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john65pennington's avatar

Does this apply to the "open container law?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) April 16th, 2010

Most states now have laws pertaining to drivers and the open container law. this means its a violation of law for the driver to be behind the wheel with an open can or bottle of alcohol. it appears this law only applies to beer, so here is my question: what if the driver has a styrofoam cup filled with vodka and has a lid on the cup with a straw coming out the top? i know the answer, but i thought this would be a good question for maybe those people that do not know the answer. so, is this or is this not a law violation?

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8 Answers

jaytkay's avatar

it appears this law only applies to beer

?? Really?

plethora's avatar

Had no idea it just applied to beer. Logically, the scene you describe should be a violation. But if the law applies only to beer, maybe it isn’t a violation. It should be.

thriftymaid's avatar

Of course it’s a violation of law. Anyone old enough to drink should be able to make this determination.

laureth's avatar

Hard to give an answer, without reading the full content of the law. is there a site where the law can be read in its entirety? ;)

That said, I would be surprised to hear it was just beer. (Evidently, the state doesn’t want their highway funds?) From here:

To comply with the federal program, a state’s open container law must:

1. prohibit both possession of any open alcoholic beverage container and consumption of any alcoholic beverage;

2. cover the passenger area of any motor vehicle, including unlocked glove compartments and any other areas of the vehicle that are readily accessible to the driver or passengers while in their seats;

3. apply to all open alcoholic beverage containers and all alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, and spirits that contain 0. 5% or more of alcohol by volume (including 3. 2% beer);

4. apply to all vehicle occupants except for passengers of vehicles designed, maintained, or used primarily for the transportation of people for compensation (such as buses, taxi cabs, and limousines), or the living quarters of motor homes;

5. apply to all vehicles on a public highway or the right-of-way (i. e. on the shoulder) of a public highway; and

6. require primary enforcement of the law, rather than requiring probable cause that another violation had been committed before allowing enforcement of the open container law.

mass_pike4's avatar

the straw is what makes it an open container

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

I don’t think it applies. I’ve had sodas in a college computer lab in a container like that and they don’t say anything. I know there’s a big difference

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

In CA you can’t have booze in the car such that you’ll be able to drink it.

stratman37's avatar

why not just call the Police Station and ask them? It’s not like they’re gonna come arrest you just for asking.

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