I think folks like seeing a celebrity “fall” because of how so many tend to put them on a precariously shaky pedestal in the first place. Folks get bitter that the person is elevated, even though they feed into it by watching celebrity-centered shows and buying gossip mags.
For consumption, I offer what Billy Payne, Chairman of the Augusta National Golf Club, had to say regarding Tiger Woods on national TV:
“It is not simply the degree of his conduct that is so egregious here. It is the fact that he disappointed all of us, and more importantly, our kids and our grandkids.”
“Our hero did not live up to his status as a role model,” Payne said during his annual state of the Masters news conference. “I hope that he realizes every kid he walks by would love to have his swing but will settle for his smile.”
He also said that “Woods won’t be judged in the future solely on his performance as a golfer, but by the sincerity of his efforts to change as a person”.
First of all – hero?? His status?? Role model?? Who creates this “status”, if not the population? That’s our first mistake, and its a big one. Tiger is a golf pro, nothing more. Additionally, his only role in Augusta is hitting a ball with a stick all the way to a tiny hole. If people are so upset that they, their children, and their grandhildren, are mourning their “wayward hero”, then maybe it’s OUR fault that we’ve encouraged them to elevate another human being, who comes complete with faults, to such lofty expectations.
My husband and I watched the Billy Payne news bite with slacked jaws. We couldn’t believe that a person actually had the unmtitigated gall to go on National TV with such seething comments, when their only role in Tiger’s life is to provide a well-manicured course. What business is it of Billy Payne’s to dare suggest that “Cheetah” Woods will be held to exacting specifications based on his moral behavior outside his profession?
As far as we are concerned, the only players who matter in this fiasco Tiger created, besides Elin and the children and family, are the companies who pay this man millions of dollars to display their products based on his carefully managed image. Anybody having complaints, beyond the aforementioned people, especially if they take so much pride in being Godly people, need to go confess to a priest how they have such a screwed up set of values. Then they can beg forgiveness for the mistakes they made themselves, yet happily turned around and blamed someone else.