Do men have a feminine side?
Do men really have a “feminine side”? Many people think men do. If so just what or how do you go about determining what it is, or if it exist? What does it look like to you?
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40 Answers
I think that as the world has changed, it’s become more acceptable for men to show a caring side to their personality. However, it does seem that some men are just absent any caring or nurturing instincts. I suspect it’s more to do with conditioning than a biological absence though.
Yoo hoo hiya you look adorable….ahem (deep voice) err maybe I dunno kinda.
Yes I think men do, probably some more than others.
No, nor at all. When men do something or display a predominantly recognised feminine response people label it a “feminine side”. It is and always has been natural to men , but often “publicly” suppressed in a attempt to live to a peer expected macho image.
Men show varying degrees of traits that are ascribed to women. Personally, I do not think that is a “feminine side,” rather an aspect of normal male behaviour. This is the same for women who “act like a man.” I think it is just an aspect of normal female behaviour.
Some guys have more of what is considered to be feminine traits, some less.
Sadly, traits associated with femininity are so frowned upon in men that many act macho on purpose.
Sure why not. I know I sometimes think like a guy. Society has already labeled men to have for the most part reasonable logical responses except in times of danger and women to have emotional, irrational responses. I don’t think that it is 100 percent true but both try to stay within what society would consider normal for their sex. Men are not cold blooded robots and woman are not quivering nervous animals. Both can on occasion be the opposite of what society considers normal. I’ve seen men cry, and I’ve seen women be very cool under pressure.
However for me a male who flicks his wrists a lot or walks very light on his feet may seem a little to feminine for me. And a female who would publicly stick her hand in her pants and scratch her crotch or lean over or fart and say, better out than in, may be a little to male for me. (oh, heck actually that last part is all just a little to nasty for anyone.) Ok, a girl who walks with a swag and cusses like sailor.
Sooth from fluxion, booth from suction. Everyone is human. Men share feminine traits with women, and women share masculine traits with men.
There are no masculine or feminine qualities. We all exhibit human qualities.
@tinyfaery There are no masculine or feminine qualities. We all exhibit human qualities.)
Yes, Ok, Hmm. Right. I’d better go and get fitted for a training bra. (I seem to have left it a little late…)
They have always had it, It was just never acceptable to show it. I feel things are changing. Men are being more accepted showing this side of them. I personally think its a good thing Still like my manly man, but its ok to have feelings.
According to developmental psychology, yes. The male/female dichotomy blurs as we age.
If having the urge to slap someone is feminine then yes!
@janbb Yes. It explains the mustache too.:)
Feminine refers to a gender trait not a sex trait. And some men do need bras.
How would they know if they did?
A real man can appreciate his feminine side.
Well, men and women both have testosterone and estrogen in varying degrees. Were you talking about mannerisms, or genetic traits, or what? Crying at a movie, or a penchant for quiche?
I think that despite some peoples dislike for the gender division of qualities, they exist and no amount of denial is going to change that. So there are some women who exhibit “masculine” qualities, ie; they wear their hair extremely short, work in traditionally male jobs, wear masculine clothing, etc. One can say the same for men. Some guys are more comfortable stepping out of the traditional “male” roles that society has laid down. They can wear a pink shirt, spend time in a book store or flower shop, all sorts of things that are/were traditionally considered “feminine”.
Our society discourages men from the beginning of their educations from showing emotions and expects them to “be strong, take it on the chin.” It’s part of the very fabric of our culture. but for many years now, we have been trying to counteract that on an individual basis and the numbers are adding up to more and more men secure enough in their masculinity to step out of the traditional expectations and be more in touch with the part of them that society dictates that they repress.
Short answer: Yes, men have a feminine side.
I guess they do seeing as how some of them do really good at acting like girls.
I don’t know let me ask my fiance. :)
Lucky men don’t need that. Lucky men have a female at their side.
I didn’t read the other responses, but I don’t believe that there is any such thing as masculine or feminine behavior.
I just checked. Both sides are male.
They may be male, but that provides no information as to their masculinity.
@Trillian ”Well, men and women both have testosterone and estrogen in varying degrees. Were you talking about mannerisms, or genetic traits, or what? Crying at a movie, or a penchant for quiche?” I have no ideal. If a man cries period is that his feminine side? Does it make a difference if it was because he fumbled on a sure touchdown run when no one touched him causing he and his team to lose the Super Bowl? Is it different if he cries because he just won an Olympic Gold Metal? If he cries after having the best orgasm of his life is that it? Which crying constitute the embracing of the feminine side? I have no clue as to what a feminine side is suppose to look like if an man had one. What do you think?
@Hypocrisy Central If a man cries “period!” that is his feminine side. :-)
What if he cries Havoc and unlooses the dogs of war?
Ooh – I love those manly men who unloose the dogs of war! (Is it “unloose” or “unleash” or “let loose”?)
@janbb unleash….... let loose were a crappy 90’s band :)
Actually, it’s “let slip”.
O Wasp, I was wondering where thy sting was!
@janbb Is it “unloose” or “unleash” or “let loose”
It is “loose”. Un-loose would be to catch them.
From Julius Ceasar
… after the assassination (Act 3, Scene 1):
Blood and destruction shall be so in use
And dreadful objects so familiar
That mothers shall but smile when they behold
Their infants quarter’d with the hands of war;
All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:
And Caesar’s spirit, ranging for revenge,
With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice
Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war;
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.
Yup, I was sure that was right when you said it.
A friend of mine just told me that his milk shake brings all the boys to the yard….....
All human beings are a combination of both to a varying degree.
The older we get the more similar men and women become.
One hypothesis tries to explain this with varying hormone release during pregnancy.
Of course we do but you have to realize that “feminine” is an artificial construct it isn’t real it’s just a term applied to certin traits
@shf84 In your opinion what traits are the feminine ones and what makes them that?
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