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Do you think this was an ethical decision (please read description)
I recently read a case study about a young women who went to the doctors because she was experiencing pain during sex, and wanted to have children, but had never had her period.
She was an attractive girl, with a loving husband….and appeared to be like any other women in their 20s.
However, after a thorough investigation, doctors found that her vagina was only 4cm long, she didn’t have a properly developed uterus, and actually had internal testicles in her abdomen.
Blood tests revealed that she was genetically male, and suffered from complete androgenic insensitivity syndrome (basically means that “he” has defective testosterone receptors, so while in the womb, developed physically into more of a female…because the testes release “female” hormones as well as “male” hormones).
Anyway the doctors suggested surgery to lengthen her vagina, told her she was infertile, suggested her and her husband consider adoption, and sent her on her way.
They never told her the truth about her condition. To this day she has no idea….yet her case study is in the pages of my text book.
Do you think it was right of the doctors to keep this information from the patient?
If it was you, would you have preferred to know the truth?
How do you think doctors came to the conclusion it was best not to tell her?
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