Why do individuals who participate in search parties dress in camouflage ?
Recently there was an extensive search in a Florida swamp for an 11 year old girl.
I noticed many of the participants were dressed entirely in camouflage ? Is there a reason for this?
(*they looked exactly as my uncle when he goes turkey hunting)
I understand why my uncle does it !
Did they wanted to sneak up on the girl ?
it is my understanding she wanted to get rescued,she wasn’t a runaway.
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10 Answers
They want to look really cool and official for the local news cameras.
I reckon they know they’re in for some flak,but go right ahead for the sheer hell of it.
When you go into the wilderness you want to be appropriately attired for the outdoors. If you go to outdoor clothing centers, for the waterproof or hardy outdoors type clothing, a lot of it is camo because many people buy such clothing for hunting.
They may be National Guard and wearing the uniforms they are instructed to wear.
“Did they want to sneak up on the girl ?”
LOL! I think the reason they wear camo is the same reason NFL players have diamond earrings and businessmen in a clubhouse wear Polo Shirts: Because the guy next to them did it.
b/c it’s hick Florida (says the guy from Florida)
I’d say it was probably practical, like the gear was waterproof etc, and it just happened that it was also in camouflage.
If you had the duds, what would you waer them to – a bar mitzvah?
Like @escapedone7 said, alot of the camouflage gear is well suited to the outdoors because of the quality. Also, the National Guard or a militia or something may have been on camera. Oh yeah, and some people might just want to look cool, as @dpworkin said.
I don’t live anywhere near swamps but I have lived in rural areas where there are hunters that hunt deer in the woods. The hunters would be the very ones to turn out looking for a missing person in the woods because they know the territory better than outsiders would.
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