Meta Question

robmandu's avatar

Is the Fluther Topics cloud up to date?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) April 19th, 2010

Over on the right side of the main Fluther page (not for you mobile device users), there’s the list of hot Fluther topics. It would appear that “iPhone” is the hottest topic. It’s displayed larger and with a darker color font than all others.

However, when I dug a little deeper, I found that “love” clearly beats out “iPhone”. Mainly in that “love” returns 83 pages of questions versus only 77 pages for “iPhone”.

Is there some special sauce is the ranking algorithm besides raw count that determines a topic’s primacy in the cloud? Or is it just a static snapshot from long ago?

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9 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

@robmandu Maybe it goes by how often they are answered & asked?

kenmc's avatar

They look exactly the same as when I joined Fluther, which was over a year ago.

Fred931's avatar


I forsee another poo-hat!

timtrueman's avatar

Topics are due for an update and we’re aware of this issue.

rangerr's avatar

@timtrueman You mean… you boys can’t fix everything at once? Slacker McSlackersons!

wundayatta's avatar

Will it be a dynamic topic cloud, or just another snap shot that lasts a year or two…. or three? Inquiring minds want to know. ;P

erichw1504's avatar

Or will it be a futuristic topic cloud that predicts what topics will be the next most popular ones and updates in real time right in front of you?

The possibilities are endless!

Fred931's avatar

Or you could just replace it with an internet link that presses the ICBM launch button in the oval office. Best. Link. Evah.

erichw1504's avatar

Removed by me.

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