Social Question

filmfann's avatar

Do you talk badly about your S/O at work?

Asked by filmfann (52572points) April 19th, 2010

Several people at work really badmouth their spouses at work. You wonder why they stay in those relationships.
I know I am guilty of occasionally talking about my wife’s mistakes, or misunderstandings.
Do you do this? Does it help? How much detail do you give?

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18 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Look, I don’t know either – I don’t talk badly about him, ever and I keep my mouth shut when co-workers bitch about their marriages…no reason to spoil their ‘oh woe is me, I hate the person I chose to marry..let’s all say cliche things about how men are this or women are this’.

chyna's avatar

When I had a S/O, I only talked about funny things he had done. I never bad mouthed him to my coworkers. When I was getting a divorce, no one knew about it, I kept it to myself until it was over and then, didn’t bad mouth him. It’s none of their business.

trailsillustrated's avatar

hell no I would never talk badly about my s.o to anyone. I think that’s one of the punkest things anyone could ever do

SuperMouse's avatar

I don’t know if it counts, but I say bad things about my ex-S/O at work. I never say anything negative about my current beau to anyone at work. I guess during my first marriage I might have let a nasty remark or two slip…

Rangie's avatar

I suspect that people that do that are immature, inconsiderate (people don’t want to hear it) and actually bad mouthing themselves. After all that was their choice to marry.
I never did talk badly about my 1st or my 2nd, and I never will. They are both terrific people.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I don’t discuss my SO in any way at work. Our relationship is none of their business.

SuperMouse's avatar

@Rangie see, that’s where you and I differ in our experiences! My ex is not a terrific person! If he was, I would certainly have nothing bad to say about him! LOL!

casheroo's avatar

I have heard stories from my husband, about his coworkers spouses. One talks very poorly of his wife, and he has even talked about it with me (and I found his complaints to be childish). I also know my husband feels close enough to one or two coworkers, and they know some of the fights my husband and I have had.

My mother says one guy she works with was challenged to say one nice thing about his wife, and he couldn’t do it :(

Rangie's avatar

@SuperMouse I’m sorry. sometimes people change after they stop putting their best foot forward. That is one reason living together is possibly a good idea.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Great Caesar’s ghost! Hell no. I NEVER speak bad or ill about her even if she was wrong. I say that comversation for private time for us I would never speak ill of her to others, that would just be wrong.

Pandora's avatar

Funny thing is I would hardly ever mentioned my husband at work unless I needed to use him as an excuse. Like he turned off the alarm and didn’t reset it. What a jerk. LOL
Now from what I have heard from people is he talks about me at work like I am a Godess. Always hated that as well. It always made me feel as if I have to try to appear as this superfantastic, sensational person whenever I run into his coworkers. I always feel fake. He really believes I’m all that and a bag of chips, but I rather he be the only one I have to fool. LOL

filmfann's avatar

One former coworker of mine used to refer to any woman he was involved with as “the psycho-babble bitch”, which made me wonder why he always seemed to go out with this kind of woman. Of course we all knew he was the real problem.

augustlan's avatar

Generally not, unless I happened to have a very good friend at work that I would share my problems with (like an argument we had or something). It amazes me how some people constantly bad-mouth an SO just in normal, everyday conversation. What is the point of that? Why would anyone want me to have a negative impression of the person they’ve chosen to be with? Don’t they realize that it just reflects badly on the bad-mouther’s judgment? It doesn’t make any sense at all.

chels's avatar

I couldn’t imagine bad-mouthing to people I worked with. When I worked at Outback people were constantly just complaining about their SOs and it just seemed crazy to me. I mean unless you’re in a really bad relationship (in which case you should just get out of it anyway) I don’t see the point. It kind of just makes you ask ”Why are you even with them then?” I understand sometimes people just have bad days and need to talk to someone, but if it’s an everyday thing, well maybe a reassessment needs to happen.

Sophief's avatar

I don’t badmouth him anywhere. The people that do that are the people that are looking for affairs.

deni's avatar

The only time I say anything remotely negative about him is when I’m talking to my best friend, who hangs out with him and I a lot, and occassionally we will laugh about how long it takes him to do every day tasks (he is just in general a really slow person) or silly things that he’s done since he’s so spacey sometimes (like drive an hour to meet with his jam group on the wrong night). really its all in good fun and it is fuckin funny. and its not serious so i don’t feel bad about it. plus i say the same things to his face. but things i wont say to him, friends or coworkers don’t need to know about either.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I don’t bad mouth him. If he upsets me in anyway then the only person that I need to tell is him.

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