Why is there so much bullshit in life?
When did life become so complicated and difficult? What ever happened to the simple, work 9 to 5, bring home a paycheck, kiss the s/o on the cheek and relax for a few before dinner. Work for a company that takes responsibily for their workers, provides a nice retirement, and good benefits. What’s the upside to today’s workplace? And why do people treat those around them like crap. Can we at least be a little nicer to the people we come in contact with?
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36 Answers
The global economy. We’re being forced to compete with people who will do the same job for $5 a day and no benefits.
Because so many of the immoral masses wish to convert your labor, your efforts, your work, to their benefit. And, they do not care whether they accomplish this through outright theft, or whether they can attach a distracting moniker, such as taxation. Of course, there probably is no real difference.
That’s a slanted perspective alright. I think you’re missing some of the good stuff out there.
It’s far from being all crap. Attitude is a big part of it.
It was never that simple. But when we were kids it seemed that easy.
It does suck sometimes, doesn’t it? We have the supreme disadvantage of being instinctively programmed to live in a group, even if that “group” causes us intense pain. That’s how strong that instinct is. We put up with all kinds of shit, often going so far as staying in an abusive situation (college hazing, KKK, spousal abuse).
One component is the group itself. There is indeed such a thing as “herd mentality”. That mentality causes us to react differently toward a situation than we would if we were alone.
Too, the psychological make up of the abuser, and of the abusee, are what convolutes and devolves interactions between people, too, which is what we’re seeing that doesn’t make any sense. In and of itself, the instinct to stay together is intended to help ensure the survival of our species, but people will always run on pure emotion, especially groups of them. That’s why we stay in the bullshit :(
My attitude sucks today, I’m sure that’s part of it. Whyigottajoin’s question also got to me.
Which question? The one about vibrators?
@Captain_Fantasy The one about her relationship with her guy. It’s gone now. The vibrator one was kind of nice.
My children are teachers. They are left with very little authority with the children in the classroom today. The children are rude, abusive, and in some cases dangerous. A lot of parents are not doing their job, but with that said, the desensitizing of humanity that is taking place right under our nose, with the music, tv, and news most of which is bad. Too many children are growing up without structure, responsibility, etiquette, and values. Now many of them are adults without a clue. They not only have problems in the work place, but with many of their relationships. They have a tendency to blame others, because it is not only easier, but without the proper tools they don’t know how to survive with class.
Life is shit. People don’t know how to treat people anymore. There is so much shit about “you should say this, you should say that, do this do that, don’t do that”. It’s all bollocks. 20 years ago society was normal.
“Well you see what you want to see. You ever see a pterodactyl?”
“Well, no.”
“Did you ever want to see a pterodactyl?”
“I guess not”
“Well, that’s it. You see what you wanna see and you hear what you wanna hear. Dig?”
-from The Point
20 years ago (and loooong before that), child abuse was rampant. One very, very large reason we’re seeing so many societal ills is directly linked to all those children being abused who are now grown. It’s scary that the cycle of dysfunction degrades societies more and more. Not enough people know how to fix it.
Not everybody can afford years of intense therapy, and even if they could, many of them have no idea that they are creating the problem. Everyone thinks it’s everybody else’s fault. Plus, most people would rather pluck thier eyes out than admit they’ve done anything wrong, so we’re hopelessly stuck. Nobody has the life managements skills necessary to stop the cycle within their own lives, which then spills out into the communities.
What we know of “the good old days” comes from movies and television. Life was no less complicated back then, except that individualism was frowned upon and more people’s public actions were governed by worrying about what people would say. It didn’t stop people from getting divorced, cheating on their spouses, having substance abuse problems, exploiting others. There’s no difference between Judy Garland and Brittney Spears (except talent). The difference is, we’re the grown-ups now.
Life has never been easy. What you’re referring to is a glossed-over idealistic view that never really existed even at the time.
Accept certain inalienable truths: Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you’ll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble, and children respected their elders. (link)
Life is comlicated because complications are what help make sure stronger. Take me for example I had to grow up too fast, go through bad relationships before I found the right one, but you know if it wasn’t for the complications I wouldn’t have what I have now.
My thoughts exactly…..we seem to be living in a ‘self preservation society’ and the notion of ‘may the best man win’....depressing as it is that seems to be life and it appears a lot of the people I come across are out for number one regardless of the impact it may be having on others.
Eehhh back in my my day people thought and felt like me…where people matter!!
Actually there is none.
First, depending on your age you know that we are strange animals with different ages and experience; different sensibilities. Then there is a generational confrontation that did, do and always will be there; the older people who knows more (as they have been around longer then you) will make sure your life is harder and to reassure you they are in charge.
Then there is the survival part of life in which you must be ready to kill or be killed. Try to be gentle with the youngsters.
Then morality; you are taught to be good and civil. Which you try as much as you can to exercise and be “civilized”.
Then, there are the PRs and publicists that bombard your brain with subliminals that are designed to sell whatever the hell they are paid to promote. Don’t buy it.
Then, you have to be confident and sexy, otherwise you ought to be called a moron or as they like to say, a loser.
Now, in order for you to get rid of all this bullshit they shoot at you as you grow up, you have to find a balance between your life and the lives of those that are around you. You must have balls and fight that notion at every opportunity you have.
When someone or something is trying to take you down and eat you brain, tell them —or to it— to shut up. If you can, please, just knock their nose off as badly as you can. They can’t take that and will go mad. There is where your survival skills will improve and the bullshit they pull will cease to control you.
After that the bull will just vanish. And of course, you have to work for it.
Life is all about choices and knowing how and when to make lemonade. Yes we have to work to make ends meet and from there you are pretty much free and clear to make choices on where and how to invest your free time.
I work a lot and have little time outside of that for my own time. So I know my use of my time is out and about as far away or removed from my everyday as possible. Even if just for a few hours a week you can get away doing something productive somewhere really makes a huge difference in my life. I find that spending time with my son on Scout camp outs once a month does that for me. Walks in the woods, swimming and exercising and turning my amp up to 11 and ripping for an hour make all the BS disappear and allows me to recharge and think clearer so I can get up and do it all again.
The point of BS is to make everything that isn’t BS look better.
way too much self-pitting drama.
The bullshit has always been there. The differences now are:
1. There are more bulls.
2. They eat pretty well.
3. They roam a lot more freely.
4. You have bigger shoes.
5. You have to do the laundry and housecleaning now, so you notice when that bullshit gets tracked inside.
6. You can read about what they’re doing everywhere else, too.
Why is there so much bullshit in life? For the same reasons there is so much beauty and love: it’s part of the way things are. Sounds to me as if you need to focus more on the beauty and love and less on the bullshit. It might also help if you moved to a location where people are still friendly.
I never did like the smell, so I tend to stay away from any source of it. Now, roses, home cooking, good friend always smell good. If it is close to you, hold the feet of those spewing it to the fire, or if is it just everyday BS. loose it.
My wife is deaf, and one of the things that attracted me to her is complete lack of bullshit she has.
In my dealings with the deaf community, I find deaf people simply don’t have that in their dealings with people.
@filmfann there are a lot of us that are not hearing impaired that don’t carry around that big bag of BS. Come on, give us a chance. We all want to be heard, even the deaf.
@Adirondackwannabe Interesting question. You asked “whatever happened to the simple, work 9 to 5, bring home a paycheck, kiss the s/o on the cheek and relax for a few before dinner”. I wonder, though, has life ever been as you described or is this an image perpetuated by media (see Ozzie & Harriet, Father Knows Best, The Andy Griffith Show) that had little, if any, relevance to what people really experienced.
Some did live like that, although they were a minority ( usually white and middle class or better ). The familly in which I grew up was like that, although it was definitely not all “sweetness and light.”
That’s my point, @CaptainHarley. I don’t think anything, much less familial relationships, were as pleasant in the past as we sometimes choose to remember them. In all practicality, what we see today is a direct result of events of the past. If everything was so “peachy keen”, where did the b.s. come from?
Thinigs worth having never as as pleasant as we might wish. : )
If there were no bullshit, you wouldn’t appreciate the shitless moments of life.
In any case, there are so many cows on the planet, that I think I heard someone say they were a major source of a greenhouse gas—methane. Where there a bulls, there’s bullshit. Which looks, as far as I can tell, exactly the same as cowshit.
Anyway, my point is that if you get rid of the bulls, you get rid of the bullshit.
hey guys, if you don’t like the BS, don’t let it in. You have the power to shut the door. So, shut the door. Take control of what you let into your life. bye, bye BS.
“Why is there so much bullshit in life?”
Because people lie when they become threatened and fearful, and generally speaking, the people of modernity often feel threatened and fearful.
Three factors:
1) Level of education and skills
2) State of the economy
3) Short-term versus long-term profit orientation
Well-educated skilled people choose their employer not the other way round. If there is bullshit they leave and join a more professional company.
During a recession there’s a shortage of jobs and many people are trapped. A booming economy gives people more options. If there is bullshit they leave and join a more professional company.
Short-term profit oriented companies take responsibility for their shareholders, while Short-term profit oriented companies take responsibility for all stakeholders including their workers, customers, suppliers, shareholders and society as a whole. If there is bullshit and workers are just treated like a undesirable cost factor they leave and join a more professional company.
Well-educated skilled people choose their employer not the other way round.
I look forward to my yearly process of firing all my bad clients.
I weed them out every year, and it’s not always based on finance. I retain the good ones that are pleasurable to work with, and toss out the rest. 35 years of doing this has built up a list of clients that are well paying, professional, reasonable, and very appreciative of my services. Some of them with me for 20 years and longer.
It’s nice to have that respect and freedom. They don’t direct my talents. They look to my talents for direction. But I remember early on having to take any job that came alone just to pay the bills. Sometimes it has to be done. But you live, learn, and grow along the way. It is a position to be earned.
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