General Question

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Is the worst thing about taxes, knowing that you worked your ass off for that cash and know full well that some of it is going to strippers?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) April 15th, 2010 from iPhone

Nothing against strippers but I don’t see how that helps the country.

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15 Answers

laureth's avatar

Links please?

coogan's avatar

wtf, is this a “meals on heels” deal going on here? If it’s a program to help them get an education = better life and they pay taxes back…I guess so.

ubersiren's avatar

…or a hundred other shady goings-on. Even not so shady things. Some are all out in the open (War). There are tons of programs I object my money going to.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Not claiming any specific event here but almost assuredly, we’ve all paid for some ridiculous expenditure that was in no way reasonable.
Strippers is used as a metaphor for these ridiculous abuses of taxpayer money.

laureth's avatar

Captain, it doesn’t matter what they spend it on, from feeding needy babies to science research to faith-based initiatives to nuclear bombs, someone is going to think it’s a ridiculous waste of money. The only way to avoid this is for each family to become a microcountry, and even then there would be money squabbles. If you try that, let me know how it works out for you.

ubersiren's avatar

That’s my cue to exit :)

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Why are you grumpy?

you know I have to put you in the “yes” column now.

talljasperman's avatar

no thats the best thing… strippers gotta eat too

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Worse to me is knowing my tax money is spent on retarded funding for universities to study more erectile dysfunction stuff.

Factotum's avatar

@Neizvestnaya Speaking as a penis I believe that erectile dysfunction is the most serious problem facing the world today.

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

“This would be a great country if it wasn’t for _________.”

meagan's avatar

I guess strippers could be applied to baby mama mama mamas. (Whats the difference, really?)
And hell yeah, that shit pisses me right the hell off!

laureth's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy – I’m not grumpy, I’m just pointing that out. There are definitely reasons to complain about government, especially when they’re messing up, but taking general potshots just seems… unpatriotic.

mattbrowne's avatar

Sorry, cheap polemics and hasty generalizations.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Seeing as I can’t get out of paying my taxes, I try not to think about what it goes on. The way I see it, I get free health care when I need it, my rubbish is collected weekly, the roads where I live are usually well maintained (although the recent bout of snow caused pot holes to appear which they are still trying to fill in) etc etc because of all these things and probably many more I don’t begrudge paying a certain amount of taxes because I do benefit from it.

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