General Question

VoodooLogic's avatar

good freeware CD ISO burner?

Asked by VoodooLogic (732points) March 10th, 2008

tried silentnight burner, but it reads files much bigger than the windows in NFTS. my ISO tips it over the 700 mark and refuses to burn it to CD. Anybody rely on another ISO burner that’s free?

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7 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

On Windows I use or Nero. Nero isn’t free but it is the most robust burning program that I have found.

VoodooLogic's avatar

sweet, it’s working great. To speak to my bad bad bad grammar; I’m at work, sometimes it’s in my best interest to craft a hasty response…

P1nk_D3ath's avatar

use DVD decrypter, or to save yourself a DVD just mount the image with daemon tools. Both are free!!!!!

Just google daemon tools or DVD decrypter

VoodooLogic's avatar

no can do, it’s a LIVE CD of ubuntu for a crashed laptop. I have used DVD decrypter (heh heh). Alcohol %52 is also a good image-mounting free program.

zarnold's avatar

I’m a fan of “imgburn’

P1nk_D3ath's avatar

try poweriso
Idk if its free, if its not just go to and get it

8lightminutesaway's avatar

poweriso is great, I love it. And yeah, its available for free though you might need to register it to convert files over a certain size or something. Keygens exist for it….. though I have never ever used it, I swear. Keygens are bad. :p

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