Social Question

Jude's avatar

Question about kitties; no matter where I'm sitting, or lying down, my cat insists on using me as lounge furniture. Why?

Asked by Jude (32210points) April 20th, 2010

It could be hotter than hades, so, he’s not necessarily looking for warmth.

It could be on my stomach, chest, hip, the arch of my back, across my neck.

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34 Answers

Sophief's avatar

Because they love you and want to be with you. Your their mummy.

Steve_A's avatar

Your cat lurves you….

Honestly I have not a clue…..

gailcalled's avatar

You are, by definition, his easy chair of choice.


tinyfaery's avatar

Tell me about it. Only my boy cat does it, though. My wife calls him my tumor. She does not have the same problem.

Sophief's avatar

My boy cat will do it when his sisters aren’t around. If they are, he won’t be seen dead near me.

john65pennington's avatar

Cats are passionate animals and they sense the love in you and they just want to share it.

shadowofdeath's avatar

there is one thing you must understand about cats and dogs, with a dog you take it in give it a home and feed it, they think hmm you must be god. but, with cats you do the same and they think hmm, I must be god. your cat is god, you are his slave, you just happen to be a comfy slave.

janbb's avatar

Because you have such a lurvely cozy body. @jjmah.

Your_Majesty's avatar

Habit. Some owner have the habit of spoiling their cats while they’re stroking and petting their cats on their lap. So your cat might get used to it and always looking for some chance to enjoy it again.

rangerr's avatar

You’re warm. You’re soft. You’re cuddly. You’re familiar. You’re his servant, of course he’s going to sleep on you rather than anything else.

Jude's avatar

Oh, kitties..

rangerr's avatar

@jjmah I’d rather have a kitty sleeping on me than a mini horse.

KatawaGrey's avatar

He’s trying to be absorbed into your body through osmosis so that he can use you to take over the planet. Obviously.

gailcalled's avatar

And think of @blondesjon who is tenderly assisting the the rearing of Spot the llama’s new baby, Irish. Jon told me proudly that Irish spit for the first time. Ah, fatherhood.

Jude's avatar

@KatawaGrey Hee hee

I posted this not long ago. Much love for the almighty feline.

Jude's avatar

@rangerr aw, mini horses. I’d love to give their neck a hug. =)

gailcalled's avatar

Kissing a Horse: by Robert Wrigley

Of the two spoiled, barn-sour geldings
we owned that year, it was Red—
skittish and prone to explode
even at fourteen years—who’d let me
hold my face to his own: the massive labyrinthine
caverns of the nostrils, the broad plain
up to the head to the eyes. He’d let me stroke
his coarse chin whiskers and take
his soft meaty underlip
in my hands, press my man’s carnivorous
kiss to his grass-nipping under half of one, just
so that I could smell
the long way his breath had come from the rain

Coloma's avatar

My cat is, right now, doing his usual demanding attention thing by rolling across the keyboard of my laptop on a big ottoman in my living room. He stretches his paws and upper body over the keyboard or grabs my hand with his paw as I type. I love him dearly but sometimes he needs a bit of a wakeup call to snap out of his trance. lol

Usually I intermittently pet him, but sometimes I pick him up, sling him over my shoulder and suffocate him with affection untill he is squirming to get away.

Problem solved. haha

Often I prop up a pillow from the couch sideways against my computer screen to form a paw proof barrier if I am doing something important and want to take no chances of him exiting the screen I am working in.

My friend has a cat that is fascinated with the printer and they will come home to a roomfull of paper scattered around as the cat has discovered how to print! lololol

Cats! Impossible creatures!

Coloma's avatar

My geese also like the futon on my patio below my deck. It is close enough to the ground that they can step up for a comfy moment. I often find them standing on the ‘gooton.’ lol

gailcalled's avatar

@Coloma: What’s the trick to the toilet habits of Geese? I know what the Canada Geese to the areas around the many ponds in my neighborhood.

I love having our own Fluther Goose maven.

CMaz's avatar

Because your cat owns you. They like to be reminded of that.

Coloma's avatar


They are not too messy, a pair is not the same as a dozen or more of course. lol

Not a big deal, an occasional little blip of goose poo here & there, I hose off my patio if they have had a party out there, they are masters of doing the limbo and can get around the wrought iron fencing via pushing through the graveyard gates. They enjoy the same ambience of the patio that I do. lolol

Buttonstc's avatar

Your cat owns you, not the reverse. Cats always assume the unquestioned right to make themselves supremely comfortable in any situation in which they find themselves.

Your comfort is not at issue here :)

I’m reminded of the old quote:

“In ancient times, cats were worshipped as Gods. They have never forgotten this ! ”

Luna's avatar

cats really do believe that they own you. Most of the time my cats are battle so they lay on me to make each other jealous

anartist's avatar

Velcro cats.
My boycat used to lie on my chest or in the crook of my arm with his head on my shoulder, his sister at my feet. Now that he is [sadly] gone, she has moved up to take his place and I am glad.

@jjmah loved your dog & cat diaries, although poor doggy may be a little subtler than that.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I don’t know why either, but both of my Persians do this. One lies upside down on my lap wanting her tummy rubbed. The other wants her back stroked. If they see me with a brush, they’ll fight over who gets brushed first. It may be that they associate me with the pleasure of being stroked or brushed.. Another stunt they pull is sleeping on either side of my head. The purring sound in stereo is like a motorboat.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

My puppy does this, too. If I’m sitting on the floor, she will crawl into my lap with a bone. If I’m lying on my stomach, she will climb onto my back and lie down. I think she just likes the tactile contact.

janbb's avatar

That looks like one contented kitty!

gailcalled's avatar

@jimah: And I love the pj’s. Half of the time, Milo treats me like a chewy toy.

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