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Love_or_Like's avatar

How you know if they are a true friend?

Asked by Love_or_Like (443points) April 19th, 2010

They say a true friend is all ways there but do you think so? They say alot of things about true friends but manly they say they all ways there for you. What you think you can call a true friend?

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35 Answers

Your_Majesty's avatar

The one that accept you the way you are.

chyna's avatar

Someone that, if you don’t see them for awhile, you can pick right up and not have any awkward moments.

Trillian's avatar

A friend is someone who knows all about you and likes you anyway.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Someone whose concern for your needs is not exceeded by their concern for their own. They are the ones standing beside you when it is easier or safer for others to walk away and pretend they don’t notice your time of need.

They are the ones that know what you want and need and will be there helping you to get it.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

A true friend is someone who has your best interests at heart.

WestRiverrat's avatar

A friend will bail you out in the morning. A true friend will be sitting in the cell next to you saying ‘Dang that was fun.’

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

A very rare person who understands you, flaws included and remains loyal even when you are going through terrible times, even when your mind isn’t working properly and you are seeming to withdraw from everything. Someone who is willing to forgive even monumental mistakes. Other than my late wife, I’ve never met anyone like that. But then, I’m not the type who seeks out friendship.

Vunessuh's avatar

One component to being a true friend is someone who calls me on my shit and respects and understands when I do the same for them. I don’t want anyone to lie to me because they are afraid of hurting my feelings. I appreciate honesty and directness which in turn helps keep one level-headed.
And anyone willing to clean my apartment and bath my dog for me.

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

You can sit in a room, just the two of you & you won’t feel the need to say or do something, just for the sake of filling in the blank air with useless noise. You can enjoy each others silences. To have a friend, is to be able to share comfortable silence.

The_Inquisitor's avatar

When you don’t have to question if they are a true friend or not.

Love_or_Like's avatar

Do you think True friends will hide things for you or will they tell you the true still if you feel like killing them? Manly what I think they will always say the truth that what friends do. Still if they know you will get mad at them or disappointed with them. You have to keep the loyalty with your friends. That’s what you call a true friend. Truest and honest

ducky_dnl's avatar

I’ve had a friend of six years. To me, I call that a great true friend. She thinks I’m awesome and I think she is too. Lol! She wants to room with me when we start university, and wants me to be the godmother of her kids… when she has them. A true friend is someone who will laugh at your stupidty with you, love you when you hate yourself, and be there to help you fight when the fight for life is too hard for you to handle alone. :)

ezywho's avatar

A good friend will come and bail you out when you wind up in jail.
A true friend will be sitting next to you going, “Damn, that was fun.”
When we ask “what is a friend?”, we come to conclusion that not all friends and friendships are created equal, as much as we might dislike that thought. Some friendships are based on the useful of the friends to each other, others are based on the friends common interests, and, apparently, there is a third kind that is based on the friends desire to see each other become more “excellent” in the general sense of better, happier, more virtuous. The first two kinds are naturally ephemeral. The third kind isn’t necessarily so. Perhaps this explains close and lasting friends being family friends since family generally cares about family members as ends in themselves rather than as a means to some other end. On the other hand, when your friendship is based on, say, getting to know someone in a bar, the friendship will come to an end the minute either friend joins AA. Telling the difference between these kinds of friendship is a knack that is hard to develop. Perhaps we have to accept the fact that some friendships won’t last because they aren’t based on a lasting foundation.
A friend is someone who will help you move.
A true friend is someone who will help you move a body.

chyna's avatar

@ezywho A true friend is someone who will help you move a body. AND help you feed it throught the tree chipper.~
I have had a best friend since high school, 30 something years. We live near each other and I don’t know what I would do without her.

ezywho's avatar

chyna, Shall I edit my response to fit that in?

chyna's avatar

@ezywho Nah, I covered ya.

Love_or_Like's avatar

I have alot of friends. I’m a type of person who loves to have friends but when I think about it. There have been only one person in my life who really understands me. I hate to talk about myself or my problems. But when I have to I just let everything out. Manly I only tell him half of my problems because I feel he really don’t care but thats what I think really he does care. But what people all ways tell me is why he is my bestfriend if he has a girl. And his girl don’t like me to be with him…... But he is a great friend he allways been there for me still that his girlfriend gets mad…

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Your true friends will call you on your shite, they’ll push you out your habit to clam up when hurting or they can slow you down if they know you tend to spin out past reason. They will forgive you a lot of absence because when together then everything feels the right speed and fine. In uncomfortable situations then you will have the instinct to choose your true friends over acquaintances or charmers. A true friend doesn’t have to like everything about you in order to appreciate the “core” you. When your friends are hurt then you feel their hurts and frustrations.

kyanblue's avatar

I’m thinking of one particular friend who I now know to be a True Friend of the highest order. And this is how I figured it out: I told her one of my most embarrassing secrets, the one that is tied to all sorts of insecurities I’ve been dealing with for years, one I am afraid to admit even to myself…

And she heard me rant and moan and complain, and soothed my worries and my angst. She’s helping me through it, being really kind and supportive and always there if I need to unload. Sometimes I worry I unload too much, but I always feel ten times better having talked to her—and what are friends for if not to help you through crises? Until I feel I can touch upon my deepest fears with a friend, I can never feel perfectly close to them. I would hope that she (and other True Friends) will feel comfortable unloading on me in the future.

Pandora's avatar

My true friend is my husband. He can always be counted on. Well except when 24 is on.
Damn Jack Bauer. LOL

JeffVader's avatar

For me, a true friend is someone you can be entirely honest & open with….. like a partner you dont bonk!

Love_or_Like's avatar

Yeah You have to been honest and open all the time

Luna's avatar

True friends never let you do stupid stuff alone is what i always say!!!!!!!!!

Love_or_Like's avatar

YES i never let my friends do anything without me….

Disc2021's avatar

Someone who’s with you through thick and thin.

mowens's avatar

A true friend is someone you can tell the worst thing about you… and they are ok with it.

Sophief's avatar

I don’t think there is such thing.

Sophief's avatar

@Love_or_Like Friends always want something, never leave you alone and let you live your life, always got to be out drinking with them somewhere.

Love_or_Like's avatar

Oh will i have to be with my friends sometimes but not 24/7 you have to live your life also. But friends are there when you need them and when they need you

mattbrowne's avatar

When they make themselves available during a very inconvenient time for them, when you really need them.

mowens's avatar

@Sophief You don’t like friends because they want to do things with you?

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