Do you think so-called water conserving faucets in public restroom do save water ?
I have noticed that I spend more time and probably twice as much water,trying to wash one hand at a time as I need to keep pushing the button or keep one hand on the water faucet handle to keep the water flow going !
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7 Answers
No. More water is used by repeated usage by one user, like you have noted.
The same goes for paper towels that are smaller, all that is going to do is make people use more.
The idea isn’t that water is saved while they’re being used. It’s that water is saved because people can’t accidentally (or intentionally) leave them on after they’re done. There’ve been plenty of times where I walked into a public restroom and seen the faucet running. Either people are just forgetful, or they’re germophobes who don’t want to touch the faucet handle after washing and rinsing their hands.
The faucets with sensors are best I think. Although the toilets with sensors for flushing annoy me.
@JLeslie Yeah,if you remain in the area it keeps flushing and they can be loud as well !
@Pretty_Lilly I just don’t want the flippin’ thing to flush while I am still sitting on it.
@JLeslie it’s even worse when it flushes as you lift your rump to wipe…
Yes, very much so. One person forgetting to turn it off uses far more water than all the people pushing the button twice.
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