworkin's avatar

@CyanoticWasp I love your post!

janbb's avatar

OTOH, if susanc doesn’t post in 5 minutes, maybe CW, that smartass, gets to go?

CyanoticWasp's avatar

No, not just yet. But I do want to say that this was an excellent idea. It reminds me of my favoritest ever website. It has since gone quiet, but there used to be an MSN chatroom (I think) called “Quiz to Eternity” based on this premise.

The person who had the Q got to post any bit of trivia he/she wanted. It could be a quotation, and we had to guess the author or other source (whatever the Q required), or a definition of a word, or term or any kind of trivia. (Movie trivia was popular, as well as sports, history, you get the idea.)

The Q was totally up to whoever had it… and he got to announce the winner. Winners got lurve, and the rest of us got to make humorous comments (same as Fluther on any other day) and start arguments unrelated to the Q (ditto). And it was “to Eternity” because we also had users from around the world. Lots of fun.

Seek's avatar

Ha ha ha… I’m going to be in and out – company over and all. I don’t think we should wait for the winner. Whoever’s here, go ahead and post a new one!

And for mine…

“Do not attempt to stop blade with hands, feet, or genitals”

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I would have said “lawnmower”, but something tells me they wouldn’t have worried about the last bit (seriously).

Seek's avatar

Ha ha. You’re very close.

gailcalled's avatar

Weed wacker?

dpworkin's avatar

@CyanoticWasp Maybe this game will morph in to something like that. That would be nice.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@dpworkin I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that some of the QTEers are now jellies. There were a lot from the UK and Oz, and quite literite litterate littaret well-read.

Seek's avatar

I saw this last night at our bonfire. ^_^ Couldn’t help but laugh.

janbb's avatar

Can we have side comments in small letters? They’re distracting from the game.

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb : G*d forbid we distract you.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@janbb can we have sex in the margins and distract the players?

dpworkin's avatar

what are you, @janbb? Bossy?

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@dpworkin she’s distracting. What was the Q, anyway?

Seek's avatar

I guess I lose…

dpworkin's avatar

I think it means you win. Do another one or give us a hint.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr only 4 players so far; it needs more to reach a critical mass.

janbb's avatar

Let’s play a new game. everyone jump on @janbb day!

Seek's avatar

That was the true-to-life warning label on my husband’s chainsaw.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

That was my very next guess. No telling when I might have made it, though.

dpworkin's avatar

Wow! Never would have guessed.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here: My next guess, also.

Seek's avatar

I think someone else is going to have to take a turn. I can’t come up with anything at the moment…

janbb's avatar

We read a warning similar to that when we got a new vacuum cleaner. It said “Don’t vacuum in the nude.” Made us wonder!

I got one:

“Fanmail from some flounder?”

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb: O Sole Mio CD sleeve?

dpworkin's avatar

I know. But it’s too easy for me. I’ll shut up.

dpworkin's avatar

ya gotta love @gailcalled dontcha?

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled Not close so no cigar. Isn’t it “O Solo Milo” anyway?

@dp – Knew it was up your alley – good thought.

dpworkin's avatar

Sole, in this case @janbb

janbb's avatar

Don’t be koi.

Seek's avatar

This is really roughy

janbb's avatar

Orange you clever @Seek_Kolinahr ?

Seek's avatar

I’m trying to tuna you all out and think.

janbb's avatar

Ah, give a guess, just for the halibut.

Seek's avatar

Holycrap! I know what it is!
But I just went, so someone else can do it. ^_^

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I’m recalling more of the QTE game:

1. The questioner could ask anything at all, and some of the questions were rigged so that “local knowledge” was required (when the Brits wanted to exclude Yanks, or vice versa), so in those cases the outsiders just made a lot of snarky comments as part of the game.

2. It was run the same we we started this… leave the Q out there for a few minutes, then add a hint or two… and eventually give the answer and another Q, or nominate the next questioner.

3. The questioner could always nominate someone else.

4. About once a week we’d play a “boys against the girls” game that was the highlight of the whole thing. There seemed to be a panel in charge of coming up with (and judging answers for) very difficult, arcane or complicated questions, and keeping score. Those games were highly anticipated and scheduled well in advance for a great turnout.

jaytkay's avatar

“Fanmail from some flounder?”

Rocky and Bullwinkle?

janbb's avatar

And JayKay gets the prize – and is probably much older than I would have guessed! Your turn!

dpworkin's avatar

You have to admit, “flattery” gets bonus points!

jaytkay's avatar

Here you go:
“The policeman isn’t there to create disorder, the policeman is there to preserve disorder.”

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I’m still trying to come to grips with R&B.

janbb's avatar

Flattery does – falttery not so much

@CyanoticWasp Pleasures of a misspent youth.

dpworkin's avatar

The answer to that question is “43”.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

“The policeman isn’t there to create disorder, the policeman is there to preserve disorder.”

Sounds like Monty Python.

Seek's avatar

Judge Dredd?

dpworkin's avatar

I’m pretty sure it was our 43rd president.

jaytkay's avatar

It wasn’t a national politician.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@dpworkin Monty Python… W… same difference.

Seek's avatar

/me is in denial that such a thing would be openly admitted in real life

janbb's avatar

‘Nother hint?

jaytkay's avatar

Hint: 1968

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Mayor Daley

andrew's avatar

What is this I’ve stumbled upon!

Seek's avatar

Wow. Yeah. Politics in the 60s… my dad was in high school then. I don’t have a chance

dpworkin's avatar

Ahh! Not a National Politician. Mayor Daley.

jaytkay's avatar

@CyanoticWasp DING! DING!
Chicago Mayor Daley during the Democratic Convention

janbb's avatar

mayor Daley!

andrew's avatar

As in Chicago’s Mayor Daley?

dpworkin's avatar

Andrew wins!

Seek's avatar

No, wait… my dad was… nine then.

Seek's avatar

Because I can add.

andrew's avatar

This is really interesting. Maybe I should make a new chat room just for this kinda stuff—so it’s faster to respond.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Okay… this is a two-parter (and very, very simple):

1. Name the words on the “Instructions”
2. Say where they’re found

L x x x x x.
R x x x x.
R x x x x x.

janbb's avatar


andrew's avatar

Hrm… not hokey pokey…

dpworkin's avatar

oy, @Seek_Kolinahr, I’m 10 years older than your dad.

andrew's avatar

Oh, I was thinking they were all words.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Whew. I was afraid the bald guy would win this round.


jaytkay's avatar

Good one CyanoticWasp and janbb!

Seek's avatar

Ooh ooh! Can I go?

Seek's avatar

Wait, I’ll go after @janbb if she has something already.

andrew's avatar

Curious.. would you all like to try this game in ? It might go a lot faster.

janbb's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I had a turn so you go.

janbb's avatar

Let’s just play it out fir a while while the momentum is going.

Seek's avatar

I posted in the chatroom, “They’re coming to get you, Barbara…”

dpworkin's avatar

(Uh, @janbb, mayhap andrew would prefer we use the chatroom)

andrew's avatar

@dpworkin No, it’s fine to do it here. I just thought it’d be a lot easier to respond quickly in the chatroom—and this huge list of responses isn’t really going to help anyonre in the future.

janbb's avatar

But I thought we decided that I was the boss around here. O.k., O.K.

gailcalled's avatar

@andrew: And I thought the mantra was, “We’re from fluther and we’re not here to help you.”

Grisaille's avatar

I don’t know what’s going on nor how this works. But that’s a quote from Night of the Living Dead, @Seek_Kolinahr.

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb: You’re being boss for the day was a fluke.

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled Cod have fooled me!

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb: Stop trying to mussel in and just scrod off!

jeanmay's avatar

This thread has no sole.

janbb's avatar

Clam up!

dpworkin's avatar

I flounder way to be the last poster in this stupid thread.

janbb's avatar

Koi veys mir! (No you didn’t!)

dpworkin's avatar

No, I guess you had to cockle it up for me, you conch.

janbb's avatar

Do I have to just perch here to have the last word?

(pun wars at 7:30 a.m., pd?)

dpworkin's avatar

I’ll just be Salmonic, and give you the last word. Otherwise you’d just winkle it out of me anyway.

janbb's avatar

Nobody gives me nuttin”, I hake what I want!

Grisaille's avatar

Question is… who’s the fastest punslinger on Fluther?

Whose pun-fu is strongest?

janbb's avatar

You have to ask? (Puts away smoking pun.)

jeanmay's avatar

Everyone knows I’m the fastest punslinger in this plaice. Hake that!

janbb's avatar

Oy – @jeanmay, you’re giving me a haddock!

dpworkin's avatar

Porgie estamos hablando aqui?

janbb's avatar

You’re giving me such a pain, I may have to call a sturgeon!

dpworkin's avatar

I’m not herring you! la-la-la-la-la-la-la!

janbb's avatar

Too many misspent nights at the Filmore from what I hear; that’s what happens when you have lox of fun as a kid.

jeanmay's avatar

Oh cod, death by pun. It’s getting hard to (sea) weed. Think I’m gonna roe now.

janbb's avatar

@jeanmay Caviar emptor, as they say!

Seek's avatar

…or was that “Carp-ay Diem”

jeanmay's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Ha! Veni, vidi, fishy.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I shell not rise to the bait, chums. If there’s any moray of this, then I’ll suggest yawl get professional kelp.

janbb's avatar

I think I’ll just skipper you remarks for now, CW, and sloop off. Ketch up with you later!

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb: Buoy, if I ketched you, I’d throw you back, chum.

jeanmay's avatar

She’s shark-witted that @gailcalled.

janbb's avatar

Oh @gailcalled stop whaling about it!

jeanmay's avatar

@janbb Don’t be such a sore loofah!

gailcalled's avatar

@jeanmay: Jan is always sponging off me.

janbb's avatar

@jeanmay Sea, she’s anemone of mine!

jeanmay's avatar

@gailcalled I’ve heard she can be a bit crabby.

janbb's avatar

Can we shellfish this discussion for another night?

jeanmay's avatar

Aye aye capt’n.

janbb's avatar

over – and out!

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb : Tomorrow, beware; you may be walking the plankton.

dpworkin's avatar

I’m going to leave Fluther in a fit of pike.

janbb's avatar

Oh, but then you’ll leave us all so bluefish! (It’s late and I’m tired.)

dpworkin's avatar

Tough breams.

Fernspider's avatar

This thread is very fishy!

janbb's avatar

And Ithought you were gonna get all anchovy-dovey with me.

gailcalled's avatar

I’m going to smackeral you across your largemouth,

CyanoticWasp's avatar

These puns smelt yesterday; they’re bass—and some are completely unfathomable, as I manta say then. Menhaden ought to keep up such foolishness—nor women, neither. I hake to keep carping about this—the net effect is to make us look like clownfish. Narwhale you stop thi swordfishiness?

dpworkin's avatar

Don’t be so sailfish.

gailcalled's avatar

^^ Gold medal.

dpworkin's avatar

I thought so too. I’m still chuckling. CW gets the laurels.

janbb's avatar

Surely it’s the seaweed? And a free lifetime membership in the Punsters of Fluther Club! CW, you can be January on our next calendar.

dpworkin's avatar

OK, but don’t call me Shirley.

janbb's avatar

I’ll call ya Shoiley if I want to and you can’t stop me!

dpworkin's avatar

I’ll let it go this time, but consider it a fluke.

janbb's avatar

Koi veys mir, here we go again.

gailcalled's avatar

Oy, gefilte.

janbb's avatar

Was machst du a squid?

(Damn – I’m good!)

gailcalled's avatar

Too good for me. ^^What the halibut does that mean?

dpworkin's avatar

Ich ken machen a limpid.

janbb's avatar

We’d make a pretty good maatjes if your herring weren’t so bad.

gailcalled's avatar

Ah, go eat a pickle. Or, as an alternative, shad up and roe your boat outta here,

jeanmay's avatar

Guys, enough of this crab-trap.

cornbird's avatar

A seafood dish?

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