General Question

rebbel's avatar

Do you know which website i am looking for?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) April 22nd, 2010

About one or two years ago i found this website where you could search in Youtube clips and then they were shown to you in a screen with multiple little screens (you could put in how many screens you wanted yourself).
So, there were, let’s say, 12 little the same Youtube clips showing and they all started with a little time difference.
I tried to find it myself many times but unsuccesfully so.
Does anyone of you know what i am talking about, and even better, know where i can find it?

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5 Answers

earthduzt's avatar

would it be this one? youuuu tuuube

rebbel's avatar

I love you!
That’‘s the one.
You remembered it or you had it in your favorites?
Or, if you searched for it…, what search terms you used?
Just curious.
Thank you very much, @earthduzt .

earthduzt's avatar

you’re welcome :) I had it in my favorites, always thought it was a pretty neat site.

rebbel's avatar

I feel like i found my long lost Matchbox car.
I just absolutely like it.

LuckyGuy's avatar

It’s now in my Favorites too.

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