What do I do about my sister?
I know this sounds like a typical problem, but I really need help. I’m 14, and my sister is 16, and she always yells at me everytime SHE has a bad day. In everything she says to me, she says it in that attitude that makes me wanna cry. This has been going on for about 3 or 4 years, so it’s not just a phase. Please, please help!
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13 Answers
Is she getting pressure herself from anyone? Parent, school, boyfriend? Crabbiness can be a learned behavior or again she is under pressure or stress herself and merely taking it out on you as someone may be taking it out on her. S#+! flows down hill they say.
You’re placing too much weight on what she says. If you have already realized that her getting on your case is more about her having a bad day, then you should just walk away from such comments. “I’ll talk to you later, when you’re in a better mood,” would be an entirely appropriate response… and one that might help to keep peace in the family.
These types of things can very easily be escalated into open warfare between the two of you, so I hope for your family’s peace of mind and your own that you not listen to advice like that.
Can’t you just ignore her? You don’t even deserve the bad words she said. Someone like that usually can’t control his/her own emotion and will likely shows it to other people/object. I usually fight back if someone treat me like that. I don’t care if he/she wants to use his/her personal problem as an excuse because I know I’m not the wrong person and he/she hurts me.
Ask her why she talks to you in such a way. Try to make her realize what she is doing to you and how badly you feel about it. Maybe then she will come to a realization that she need s to tone down here feelings or attitudes that are totally unattributable to you. But ask in a way that will not add additional spark to the heat she’s been putting on. Try to sound like a victim of her own crudeness, make her feel guilty about what she has done to you, and then forgive her for that.
I went through the same thing with my sister until I KHA. Problem solved ;)
You could always drown her in the bath tub…well, maybe thats a bit too harsh. lol
People that splatter their bad mood on you need to know that is not acceptable. period.
Tell her you see what she is doing, you do not like it, and you will have nothing to do with her if she is taking her moodiness out on you.
I say take it up with the parents. My daughter was the same way with her brother and I had to put her in her place once or twice and remind her that her brother isn’t her own personal punching bag. (She didn’t hit she just yelled and did the same as your sister.) It also lasted for a few years. It is a phase but she has to learn to get a grip on her mood swings and I taught my son to keep away from her when she was in a foul mood.
If your parents don’t want to intervene than talk with you sis and explain how you miss how you both were once and you don’t want to grow up hating her because of her behavior towards you, and you promise that you will give her the space she needs when she needs it and learn to avoid her when she is in a bad mood.
I’m 13, and my sister is 9. I have to admit, I get really mad at her sometimes. She takes it pretty well, and I love her for that. I think you should just try to stay out of her way when you know she is grumpy. Also, talk to your parents about it. She might get mad at you for talking to them, but they can tell her she’s wrong to be taking her anger out on you. It’s best for family life.
Perhaps the pressure of being upbeat and positive around her friends is too much, and when she comes home, she lets down her guard. She should outgrow this, but in the meantime, give her wide berth when she gets home, but stick up for yourself if you need to. Perhaps leave her notes saying that you’re sorry she has such bad days, but you love her anyways, and wish she’d be nicer to you so that you could have good memories of her.
He tantrums probably are derived from somewhere else. Maybe, she does not know what she wants and does not have her own self-esteem and confidence. Lack of self trust could be one too – feels you may steal her world. Say it straight to her that you are two different persons without hurting her feelings. Let her not pass her frustrations over to you.
I had a younger sister. We never got along. We still are not close. Living far apart has reduced the conflict. She has always been jealous of me and resentful of my accomplishments. That’s her problem. Sadly her children are already teenagers and I don’t know them. She hardly knows mine. That’s too bad but at least we have avoided conflict that would have occurred had we been near each other.
As you can see, I have no real advice to offer. Perhaps in a few years you two will get along better. For now try to not allow yourself to get upset on account of her. If you succeed, she will have no power over you.
I know it’s a really shit situation but thats just the nature of older sibblings. My middle brother is 3yrs older than me & between the ages of, 12 – 14, he used to beat me so savagely that I stopped going home after school. I often wouldnt go back until about 10 at night…... it does change as they mature,
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