Social Question

What are the best chocolate chips cookie recipes out there?
Ok, I am officially on the search for the best chocolate chip cookies out there! I have heard of many cookies that are great, but I want something that I can know is great. Your experience really means a lot to me. Alright, Here is what I look for in a.. cookie
Ok, I have a crunchy tooth. (like a sweet tooth.. but for crunchy foods) so I like super crunchy things. Now, I want to know the best recipe (and to save you guys time, you can just give a link), how easy/hard it is to make, and most importantly, personal experiences! I also want to know.. for me one of the trickiest parts of preparing crispy and thin chocolate chip cookies, how to get it off the baking sheet. The really crunchy/thin ones seem to break apart.. sometimes.. thus ruining the whole greatness of the cookie!
I’ve just started doing this, but I want to know what works best for you. I’ve tried this recipe so far, but instead of thin cookies, they were puffy. It had a nice flat crunchy bottom, but a round (and crunchy I must admit) surface, and….. it is so sugary, that I can taste the sugar granules! I’ve heard that Alton Brown’s version for chocolate chip cookies is a crowd pleaser. Along with Alexis Brown’s chocolate chips cookies, which I’ve heard are to die for! (as spoken of by Martha Stewart).
I was originally thinking that the lesser the flour, the thinner the cookie. Well, I’m beginning to disagree..with myself. The flour is needed! What can make it nice and thin? What can make it nice and crispy? I also went with the tollhouse chocolate chunks but that seemed to not spread equally into the tablespoon-fulls of dough.Do you prefer chocolate chunks or kisses?
Well, I just want to know a great- amazing-to die for- bane of my existence kind of recipe for thin, crispy, crunchy, CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!
One last request, I am greatly and openly accepting recipes that are generally to moderately healthy too! My question to you, what is the best chocolate chip cookie recipe out there?