Social Question

ucme's avatar

What would be the worst or even best pick up line you've heard or maybe used & did any actually pay off?

Asked by ucme (50052points) April 19th, 2010

Cheesy or cool one liners to impress when you’re young free & single & looking for love. Some examples of each if you please.

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17 Answers

janbb's avatar

Him (after asking me if I had some scotchtape and I said no):
“What good are you?”
Me: “I’ll show you sometime.”

Started one of the best relationships of my life.

Axemusica's avatar

@janbb I’m gonna need a little more details. I’m not sure if I speak for myself, but I’m just a tad confused how that line would ever work or even be a feasible option, in a pick up line situation.

janbb's avatar

@Axemusica Do you think only guys pick up girls? Who was the picker-up in this situation?

Axemusica's avatar

you of course, but I want to know what he wanted scotch tape for, lol.

P.S. I’d love for a girl to lay a pick up line on me, but it never happens.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Him-“You have the eyes of Venus,the Goddess of Love”
Me-‘Barfity,barf ,barf barf.” Lol! They never worked with me…that I knew of;)

janbb's avatar

@Axemusica You have to be 17 and very cute. It was not my usual modus operandi, believe me. Still isn’t. :-)

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Oh so true.“You have the beauty, grace, poise of Venus,now place your hand upon my…..” Yeah that’ll work!!

Axemusica's avatar

haha, well @janbb I look like I’m 17 and am given many compliments (and that I should be hit on) but never am. Maybe I’m not going where women have enough gall to do so?

Sophief's avatar

I was coughing, practically choking, he said “I have something that will make you choke”, I said, well I didn’t see, just went bright read, but he certainly stopped me coughing.

thriftymaid's avatar

I never heard many lines that I felt were pickup lines, but when I did I felt embarrassed for the guy. I may have not been very good at recognizing them.

unique's avatar

me: i have clean sheets…
she: mmm.

janbb's avatar

@Axemusica Try the Jersey Shore. :-)

faye's avatar

One guy asked me ‘what do you want for breakfast?’ This made me laugh and started a short relationship. I asked a guy with long hair if he could live up to it (the hair) and he surely did!

opalea's avatar

Worst. “Are you a good girl or a bad girl?”

loser's avatar

My personal worst…

Me: Can I ask you a personal question?

Her: (Confused look on face) Um, yes?

Me: Do you like coffee?

Her: Yes.

Me: So do I! You want to go get some?

But it worked!

Axemusica's avatar

@loser I actually like that. I think that just might be the best I’ve heard in a long time. It sounds like it would work every time. Well, unless of course they don’t like coffee.

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