If you were God, would you reveal yourself to all of humanity, and if so, how would you choose to accomplish this?
How would you reveal yourself in such a manner that it would leave no doubt in the minds of anyone?
For what reasons do you choose to reveal yourself?
Why would you not reveal yourself to a degree of no doubt?
How would you deal with those who still chose to reject you?
What do you expect to happen because of your choice to reveal yourself?
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24 Answers
You mean you haven’t recognized me yet?
Yes, and I would instantly turn the entire planet into a paradise, remove the predisposition to violence,greed and malice from Humanity’s genetic make-up, teach them the knowledge to create clean, abundant and safe energy, as well as matter synthesis, and make Mars a habitable planet, all of that with a snap of my fingers.
Those who reject my divinity I would leave alone, because why would I care? I am not that vain and egocentric.
Oh so he’s a flasher now is he, good lord the dirty old bugger.I’m betting he has an almighty appendage.
What do you mean if? And I’ve been trying to reveal myself on this site for two years now.
Spread the word, wouldja?
Would I reveal myself to all of humanity?
Yes. Religious wars and religious terrorists would be a thing of the past.
How would I reveal myself?
That would require far more thinking than my brain can handle at present time. :)
For what reasons would I choose to reveal myself?
Exactly as stated above- It would take away one more reason for anger and violence.
How would I deal with those who still reject me?
Some may find this cheesy, but…
I (currently) believe we are reincarnated until we learn life’s lesson of being capable of giving and receiving unconditional love freely and openly. When people have accomplished this, they would become a part of me (whether they knew it or not) and no one can deny their own existince.
What do you expect to happen because of your choice to reveal yourself?
There would be markedly less hatred throughout the globe. Human error would still exist, so not much would chenge beyond that.
I’d show up to one of those westboro baptist church protests and slap Fred Phelps
If you want to be a God that means you envy the God. I don’t think competition is allowed if you really believed in your God. I’m just the humble human being,and I like the way I am.
I’m on sale on ebay, my image burnt into a slice of Hovis… ;)
I’d plant myself in their hearts.
I think I would do a simultaneous “mind cast” through everybody’s REM sleep patterns. By creating a “coming out” dream in everybody’s mind, that would be scientifically impossible to ignore.
heck no. People would think you are nuts. How would God figure out he is God anyhow?
You would end up shot or locked up. Unless you could shoot lightning bolts out your wrist.
How would you reveal yourself in such a manner that it would leave no doubt in the minds of anyone?
I would come right down to Earth, and answer people’s problems with my rulings – since I would have infinite wisdom, there would be no further debating the matter. I would then begin to teach people how to lead better lives, and I would give everyone the opportunity to live a fulfilling life before they died. No one would die until they were comfortable with the thought, and every person would be given the chance to reason with my decisions.
For what reasons do you choose to reveal yourself?
Why not? There is no reason for mystery.
Why would you not reveal yourself to a degree of no doubt?
I would – there would be no further doubt of my judgements or my existence.
How would you deal with those who still chose to reject you?
They could go on their merry way and live without knowing me.
What do you expect to happen because of your choice to reveal yourself?
The world would become a better place, thanks to my improvements.
I’d come down and heal the people with broken <3’s. I’d prove to them, by doing things that are impossible for humans todo. I’d have Jesus standing right beside me.
So the unsure people’s faith would grow.
I would. I love and know God is real. there’s no doubt in my mind or <3.
Welp. I’d probably be a little upset. Buut I cant change tha fact or level of faith they havee. I’d accept it;
Well. Honestly I think more people would believe and have faith, Not only would tha world be better, buut so would people’s minds, <3 and soul(;
Imma Jesus Freak [:
Andd ish very proud,.
Every once in a while I would write “I am watching you” in the clouds just to remind people that there is a god.
Since nothing is known about god except through interpreters, it is safe to assume that god does not and never has existed.
@Ron_C Amen brother ;) God…nothing more than a legitimate imaginary friend
@AliHay Many people do believe in God and for one its mostly brought a lot of killing to this earth! I’ld say the basic teachings of any religion are the basis for a great society but the rest and all the interpretation that makes it a religion is the bad bit.
I don’t know. Maybe go on a GOD world tour. And make my non believers crawl on their bellies like snakes for eternity? Isn’t that biblical?
The rest would be pretty awesome. I’d banish body odor, make everyone wear my favorite perfume, end world hunger, stop the terrible diamond mine slavery, etc. Oh, and I’d bring a harsh wrath on the baby mamas and crack heads. They’d probably have to pay back my taxes and WIC or something.
I would offer a cosmic jackpot consisting of a universe bursting with evolutionary possibilities.
@Tobotron “Imaginary friend” you must have read Richard Dawkins.
Young sir, he’s not maade up.
And Imma pray for the people who dont believe in him,
You can try and not believe in God, all you want.
Wouldnt you rather go through life, believing in and loving him, finding out he isnt real, than to just totally say, Wtf and not believe in him, and to goto hell, never loving and getting to know God.?
@AliHay Why on earth would I love an imagined bloodthirsty megalomaniac, who is incapable of tolerating differing points of view? In life we can only ever believe what we think is most likely to be true based on the available evidence. I can see no reason why a god or a hell would exist, so I do not believe they do.
>>implying that if there is a deity, it must be the JudeoChristian God
What if you are worshiping the wrong god and end up with similar bad fate because you did not worship the right one? There are literally thousands of gods worshipped in Human history, all with the same amount of probability of existence, due to the total absence of evidence. The likelyhood that you are worshipping the right god is less than 0.02 percent.
I do not want to waste my time on worship, prayer and countless sundays in church, cut myself out from countless potential social links with people not worshipping my specific god, staying ignorant of vast portions of reality in favour of ancient superstitious myths, just for that teeny weeny chance that I am right.
The same reason I do not play the lottery, which is actually slightly better in terms of chances of being right because in the Lottery, some people actually win.
I’m very sad, and soreeh you dont believe in him.
I know there’s not evidence to you.
Buut A man/Woman who has faith, takes the first step without having to or seeing the whole staircasee.
I wish you had fauth and I’ll pray as much as i can for youu.
With God, you win.
He <3’s you.
Reguardless of you’re actions and sins.
I hope to see yaaah in Heaven
That’s where I’ll bee (:
At tha end.
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