Can guys and girls be just friends?
has anyone not asked themselves this question?
is it possible for a guy and girl to be best friends and have no romantic feelings what so ever?
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34 Answers
Of course. Especially if both are gay.
Yes, but if she has a great ass and you see her bending over you’re going to get an earful from the shoulder that has the little devil on it.
Never, those two species cannot mix only during mating season! Don’t feed them after midnight either!!
I know some very atractive woman, or girls rather that I consider my frends. So yes it is posible, but it gets harder when you spend more time with them, or if they have a boyfrend
my best friend is a guy
but when ever i mention his name to my friends that are girls i get that look
ya know that look?
the “i know you like him” look
but i dont
Only if both are younger than 13 – or maybe 12.
Unless he’s gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Because his hormones will take over and he will begin thinking with the wrong head. Millions of years of evolution have ingrained this behavior in us.
would you never believe that there could be a guy out there that isnt like that?
Sure, with chemical castration. Try Paxil, it works wonders.
Not unless the guy is gay.
Come on people, enough with the gay references. This is a serious question.
I have a friend that I have known ever sense we were both babes, and nothing romantic has ever happened between us. We are not close friends, but friends all the same.
One of my best friends of over 20 years is a guy and if he has any feelings other than a normal friendship,I don’t want to know about it.Lol!
Sometimes late at night there’s that one moment you just enter into one of his sessions and you’re more than a friend….
You can, if you’re only looking for friendship and both parties keep it that way, what i mean is if you want to you can. even if there are other feelings but for some reason it’s just not allowed
No. And yes.
By the way, if you want more answers, search this question. I think it’s been asked several times.
The two main problems are a) there is always the possibility that sexual feelings or romantic feelings will arise and ruin the friendship, and b) if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, then it is quite natural that they would feel jealous and worry about you two. In addition, it can look bad to people who don’t know what is going on, but have all kinds of suspicions.
There are many relationships where these issues don’t come up, and others where they do come up but are resolved satisfactorily. As always, good, honest communication is key, and you have to be able to talk about expectations and feelings, so you can smooth over things where you see it differently.
If by friend you mean “good acquaintance” then, yeah, sure.
what if by friend i mean best friend
Yes, it is possible. Evidence: experience.
I cannot help feeling that a culture that feels that men and women cannot be friends without romance is a bit scary. What sort of family environment makes young people think that all men/women relationships need to be like husband-and-wife, instead of some being brother-and-sister?
Yes. Most of my friends are girls. Most of those female friends are attractive. Most of those attractive female friends have not been considered for anything other than friendship. the only reason (in my experience) that people think heterosexual opposite gender friends cannot stay as such is because they are fed the idea by society at large. If you’re a guy and a giant raging hornball who would hump an effeminate rock, then maybe you can’t.
This question was just asked last week – of course people can be friends with the opposite sex, and no romance involved.
Only if they’re GAY :D
Lol jk…Uhm, sure some friendships like that work but honestly, most of them end up SOMEWHERE if you know what i mean.
No. One of them would have to be attracted to the other.
Of course they can. At various times in my life I’ve had best friends of both genders that I never ended up romantically involved with. We were great friends, but just not interested in each other in ‘that way’. Friendship comes about from common interests, common experiences, and a meeting of minds. Sex and gender have nothing to do with it. That doesn’t mean that friendships never change into romance, but that doesn’t always happen.
Romance pretty much requires some amount of friendship to succeed, but friendship doesn’t require romance. The same is true for romians or monians. Anytime its possible for two people to be romantically involved, it’s still possible for them to be friends without any romantic or sexual desire. It doesn’t matter if they are a romian man and woman, two lesbians, or two dorians it’s always possible to be friends if you have enough things in common.
The main difference about this type of friendship is that all the people involved need to be secure with themselves. Not only the friends themselves, but any partners they have. Actually insecurities can always cause problems in any friendship or relationships. If you have an insecure lover, they may be jealous of your friend if they think they could be a threat. If everyone isn’t secure with themselves, then you will likely end up either losing your friend or losing your lover. I don’t like jealousy, so I usually don’t end up with people in which it becomes a problem.
Note: If you don’t know what romian and monian means go visit
Yeah, I guess. Most of my friends are Men. They all started out slightly romantic but I shot them down, so here we are.
Actually I have many women friends. The issue of sexuality never raised its ugly head for several reasons: 1. Most of them are lesbian, 2. I was known to be utterly loyal to my wife while she was alive and 3. The antidepressant medication I have had to take since her death effectively removes all sexual feelings on my part. Even before I met my wife, I seemed to get along better with adult women better than men. I related to them as people, not potential sex partners. I would frequently accompany groups of women friends when they went “bar hopping”. I was the “designated driver” (my grandfathers old Packard can seat 8) and my presence (6’5” 240 lbs) discouraged creeps from bothering them. I’m not gay, but I’ve always been more comfortable dealing with people as people, rather than sexual objects. My Aspergers Syndrome makes it almost impossible for me to tell if someone is flirting with me, so to be safe I assume that no one is interested.
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