Do you sometimes engage in a normally fun social activity "by yourself"?
There are many fun activities that are normally done in groups or with more than one person, like going to see a movie, going out to a sit-down restaurant, etc. Do you sometimes do it alone? For example, do you sometimes go see a movie in a theatre all by yourself instead of with a friend or family? Or go to a restaurant all by yourself? How do you feel when you do that? Do you ever feel “self-conscious” about the fact you’re by yourself and that other people may be wondering why you’re all alone?
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29 Answers
I often go to the movies and other social events here by myself because there will always be people I know. One of the advantages of living in a small town is that everyone knows your name (and often your business).
I never feel self-conscious and often enjoy having the freedom to come and go on my terms. When I see others who are alone, I don’t give it a second thought.
And often I end up hanging out with at least one other acquaintance if I feel like it.
I love going to the movies by myself; in fact, I went to one last night and am going to another one today. It feels like a treat to me.
To paraphrase an old jingle:
“I love myself,
I think I’m grand,
I sit in the movies and hold my hand.”
I often do things alone that can also be a group activity. I’ll eat alone in a restaurant when away from home, sometimes go to a show or play if I am in the mood. I enjoy my own company and appreciate it when I can get time alone.
Basically I don’t care about what people think about me. It’s my life,my right,and my money. I can do anything I want as long as I don’t hurt other people. Sometime I prefer to do it all by myself for privacy reason. If I see people seem comment/look at me when I do all those thing by myself I’ll just think that they’re just envy,and their words are as unworthy as themselves.
The reason why I asked this question is because I recently went to a city dog show (I live in a big city) all by myself. The show was attended by a lot of “suburban-type” families, so when I was there, quite a few people (people that I know) asked me “Are you here with your wife?” and “Would your kids like to see the chihuahuas?” Lol. They automatically assumed I was with my family, but because my littlest one is allergic to dog dander, she couldn’t go with me. It’s funny how people assume that just because you have a family, you “should” always be doing something with them together, or as a couple with your wife. Just because I’m happily married with small children doesn’t mean I should stop doing things I like by myself, right? I still enjoy my sense of freedom and independence doing things “alone”. Sigh. Lol. The only thing I don’t like is attending such “social” events and then going home with no one to share what you experienced. But I guess the fun was only for myself., anyhow. :)
Karaoke! I sing horribly and I am too shy to sing in front of people. The fun of karaoke is taking turns and listening. When I am at a karaoke party I just listen and do not sing, missing out on half the fun. When I go home I sometimes go to karaoke sites where you can record yourself singing to songs (there are many.) But I don’t share my off tone screeching with others.
I like to take solo road tripsand enjoy it very much!I don’t have a problem doing anything by myself :)
I got over all that long ago. I often plan activities alone. Most of the time if I eat out I’ll be alone.
The funny thing is, sometimes I plan things alone, then when friends hear what I’m planning to do, it ends up being a group thing. That’s ok too.
But I’ve learned if i want it to stay solo, I don’t mention it until after the fact.
I’m my own best company. :)
I dont like to be alone, its lonely. unless i need to think.
Yes, I do this a lot and no, I don’t feel self-conscious about it. Sometimes a little bit of lonliness creeps in but not very often.
I never do, but I feel so sorry for the people I see eating alone at the restaurants, sometimes they look at me and my boyfriend, we are laughing and talking and makes me sad :-(
All the time. Feels fine. I just take a book, to places like restaurants. Usually the book is a better conversationalist than other people would have been.
I don’t notice if I get looks or not. After being a social pariah for so many things, I quit caring about that.
@laureth: One man’s social pariah is another’s original individualist.
About the only group activity that I normally do alone is driving. Whenever I go to school, it’s a 12-hour drive. Everyone else I know from my state carpools to get back, but I have only taken someone with me once. I much prefer to make the trip alone.
I also enjoy hiking and camping alone. I used to eat alone at restaurants, but I don’t really do that anymore. I’ve gotten to where I would rather share most things with at least one other person rather than just them myself. Being alone in the car or the woods is cathartic for me; other activities are just more fun when I can share the joy with a friend.
Since the things I like to do alone aren’t normally around a lot of other people, there aren’t any observers to consider. So, it would be rather strange if I managed to feel self-conscious about them.
I sometimes love to go to a resturante all by myself, I go and enjoy my meal. But to be truthful it’s always more fun with friends.
@bobbinhood : don’t you get scare when you go to sleep while camping?
@Ludy Not in the least. I love the outdoors.
For the first 38 years of my life I did things that way. Now I’m learning to do it again.. The problem is, when you’re depressed you really don’t want to be around others who are having a good time. It’s hard to enjoy a concert or a restaurant meal when you really don’t want to be around other people.
aah summer evenings spent playing scrabble solo.. good times
@TheOnlyException: When I was first learning how to play bridge, I used to deal all four hands and play by myself.
I go see movies on my own and eat at the restaurent on my own so often that it seems natural to me, so I don’t feel anything particular or ask myself anything. If people think it’s odd, well fuck em.
I also drink on my own most of the time, too. But that’s something else entirely. >_>
I love going to the movies by myself.
I go out to eat at sit down restaurants alone, I go to movies alone, and if people have a problem with that… They need to gain some self confidence.
I have on more than one occasion but sometimes other people’s insecurities are annoying. If you live your life as if your self esteem is based on some social status I find that most unhealthy. The people who kill themselves after they lose their wealth or position are among these. There whole life is tenuous and based on appearances.
I remember this one time I was pulled over speeding and the officer asked where I was coming from. I told him I had just come back from a fishing trip. He looked at me quizzically and said “Alone?”. To which I replied, “Yes”. He then said, “Is it that bad?”, as if I was suicidal or something! It was just so weird to me that he was pitying me and I was looking at him as if he was completely pitiful. (Of course I kept my mouth shut and got out of the ticket though.) Here was this “big bad ass” state trooper and he couldn’t imagine getting in his car and going somewhere without a “support system” to prop him up. LOL
Also I’ll do social anytime but I don’t have to do anything.
Going to a movie by yourself is awesome if you feel like being by yourself. You won’t have the problem of people talking to you during the duration of the movie and you have the pleasure of enjoying the snacks all to yourself. lol! But thats not good to do all the time. Movies are defiantly more fun with a significant other then by yourself.
Yes. It’s like a social palate cleanser. Many times, I’d rather see a movie , have coffee or eat by myself.
I like to go paint balling alone…
I often go out by myself. Dinner, shows (not movies as much as plays or live performances), just out shopping or for a drive. It gives me a freedom I don’t otherwise have because my friends and I are all busy people and I can’t always call them up at 5 and say, “Hey, I want to go out to dinner, coming?” Though a few years ago, I went to a comedy show and the woman next to me was really concerned that I was there alone. She was with her sister but she kept talking to me and trying to make sure I wasn’t some sort of hermit for being there alone, which ironically left her sister totally ignored and alone!
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