is there anyone on fluther who actually likes George Bush?
Asked by
allen_o (
March 11th, 2008
from iPhone
he is hated in Britain, due to draging us in to his filthy war which, lets face it, has nothing to do with WMD’s or promoting democracy, what do you think of him?
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85 Answers
I think he was the right man at the right time I do not think anyone could have done a better job after we were attacked on 9/11 and I would rather fight them there than here
…You mean there are people out there who like him?
I do not like everything he has done but I do like a man that does what he says not just tell poeple what they want to hear then do the opposite
That is so not okay to think. He doesn’t do what he says. Do you know what he’s done to the quality of HIV care here and LIED about time and time again?!
I do know he just gave 150mil to fight HIV in rowonda
No, he actually didn’t. He gave it to support a corporation. Very VERY little of that will get there.
“tell people what they want to hear and then do the opposite”
you mean like…
“we’re going after Iraq because they have WMD’s”
“I’m not going to drop a bomb up a camel’s butt in the middle of the desert just because people are angry”
“I like to have sex with my wife”
so when we are attacked we should do nothing
after 9/11? it was an inside job! we were attacked by our own “leader”.
Radiohead said it best: “Hail to the Thief”
Oneye:Of course we should, and the president should lead his nation during a time of crisis, but I’d like to think that the man that 3/4 of us voted for could continue to lead and make the right decision for the country after the crisis is over. And that’s where he failed. And failed. And failed again. And then some more.
you are out of your mind steriff
I voted Bush. He did what he had to do. I believe (I being key word) he was the best man to lead us during this time.
there is NO CONNECTION between 9/11 and the war on iraq.
the surge is working and I think poeple think he has more power than he really does
Well, that is true given that he’s Cheney’s puppet.
The surge is a waste of life. Its destroying families and soldiers who get back for a month are being forced to return immediately to iraq.
if he were Chaney’s puppet why is chaney not running
ok I come from a military family. I never see soldiers compaining, if they do complain they should reevalueate their career. They chose to be military.
yeah i’m the one out of my mind… okay.
@ delirium, isn’t the reason bush proposed we go to war is b/c of the “terrorists”?
i know that’s not the real reason but..
ya a soldier won a mil dollars he had done 2tours they ask him what he was going to do he said go back for a 3tour he believes in what we are doing
I’m sorry, this isn’t a personal attack on anyone here, but if you honestly think gwb has done a good job as president, you need to take a serious look, not only at your country right now, but the world as well. We are politically hated by most everyone worldwide, we’ve driven our economy into the toilet, and we’re keeping people prisoner for no given reason, and torturing them in the name of freedom. I do not subscribe to anything that liar and his band of merry thieves have done in my name and in your name. Shame. Shame on gwb and the damage done in the name of good old American greed.
Cheney wasn’t electable as president, and still isn’t. You might notice that he doesn’t really have the personailty for it. Plus, it would get in the way of his love for shadow government.
my close friend, aged 22 died in Iraq, can anyone tell me what he died for?
“Pres. GWB and VP Cheney persist in saying that there were ‘ties’ between al Qaeda and Iraw and that those ties prove that iraq posed a threat to the united states. Cheney also insists that significant weapons of mass destruction may still be found. They believe that if they just keep saying it, most americans will believe it, even though the facts have no been demonstrably proven otherwise. In that belief, Bush and Cheney are again wrong… Furthermore, the 9–11 commission report states quite simply “We have seen no evidence that any iraw-al qaeda contacts ever developed into a collaborative operational relationship. Nor have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States.”
you can think the dem run congress for the economy
I’m not a religous person, but I do know the bible that gwb subscribes to says to ” turn the other cheek.” In addition “vengence is mine, sayeth the lord.” If the people who voted for GWB are conservative Christians, then why is there so much vengeful thinking?
his brothers his country for me for you for all of us sorry for your lose
turn the other cheek does not mean we can’t protect ourselfs
Oneye36, you haven’t got a clue mate, “protect ourselves”?, FROM WHAT? A poor second world country run by an idiot, what has Iraq done to you?
protecting ourselves doesn’t mean lumbering about like a big stupid giant swinging his club around hurting anyone that gets in its way, which is what we’ve been doing for the past 8 years.
i agree with bigdom
war is not the answer. fighting for peace is like fucking to be a virgin.
an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind…
do you think gwb has faith in G-d? no. he is stuck on saying “iraq is a threat to world peace” which i cannot express stirs me up in the most intense, anger-filled way.
he’s a creep mason.
ever listen to buddy wakefield?
we are policing the world.
yes I like him, because I have met and hung out with him and his family. Very nice people.I don’t understand when people say they don’t like someone they ve never met.
The US is the one that is responsible for starting the war, and isn’t it GWB the one that keeps saying that we won’t leave Iraq until we’ve won the war against terror? Unfortunately, terror is not an enemy, its a tactic.
one person does not have the power to do all yall are saying
no @ oneeye
when are people going to get that we can change it all!
we need to get a fucking clue and stop bitching about our views on some online board and do something.
George W Bush is a shameless liar, and that’s pretty much all there is to it. The man can barely string more than 3 words together and uses only monosyllabic words. Nucular? Are you kidding me? What a douche.
unbelievable, I can’t believe yall fall for all this b.s. Yall are the jokes
Oh inciva, you really had me going then
I’m slow, I don’t get where he stands ._.
GWB is the best, you hippies should go and listen to some Jefferson airoplane while me and oneye36 talk some sense. Allen, your friend died for freedom. Which is something you take for granted
Rest in peace to our soldiers….
Freedom… who’s freedom? Where was my freedom challenged? My freedom is self-contained to the country I live in – the only challenges to my freedom come from within.
On the outside of this country, my freedom is unchallenged because my country happens to be the world power that polices other countries. Who can topple the beast?
piss off popo, my friend did not die for freedom, he died for oil
@popo they let the new York times do their thinking for them
right, go ahead and claim that we’re all “hippies”
it died in the 60s jackass.
just b/c some of us know the facts doesn’t mean we’re hippies. we’re striving for truth and for the true america created by our forefathers. good job, though. at least you got to insult some people without even making ANY points.
he didn’t die for freedom, unfortunately (with my heart), he died in vain (concerning the war at least). @ allen, your friend is a hero.
but your friend had us in mind when he died. if the war was “legit” he would have, but the real war is against the “government” that is not being controlled by the people any longer.
but whatever, go support starting wars and controlling any countries that don’t like us or are a “threat” to world peace.
i’ll thank you when the whole earth is policed or killed off.
get over yourself and think of others. innocent people are killed every day b/c we want to be able to buy cheap gas and eat fast food.
All I know is Clinton, Obama and McCain have absolutely no legitimate way of getting our troops out of Iraq in the near future.
One of which, based on their previous statements, might reinstate the draft (not selective services, I am fully aware that has been around for a long time)
Having said that; The Bush administration is responsible for the psychological deaths of thousands upon thousands of soldiers, and I agree with the earlier post about soldiers signing up for military service. You’re right, they should expect to fight for their, and our freedom… however…
THERE IS NO CONNECTION TO IRAQ!!!! Our own government said this!!!
In closing I would like to challenge Bush lovers with this:
If George W. Bush is a good man that believes in the fundamental importance of National Security and his reasons are sincere…. why are the borders wide open and why did Bush agree to the 2012 opening of the international highway that will connect Canada, the US and Mexico together for international trade allowing (read the fine print) ANYONE to enter through these borders as long as they remain on the international highway.
THAT is why I do not believe there is a true threat on National Security. You can call me crazy but first you have to explain to me why a conservative president, who is MORE than willing to allow America’s soldiers to die both physically and psychologically in the name of National Security, would allow the borders to be open? This is not a political question about illegal aliens are their being here. This is about a CONSERVATIVE PRESIDENT who is NOT interested in National Security but because he’s a conservative the misinformed and misguided will follow him to all of our graves.
Highest Regards,
The son of a conservative Vietnam Veteran who now hates Bush
@Riser: That is the primary truth – Bush has killed every one of those soldiers – some mortally, the rest psychologically.
Makes a person want to cry…
thanks guys, I really respect, you being on my side, If we were all like popo and oneye36 the world would be a total mess, thank you fluther community
the world is in a mess and if we just sit and do nothing they will attack us again
I highly recommend anyone who is interested in discovering the psychological damage caused by war to read the book “The Psychology of Killing in War and Society.”
It is an incredible read. The entire book is based on a truth that the military frowns upon about firing to non firing ratio during war. In reality we do not want to kill, and those that do are sociopaths.
The military does everything they can to break a person down in order to take that instinct out of them.
They failed until Vietnam.
In WW2 the percentage of firers was only 15%, by Vietnam it was 90%. Startling truths are in that book and I highly recommend it if you want to know what your loved one is going through in Iraq.
I am not trying to fuel a fire of anger toward Iraq by recommending it, but rather give civilians insight into the mind of a soldier who is literally being trained to eliminate his instincts.
I have and love that book. I haven’t read it all through, but i’ve skimmed it, and it seems a very very intense and valid text.
you idiots, with you conspiracies, of course 9/11 was al quida, I bet you hippies think that the presedent is an alien and we didn’t land on the moon, nut jobs, and GWB is a good Christian man, he’s helping some shity countries to sort themselves out, Sadam would of attacked us sooner or later
What is Christian and what is right for the American people will not always coincide and I don’t believe I have called you an “idiot.” I challenged you to explain to me about the border situation and instead you hurl insults at me? This only weakens your claims and credibility.
You would be just as effective, right now, if you said “I know you are but what am I?”
why can’t we be friends, why can’t we be friend? : )
Proffering reason only to be met by insults…isn’t that that the fastest way to get your way?
oh man you hit me right on the head popo! i commend you.
i’m a stupid hippie. shit.
I’m actually confused as to why ‘hippie’ is an insult. ;)
@delirium: I almost posted “why is it bad to be a hippie?” but thought better :P
@ishotthesheriff – I’ve got enough to go round, I think popo needs a spliff
@riser maybe this is going to far when we start to call each other names I’m sorry if anything I have said on this thread has caused anyone pain and I do not know much about the road it was for shipping goods right
Well, he is an excellent singer ;-)
Seriously though, I’ve started to really, really dislike the US mostly thanks to the Bush government. Especially how stubborn the US was at the climate conference in Bali recently. “As long as their economy doesn’t suffer” – thanks you, mr Bush, why would I need a world to live in?
Anyway, I seem to get a feeling of dislike with most Americans I see on TV… I think I’m manipulated by Dutch media, but ah well…
al gore is American to vincentt
roll a bone allen! wooooo!
@oneye – sure, I’m purposely said “most” Americans on TV. I don’t like Al Gore btw, but there are cool Americans :)
I agree about gw bush being the man for the job. He may be taking things a little to far but I’m still a supporter because the man is still my president. He runs my, and all other Americans, country and you should all remember that no matter how much you want to complain.
@oneye36 and @popo for the most part I agree with you guys but I’d say your going about sharing your ideas the wrong way. Espically you popo…. Calling someone names isnt going to open their eyes to your views.
Gw bush and his administration have done some things that are questionable and wrong but who hasn’t? He is president, but how much power does he really have? The other branches of the government are in it as well or we still wouldn’t be over there. Gwb is there to be a face and take the fall. He does have power, don’t get me wrong, but all this is not HIS fault.
@ allen o I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. The reason for his death was because he was serving his country. People have many reasons for doing so, but in my book that makes him a hero no matter his reason for joining. Everyone who joins the millitary knows of the risk involved though and that’s why they are considered heroic. They knew what they were risking and did it anyways.
@randy, and any others who may support bush and his “war on terror”—
does the Texas/oil connection not give you an inkling as to his prime interest? And that it might not be you and your friends and family?
or maybe the royal Saudi (read: richest people in the middle east) connection? That doesn’t convince you, eh?
ok, well, I guess its irrelevant to even bring up halliburton and the billions they made off the war, right? Right.
Bush and the D.C. Fatcats have NOTHING to gain from the war. You heard it here first.
@randy, you seem to be blinded by patriotism, my friend is not a hero, he’s a tragedy, and he didn’t die for his country, he died for yours
damn, Allen. That’s some poignancy there. Im sorry for your loss and for your friend.
@Randy – while the reason might be “serving his country”, how exactly did his death help his country?
@allen_o – I’m really sorry for your buddy. Take care.
I am sure you…as an open minded person, are open to the idea that someone can see things differently than you, so yes, I believe there are people who like him.
And let’s face it, Hillary and most of congress, if he lied, lied right along with him. To say they did not have all the facts that he did is an excuse. Hillary, Gore, Clinton, Kerry have made statements as FACT that Iraq had WMD’s and did NOTHING about it. GWB did. He ended up with egg on his face but he did have the courage to take action when the rest just talked about it and wagged their fingers at Saddam Hussein. Stern finger waggin no doubt, and you can bet if Gore was in office, he would still be wagging his finger sternly but doing nothing else.
I don’t believe going into Iraq was a good decision, but I will credit Bush with doing somethign while the rest just talked.
Becareful….GWB is reading this thread, and you that put negitive comments will disappear soon…..
@allengreen- so should I be scared or should I continue cooking the spaghetti that’s on the stove?
Bon apetit!
First off, we are not a democracy. We are a Representative Republic. Iraq was the right decision, not in the case of WMD, but the fact that Hussein was not following the rules of the cease-fire he signed in 1991, UNSC686. He thumbed his nose at the UN for over a decade, and all they did was sanction him, which did about as much as a fly pissing on your cheerios.
I don’t believe for one nanosecond that 9/11 was an inside jobe…not one iota.
Overall, I think that he was the right person at the right time, but he like other presidents have made mistakes. Some say that GWB is the worst, maybe you ought to have a look at Carter.
@winblowzxp – Carter? “He’s history’s greatest monster!”
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