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SundayKittens's avatar

Graphic Lady Bizness: I stopped taking birth control mid-pack in JULY and have only had 3 periods since. Normal?

Asked by SundayKittens (5834points) April 14th, 2010

I lost my birth control pills about two weeks into starting a new pack back in July while on vacation and didn’t bother refilling the prescription for several reasons.
I had been taking it before that for years, though there were the occasional months that I’d forget to take several in a row and just skip to the next pack.
I had a period a few weeks after that, one in November, and one in January. It’s mid-April now and I’ve been having mild cramps for about a month and somedays it feels like I can feel my right ovary being squeezed.
I never missed periods before that and chances of pregnancy are pretty slim.
What gives? Does it really take this long for my system to get back to normal? I’m seeing the gyno next week but wanted some feedback before then.

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7 Answers

jazmina88's avatar

i take b/c to maintain normal periods… system has never been normal.

sleepdoc's avatar

I hate to answer a question with a question but what was your cycle like before starting the medication.

gemiwing's avatar

I agree with @sleepdoc, it’s important to know how regular you were before being medicated. Beyond that, I wouldn’t give any advice to you without an ultrasound first. This is something I would wait on the doc for, honestly.

SundayKittens's avatar

I never missed periods before the medicine as I recall and was pretty regular within a day or two each month. That’s why I’m freaked out.

sleepdoc's avatar

Well, there are many potential reasons and some are simple and some are complex. I would say, just wait and talk do your GYN and let them work through this with you.

thezooloft's avatar

The body’s hormone balance is a delicate thing. Stopping and starting the pill can wreck havoc with your system. If you have any doubt about being pregnant, take a home test prior to seeing you gynecologist. If you are not pregnant, your GYN may want to just monitor you cycle for a few more months to see if your body will self regulate. If you continue with pain in your ovary, that will need further investigation. Some women report pain in their ovary when ovulating; that may be the cause of yours. Lastly, you GYN may need to change your script. I am not a Doc – just offering my opinion.

SundayKittens's avatar

Update: Found out today through an ultrasound that it’s polycystic ovarian syndrome! Thanks guys!

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