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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Should you career/job be necessary?

Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir (39062points) April 13th, 2010

As a patient navigator put in hospitals to help cancer patients understand and manage their health care in a fragmented system, I often think about how much of what I do should be someone else’s responsibilty – the doctors should be able to talk to their patients about end of life care, hospice, etc. instead of piling it on me and pumping in chemotherapy for no good reason when the patient is already in their last weeks; billing administrators should be the ones filling out applications to help cancer patients pay for tx (if there even should be such a thing) instead of wasting hours (!) on dealing with hundreds of insurance companies, their automated robots and constant changing responses and straight out lies about how much they’d cover; people should have access to mental health care or counseling instead of breaking down in the infusion center and taking hours of the nurses’ time so that they can talk – they don’t mind, by any means but it takes away from their work and there are so many patients; at the very least there should be a social worker in place to deal with the more dire homelessness/starvation/foreclosure issues because I am NOT a social worker, yet I now address all of these issues because how can I not? So sometimes when I teach the staff here how to look for resources and what to do, I think “I am trying to work myself out of my job and that’s how it should be”.

I’ve thought about some people here on fluther and their jobs – would they think the same? Would a professional nanny feel that her charges’ parents are supposed to be there more rather than let her take care of their kids? Would a professional editor feel that people should be able to write better and that by helping them, their work is better than it was but it’s not their effort? these are all assumptions, not saying it’s true

What about you? Should your career exist or is it filling in a failure of some sort on a part of some system and in the future do you hope there is no such thing as your job?

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