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Pandora's avatar

Do bees like all flowers?

Asked by Pandora (32549points) April 16th, 2010

I’m getting a bee problem on my porch. I can’t seem to find any nests near by but these bees don’t seem interested in my flowers. I’m not sure if they are bees or maybe a hornet or something similar. I did find one place of interest and that was a empty pot that had a ton of flower under it. I washed it out with bleach and let the bleach sit there. They only hover around it now and fly off. But if they were bees why did they show no interest in the flowers near by?

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5 Answers

Ame_Evil's avatar

I don’t think they like venus fly traps very much.

silverfly's avatar

I think bees are more attracted to pollen and sugar. I have a humming bird feeder that had little yellow plastic flowers on it and the bees found it and swarmed the whole feeder, consuming the sugar. So, I took the feeder down, removed the yellow flowers and bees are no longer a nuisance. So maybe they like yellow the best.

If they are wasps, you’ll be able to find a honeycomb nest hanging somewhere under an eve or awning. Most bees are just scavenging for food, so there must be something they’re interested in in that area. You might try putting a bowl of sugar water somewhere else to deter them from your porch.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Well, let’s put it this way… I like my work, but if someone had a stash of cash in plain view that was mine for the taking, one bill at a time, then I’d probably do that instead, if it was easier and more lucrative.

Collecting pollen from flowers is work for bees. It’s what they do, and I guess they do it ‘gladly’ (if they have any feeling about it at all), but if there’s easier food available that’s what they ‘work’ for so of course they’ll go after that instead.

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Pandora's avatar

Oh, I meant a ton of pollen not a ton of flower. Guess some of you got that. LOL

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