General Question

Blackberry's avatar

What does this sign mean (link inside)?

Asked by Blackberry (34377points) April 17th, 2010

Just wondering…..I’m trying to figure something out…What does this cross mean?

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15 Answers

kittybee's avatar

It’s a maltese cross. Not sure what it means though.

Your_Majesty's avatar

Should it means something? I think the one who made it just like the way it looks like. What it means could be vary and subjective.

Blackberry's avatar

Yeah I didn’t know it was called a Maltese cross so I looked it up and it does mean multiple things.

MagsRags's avatar

I see the website it cam from specializes in selling confederate/civil war currency and old license plates. How do they have this product described?

MissAnthrope's avatar

It’s actually a Prussian cross (or Iron Cross).. It is a military decoration.

Blackberry's avatar

@MagsRags Motorcycle guys use it, but it means different things in different countries.

Blackberry's avatar

Well, if anyone is curious, I was trying to explain to a white supremacist that his tattoo with this cross followed by the word ‘Power’ doesn’t really mean anything aryan, besides the german airforce. I do not know exactly if I was right though, it seems the cross means many things so it could be related to aryan power if he wanted it to.

ragingloli's avatar

It is the Iron Cross, a German military decoration

MagsRags's avatar

I would say the maltese cross has not been as fully co-opted as an aryan symbol as they managed with the swastika but there is certainly an association in many people’s minds.

Blackberry's avatar

@MagsRags Yeah it seems so, thanks a lot.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

There is a builder of custom motorcycles (can’t recall his name) who uses the Maltese Cross as a sort of trademark.

augustlan's avatar

There is a definite link to aryan groups and Hitler. Not cool.

JeffVader's avatar

I suspect it’s derived from the german / Prussian Iron Cross. Over the years it’s been adopted by many right-wing & neo-nazi groups.

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