General Question

XOIIO's avatar

How can I track myself down?

Asked by XOIIO (18359points) April 13th, 2010

I have a blog Not really working yet and I have mentions of my work on other sites. I have found several on dailydiy, and recall some on other sites, but forgot them. How can I track down mentions of my nickname on other sites, is there a faster way than google?

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5 Answers

CyanoticWasp's avatar

There are ‘bookmarklets’ (Javascript commands that you can use ‘as if’ they were browser bookmarks—in some browsers) that will let you do that.

Check out this page and look at the bookmarklet for “Linked Pages” to see if that’s what you need.

netgrrl's avatar

You can Google and it will give you a list.

lilikoi's avatar

I thought this question was going to be about chasing shadows…

XOIIO's avatar

@netgrrl Sorry, What is that link?

netgrrl's avatar

Go to Google. Type in link : www . whatever . com (without the spaces of course.

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