[NSFW] Personal trimming. Why do people do it?
Pick up any 80’s lads magazine and you fill find that all the nude women have great big hairy bushes. This was the norm back then, but 20–30 years on and the same magazines now show women with little or no hair at all and this also seems to be the case for the average girl on the street. What has caused this?
Is it simply a fashion thing, led by such magazines? Or are people these days more hygiene conscious? Is the idea of female pubic hair moving towards being considered as much of a no-no as underarm hair? Is it done more now to make oral sex more comfortable and appealing? Or is it simply a case of less censorship in the media which allows these magazines to show more than they could in the past?
Personally I am very much against bush – although I do think both sexes should be keeping things trim and tidy.
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45 Answers
Probably a fashion thing.
And I am very much against Bush, too. Let us never have another president from that family. Ugh.
I am of the school of natural is better.
I’m a non-conformist, especially when it comes to ripping hair out of my body in sensitive locations. Not going to happen.
I like a well trimmed bush.
My short answer:
Because it feels better.
It happened when porn became mainstream.
I bet even Sarah Palin waxes now. Maybe even Nancy Pelosi.
Women in porn started shaving or waxing to show more. Women in real life started doing it either to promote the idea of being sexy or under pressure from their partners.
I’m not against things being tidy, but the idea that women having the pubes of a pre-pubescent 11 year old girl being sexy is more than a little creepy.
It’s a conspiracy by the Dental Industry to generate more business. (Think flossing)
in my graphic opinion – trimmed/bald makes oral sex more pleasurable to give ;)
@slick44 I’m somewhat proud to admit that I’m quite the avid trimmer and occasional waxer lol I can’t believe I’m posting this on the internet hahaha
It doesn’t need to be “ripped out”...waxing is not the only way to tame your pubic hair.
I’m female and trimming feels tidier and cleaner for me. I also like the smooth feel of my body and oral sex feels better. I like my partner trimmed too for the same reasons.
Hair collects pheromones. Beards do it. Underarm hair does it. I bet pubic hair does, too. I think this is what appeals to us when we think about snuggling. The smells of those places when they aren’t overpowering are very sensuous and arousing.
When you cut that hair, you lose a lot of the concentration of pheromones. Instead you have sweat or nothing. Those things are nearly as fun or interesting.
When a woman tucks her face in that hollow between your chin and shoulder, it’s such a protective, connected feeling. When she is curled under your arm, head on your shoulder, she is breathing in you-ness. When we go down on each other, the smells add to the allure and excitement, unless they are too strong or of the wrong sort.
We are not attracted to the smells of everyone. People pheromones are different and we don’t fit with all other people.
So if you just trim, I suppose you are weakening, but not eliminating the smell and the allure of the pheromones. But if you go bald —face, underarm or pudendum, much less of those chemicals remains. My guess is that people these days love the clean smell of soap and perfume and whatnot, and are a little turned off by natural smells.
Personally, I love the natural smells. They are very exciting! And they help keep my attention where my woman wants it.
@wundayatta I agree that natural smells are nice… but I’m always afraid I’ll get a hair in my mouth :P
@wundayatta Umm, hair also collects and retains bad funky smells and makes it smell worse down there as opposed to when you trim/shave. It’s not even certain that pheromones exist in humans. If they do, it’s a largely unconscious attraction. You don’t find someone attractive because you catch their scent and think “mmm, those pheromones!” When you smell someone’s skin, that’s just their skin oils. Pheromones are not some magic elixir that create excitement and intimacy. Maintaining your pubic hair does not eliminate “good” smells or weaken a chemical allure. That’s just absurd.
I’m not interested in licking sandpaper.
Plus 11-year olds turn me off.
@PupnTaco Because a mature woman’s vagina looks exactly like an 11 year old’s.
Sandpaper texture only occurs for a couple of days as a result of shaving, but some women wax or trim and there’s no stubble resulting from those methods.
It’s not that I do it on porpose but mine looks like a mohawk, is not a jungle down there so I keep it that way, that doesn’t mean I’m not hygene concious, some girls may shave their private areas and not being a clean person regarding their genitals XD
At first, I shaved mine bald because I was following the trend. But now I do it because it feels a lot better. My privates can breathe better and it doesn’t itch as much. Not to mention, who wants to see pubes sticking out the sides of my bikini? Yikes. Bare is better. Regardless of trends.
@le_inferno Maintaining your pubic hair does not eliminate “good” smells or weaken a chemical allure. That’s just absurd.
Armpit hair is designed to trap pheromones. You think that pheromones work at a conscious level, and that is truly absurd. Pheromones work at a much deep level of the mind. Pheromones in pubic hair do exactly the same thing. No hair, no trapping of pheromones or at least severely reduced trapping.
You may want to check your prejudices at the door next time you think something is absurd.
You may want to check your reading comprehension skills before responding.
I did not say a conscious level, I said “unconscious.”
And uh, sweet sources to support your argument. “Armpithair.info”? Yeah, that’s some real science. Plus some health blog-ish type thing written by Joe Schmo? I’m totally convinced now.
Try doing some real research on human pheromones and then get back to me. Their existence is unconfirmed.
I’d be interested to know how this breaks down age-wise.
Are those who prefer things to be more natural older than those who prefer the baldness?
The other way around? Is there an age correlation?
Assuming good hygiene and regular bathing on both sides of this issue.
@wilma… I dont think age matters, lets just say i am not 20 and i like things clean and neat. so i guess its just a personal preference.
On second thought, as long as I can bury my face in it, I don’t care what’s there. (It’s been a rough week)
Well, I feel I am well groomed down there. I have always been tidy, but I wax a lot more now, but that is my boyfriends preference.
I am not sure if I am supposed to answer this in regard to my own grooming habits or what I think is my preference for women. @beautifulbobby193 .. are you asking about bush in general or bush in women?
@le_inferno You don’t find someone attractive because you catch their scent and think “mmm, those pheromones!”
Seems to me it’s reasonable to infer conscious thinking here. Could you unconsciously think “mmm, those pheromones?” If you were aware, it seems to me that would be conscious thinking. Perhaps you can explain the error in my thinking here.
Try doing some real research on human pheromones and then get back to me. Their existence is unconfirmed.
Ok, so I provide some evidence and you respond with no evidence and I’m supposed to go do more work? You try to impeach my sources, again with no evidence, and I’m supposed to go do more work?
If you were standing here in front of me, I would be gaping in astonishment at you. Rhetorical bombast is not a very steady ground upon which to base an argument. Well, there’s no more useful discussion to be had here as long as you won’t take the presence of evidence seriously enough to try to impeach it with your own evidence.
Of course, this is all silliness, anyway. People will do what they want for whatever reason they want—especially when it comes to relationships—about as irrational a thing as exists.
@sleepdoc this mainly concerns women. I’d say the older women that were hairy in the 80’s are still probably hairy, while those that grew up with a nice, clean and hair free gash, probably still have it looking as sweet as ever.
Exactly, I said that doesn’t happen, because it’s unconscious.
I meant that if you look into the subject for 2 seconds, you can find out that human pheromones’ existence hasn’t been confirmed. I honestly did not think it necessary to post evidence, since it’s all over the science world and internet, even Wikipedia for god’s sake.
Not only have mammalian pheromones not been found, but the idea oversimplifies the nature of chemical communication among mammals. “Pheromone” has no more scientific value in describing chemically mediated behaviours or endocrine processes than “visuomones”, “audiomones”, or “touchamones” would in describing phenomena created by non-chemical stimuli.
Not surprisingly, scientists do not agree on what defines a pheromone, and attempts by chemists to identify such putative agents have failed.
Among the many reasons for this failure is that the basic tenet of the concept – that one or a few hormone-like chemicals, specific to each species, are triggers of social behaviour – is wrong. In mammals, chemically mediated behaviours are rarely hard-wired.
@le_inferno Very interesting article. Thank you for presenting that. I see what you mean about pheromones. I will not be using that term any more.
In that article, it seemed to me that the author did admit that smells could play a role in behavior. He said it was probably learned behavior. I guess what that would suggest is that the smell or cleanliness or lack of hairness that one prefers is really more related to what one is used to. What you’re used to depends on the cultural preferences you were exposed to at the time you were learning these grooming habits.
Which means the generational explanation could be a good explanation. The question then becomes what was the trigger that turned the cultural preference from hairiness to shavedness. Who knows? Maybe it’s all because of marketing by Gillette! A plan to sell more razors and shaving cream (or whatever it is you use to shave those areas—shudder).
No, over the years I’ve gone from natural to often shaved and so forth. I admit the feeling of being clean shaven is nice, but I was never comfortable loooking in the mirror seeing myself with pubes that looked like they belonged to an 11-yr old girl.
shrug It’s a personal choice. I like things neat & tidy, i.e. no scaping hairs from the side of my bathing suit.
@sleepdoc… Your aloud to answer,lol i think a nice trim job gos both ways.
@wundayatta I think the answer to your question about what triggered the change is way up there in @netgrrl ‘s first answer; “Women in porn started shaving or waxing to show more. Women in real life started doing it either to promote the idea of being sexy or under pressure from their partners.”
It began with porn, to expose “more”.
Nobody likes to see spiders legs hanging out the side of a pair of panties. Bald is best.
Personally, I think touchamones would be pretty badass.
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