The status of sex in modern relationships?
If we look some years ago the population was much more modest. If you look today at the entertainment and people in general – it looks like nudity and sexuality became state of the art. Peepshows are a really not a big deal, strip clubs are all over and couch lap dances are pretty standard today (I read here some discussions about how the stripper boobs in the face are pretty fine), night clubs have barely dressed dancers, major beaches have at least 1 topless girl, “hot girls” can be delivered to your home in 40 minutes for 60 bucks…
Do you think it affects the status of sex in a relationship? Does it reduce its intimacy, its being a “sign of 2 people that are passionate about each other” and becoming more “physical act” and sometimes even “entertainment”?
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12 Answers
It depends on who you ask. People who don’t and never have held sex in a high regard are going to agree and vice versa.
A question mark doesn’t make a group of words a question.
Sex to me is still one of the greatest forms of expression of intimacy between two people who genuinely care about each other. In fact, in spite of, or perhaps because of, the fact that cheap, meaningless, recreational sex seems have to have become more prevalent, it actually increases the value, in my eyes, of the true act of making love with someone I genuinely care about and want to have a meaningful relationship with. And there’s always time for the occasional “slam-bam-thank-you-ma’ams” any way…
Sex is still very personal. If you look at the percentage of people who go to strip clubs, it is very small.
“Do you think it affects the status of sex in a relationship?”
Yes. It is taken for granted more often then before.
“Does it reduce its intimacy?”
Yes, more often then it use to. Its that kids in the candy store thing.
sex and intimacy aren’t the same. if the intimacy in sex is reduced it’s the fault of the participants, not titty bars.
Love will always overshadow all else going on with society and its relationship to sex – and sex with your love will always be special.
No. I think that sex is just as much an expression of love as it always has been. I think that just as many people use it as a palliative for other pain as they always have. I feel bad for those who make it into “just sex” and are not even aware of how they are using it like an addictive drug. However, I am hopeful that all of us can learn how to better use it to express our deepest feelings.
I don’t understand why sex with one person has any bearing on sex with another. If I fuck a stripper it doesn’t mean I am incapable of feeling intimate during sex with a romantic partner.
@nikipedia So how long have you been fucking strippers? Hmmm? Inquiring minds want to know. :-J
It is mostly entertainment, another thing to do on the relationship punch list. It has degraded to mostly a physical craving satisfying the lust itch the same as you would go get a burger and fries because you are hungry.
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