@free_fallin The most devious sexual crimes occur as a result of sexual appetites that are set from a very, very young age. Some people (mostly men) can be rehabilited, such as some who are in prison for raping an adult (male or female), for example. But that’s because the motivaton behind the crime wasn’t sexual. It was about control. Those are two totally different animals. One can be cured. The other cannot.
A child molester will always be attracted to children. It is permanently set in their psychological make-up. You can’t beat it out of them, counsel it out of them, threaten it out of them, or lengthy-prison-sentence it out of them. It is as pointless as trying to change a gay person into a straight person. It will never happen. In the end, these offenders will lie to you, maybe even lie to themselves, just to find peace with it. They know they cannot change it, but it took the rest of us hundreds of years to discover that.
They can feel the absolute lack of change inside themselves, even after recent decades of intense counseling, so they end up feeling guilty about that, too. Eventually, they give up all hope, accept that they are monsters, and end up playing the counseling game, because there is nothing they can do about it. Expecting a person to do something they are incapable of, and punishing them for decades because of it, is a horribly inhumane way of dealing with this. That, in itself, is cruel and unusual punishment!
DNA evidence won’t help the falsely accused from the days of yore, nor will finally understanding how the brains of sexual deviants works differently than a normal brain help those who are currently imprisoned, but it’s a damn good start. With those two diagnostic tools, one day this will be effectively handled. Police now accept that eye witness accounts and line-ups is a horrendously flawed and unreliable way to locate the real perpertator.
But with the exhorbitant cost of provide clothing, housing and food to each inmate, when they could be out earning thier own living, outweighs the miserable failure of the mentality behind the system which we currently employ. The “lock em up and throw away the key” mentality has only served to punish communities by forcing heavier and heavier tax burdens on them, even though they haven’t done anything wrong, themselves. We’re victimizing every single society for the ills of the few. This is unacceptable.
Castration, as a diametrically opposed alternative to imprisonment, is presented to the accused as a choice. Every inmate has the right to choose it, or not. How much more fair could we be? The criminal goes from being a burden, to becoming a productive citizen. He is rewarded for his decision by being given his freedom. Castration is a reward, not a punishment.