Meta Question

Rangie's avatar

What is the funniest thing. that was on the receiving end of your bad temper?

Asked by Rangie (3667points) April 18th, 2010

I remember when I had a new outfit, I had just washed for the first time. I put it out on the line. My dog decided to chew the legs of of my $90 pants suit. I went running out of the house, I was going to kick her) I was barefoot and stepped in a hole the dog dug in my yard, and I broke my foot.

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34 Answers

OpryLeigh's avatar

The only thing I don’t take my bad temper out on is my dogs!!!

gailcalled's avatar

I was driving up a steep hill here where the road crew had filled in the pot holes with rather large and sharp stones, instead of delicate gravel.

My intentions had been to put a small piece of orange surveyer’s tape on some bloodroot that was growing wild (with the plan of later digging up a few pieces for my shade garden.)

Just the thought alone must have been sinful since I drove over a sharp rock and got a flat tire. This was on Thurs. New tire and labor cost me $240.

Rangie's avatar

@Leanne1986 After that, neither did I. I got the message loud and clear.

Rangie's avatar

@gailcalled how so? what did you do to yourself that was so funny? come on, tell us.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I punched a rock that wouldn’t stay in place in the wall I was building. $800 medical bill and couldn’t do any more stonemasonry for 8 weeks until the cast came off. The rock got the last laugh.

gailcalled's avatar

dpworkin is complimenting me on being amusing at times and also announcing that he has made some very bad-tempered remarks that were directed towards me. His answer was shorter and therefore, funnier.

Rangie's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land ouch. I wonder why the funny instances, are things that come back and bite us.

Discrumt's avatar

My guitar. When I smashed it (for being a P.O.S.) The body came back just to give me a black eye. :(

Rangie's avatar

@gailcalled Thank for your attempt, but not funny. your are sweet anyway.

dpworkin's avatar

This question was edited so that my answer is no longer accurate.

Rangie's avatar

@dpworkin I believe it is customary to ID the person you are directing your remark to. Otherwise the person that wrote the Q, assumes it is directed to them, just as you just did in your last remark. Now back to the Q. What was funny that Gailcalled received?

Rangie's avatar

So, the damper has been put on what I thought would be fun. So let’s move on to another Q. Thanks for your funny stories. I could see some of them happening. Thanks

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

I’d love to see the recipient’s view on whether or not your bad temper was funny to them.
I’d hazard to say it probably wasn’t received with the same glee in which it was dispensed.

gailcalled's avatar

@Rangie; Viz; Your question. “Gail is the funniest thing that has been on the receiving end of dpworkin’s bad temper” is a paraphrase of his answer of “You,” which was directed at me. I guess you had to be there.

Rangie's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy you got that right. Maybe everybody takes themselves to seriously. Or just didn’t get it. I tend to laugh when I don’t get it. But, I also follow up with just kidding if I see a look of disapproval.

Rangie's avatar

@gailcalled I believe he has been around here long enough to know, when you direct an answer to someone, you first put their name up so they and everybody else knows where it is going. Not my misunderstanding. Still looking for an answer to the Q. Either way if his intentions were directed to you or me, it was not an answer to the Q.
end of story.

gailcalled's avatar

@Rangie: You sound really cross. Sorry. There can be some flippancy here; some of us love it and others don’t. Don’t feel you have to laugh when you don’t get it. There may be nothing to get.

Rangie's avatar

@gailcalled I am sorry, I don’t mean to be cross with you, you apparently are not privy to my uncomfortable situation with the delivery person of “you”. So we should probably leave it alone. I just don’t need self absorbed people in my life.

chyna's avatar

@Rangie You need to get over yourself. @gailcalled is quite hilarious and so is @dpworkin when they feed off each other. You obviously haven’t been here long enough to “get” their joking with each other. If you don’t “get it” leave it alone, don’t criticize long term users.

Pandora's avatar

I wanted to create a beautiful collage for my son and needed to scan some pictures. The scanner was not working at all and I got pissed at it and kicked it hard. Realized as it flew that it wasn’t plugged into the cpu and that was why it wasn’t working. I had to go out an buy a new one the next day because of course I broke it. :(
It was funny because I forgot I was the one who actually unplugged it to put in another piece of equipment that I was using.

Rangie's avatar

@Pandora That is the kind of things I have found myself doing. And it always hurts just me. Well, I guess that is better than hurting someone else. It is not so bad when you are the only one that knows about it, but when you do it in front of somebody it really hurts. lol

Rangie's avatar

@chyna I don’t believe I ask for your input. I had already handled it. If you don’t have anything to contribute to the Q, then I suggest you go to a Q where you will.

chyna's avatar

@Rangie You post a question on here, you ask for everyones input.

Rangie's avatar

@chyna input on the Question yes. What did your opinion have to do with it?

Pandora's avatar

@Rangie Yep, its called karma. Whether a person believes in it or not, things always come around to bite you in the butt if your being a butt.

YARNLADY's avatar

I once tossed my husbands favorite mug into a sink in protest to his excessive drinking, but a few years, and a new husband later, I just ran out in the garage and screamed for awhile rather than throw some very expensive china dishes.

Rangie's avatar

@Pandora Karma is one of the reasons I don’t believe in revenge. You don’t have to do anything. It comes back to bite when they least expect it. We might never know, but that doesn’t matter, we don’t need to know.

faye's avatar

I was stomping home from somewhere just furious and as I walked I kicked snow into the air until I kicked the mound that covered a construction brick! Then I transferred my fury to myself for being so stupid as to kick the brick in running shoes, then the back door overlight was off and I couldn’t see where to get the ******* key in!!! I went to bed furious and in pain.

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] I don’t think we need to be criticizing old or new members, guys. Let’s take it easy, ok?

rangerr's avatar

In your details, are you implying that you ran out of your house so you could kick your dog?

Rangie's avatar

@rangerr No, my intention was not to kick the dog. I ran out to see the damage. Back then I had a quick temper, and it was not my style to harm person or animal. But, without thinking I found myself heading after the dog to kick it. Thank goodness something intervened and ironically I stepped into a hole, which the dog dug, and broke my foot. Consequently, I have carried a good lesson with me for 45 years, which causes me to stop and think, before I act. I guess that is what we call,” we live and we learn”.

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