Sue Lowden, Republican candidate for Senator in Nevada proposes Repeal & Replace with chickens. Is it comedy, or something in the water?
Asked by
ETpro (
April 22nd, 2010
Seriously, even when given the chance to back away and say I meant bargain and not barter, she stood her ground. Lowden proposes that instead of health insurance, we all barter with doctors. Take them a chicken, she suggests.
Never mind what a chicken coup looks like—certainly not the environment I want in my medical care facility. How can any sane human being say something so incredibly absurd and not be joking?
Look, the average chicken weighs 5 to 7 pounds. Dressed and cleaned, it loses 30% of that weight, so it comes in at about 4.2 pounds. Whole chicken is currently going for $0.84 a pound, so that comes to $3.53. Your doctor isn’t going to give you an aspirin for that, much less a complex set of tests and care.
How many chickens does Sue Lowden think the average Nevadan has in their back yard. Unless you are Tyson Farms, Chickens for Checkups is utterly ridiculous. What has gone wrong with American politics when we even consider that such lunacy might qualify someone for one of the highest offices in our land? Many may disagree with Senator Harry Reid’s stand for healthcare reform, but is this what you propose to replace him?
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32 Answers
It might make it easier to diagnose Avian Flu.
My sister already does this with wine. The idea of a chicken is ridiculous. No doctor is gonna want to have a hen house, or pick feathers.
The G.O.P. seems to have an extraordinary number of female comedians in its roles. I am worried about how many people are stupid enough to re-elect them.
I’m trying to imagine a chicken coup. Would they all rise up and declare an egg war? Would it be because their feathers were ruffled? Would they all be as angry as wet hens? I’m picturing that movie from a few years ago, Chicken Run. I can see them now, plotting with their charts and graphs. I’m actually writhing from the puns that keep trying to get out.
@ETpro I don’t want to offend, ok? I’m just having a little fun with this. I’d do the same to any of my friends. I’d be really harsh if this were @phillis or @janbb.
I think we need to stage a “chicken coup” in this country.
(Oops, jinx @Trillian – hadn’t read your post. Guess it proves your point!)
@janbb The thought of a chicken coup really fries my noodle.
Would that all of the hostility to Obama and his programs were amusing.
Going for the retard demographic again, maybe?
Besides, just imagine the insurance companies trying to get their part of that chicken…
@Zaku They can have the toenails and butthole.
Going for the retard demographic again, maybe?
Trig Palin is disgusted with your slur against his mother.
Her remarks have provided some fodder for music videos.
I don’t know if I made clear or not that I believe this is a load of hogwash that should not be taken seriously. I think it is flip and glib of her to suggest such a thing. We no longer have a barter system, and to suggest such a thing in the face of everything else that is going wrong in our economy is beyond ludicrous. She should not only not be elected, they should revise the “run out of town on a rail” just for her, since she seems to think so much of the old ways of doing things.
Or maybe a few hours in the stocks with a sign around her neck.
The gullibility here is astounding! What the video didn’t do was show the whole interview. Yes she used the example of how in the old days people did barter with chickens and bathtubs and she used the old bartering system as an example (if you were able to see the whole interview) she went on the explain that people can indeed help to lower their overall health care costs by “bartering” with cash! Use a cash offer to a doctor for his services where a Doc in many cases will accept cash in lower amounts equal to what he may get as reimbursement from the insurance companies which would be substantially lower than the costs you and your insurance company will be billed! Frightened liberal media strikes again!!
@Trillian & @janbb Love the puns. I’m not chicken, Keep them coming. I’m egging you on here.
@Ron_C & @dpworkin It does have it’s more serious side.
@Cruiser I indeed have seen the entire interview. I encourage everyone to see it. Decide for yourselves whether this is a serious new initiative to prevent people from being bankrupted by medical emergencies or whether the “Liberal” press has twisted Lowden’s words to skewer her.
@Cruiser if what you said is true, and it sounds right to me, then Lowden is truly ill informed about our health care system. Most doctors are aligned with health care organizations that expressly forbid them underbidding their carrier. Besides where will you find a physician with enough time or desire to bargain rates and how would he bill you. There would be many unpleasant repercussions from such a system.
Bargaining for rates under a single payer system would work. It does in the U.K. because physicians in the national health service can sometimes take private patients. In the U.S., it only works for cosmetic surgeons that do boob jobs and they aren’t covered under most insurance plans anyway.
I just wish these critics would try to stick to the truth.
@Trillian I would hope that you would jump on me with both little chicken feats if I did such a thing…
Oh, right, @Cruiser,we forgot that it’s perfectly reasonable to barter for a heart transplant or for treatment for non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, or pancreatic cancer. Why didn’t I think of that? Who needs universal health care when one knows how to haggle with surgeons and anesthesiologists?
o.k. @Cruiser I watched the video and it shows what happens when you elect a person for their looks. Sure they paid by barter in the old days but the doctor didn’t spend $100k for his education and have a $10/month liability insurance premium.
Sure there are doctors around that discount or write-off service, my own doctor does but he has neither the time to negotiate nor the alternate method to get payment.
I am surprised that someone so young wants to go back the the old days when leeches were a major medical implement,
@Cruiser Well there you go. My take on the full interview was exactly that of @Ron_C. Who in their right mind wants to take the US back to the late 1700s? Who thinks that would be a better plan for the 21st century? How many chickens, or bucks, would you need to have in your back pocket if you had a coronary while walking down the street some day. People don’t purchase insurance to cover the cost of just an annual physical—they recognize that life is a crap-shoot and a catistrophic health issue would leave them the choice of financial ruin for their entire family or death without adequate treatment. And don’t start about going to the emergency room. The cost of that is a major part of the current problem, and it is simply not an adequate answer regardless of the costs in cases like cancer, trans[lants, and hundreds of other conditions that are incredibly expensive to treat and require long-term care.
What Ms. Lowden’s suggestion shows is the reality of the words of Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: “Don’t Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!”’
@ETpro I’ll second that especially the part where you say that I am right.
Sounds like she was wrapping a point in light comedy. Like as not, she meant both bargain and barter. “Chicken” was probably the first commodity that popped into her head.
@Nullo When I heard her first say it, I gave her that benefit of the doubt. But the subsequent long interview where she declared she was not backing down from her statements and expounded on her Chickens for Checkups plan made it crystal clear, she is as serious as a heart attack.
@ETpro Come on now…let’s face it! This video “segment” on the link you provided is clearly a Democratic push back against Sue Lowden who is the front runner for Senator in that race. It is also quite obvious this is all out of context given the select short snippet on the link which cuts off the rest of her explanation. She is merely presenting her point that there are ways to reduce the overall cost of health care outside the traditional health care provided coverage of health insurance plans which are the central reason for our current health care dilemma. Her choice of the bartering suggestion example in full context or select snippet is unarguably questionable at best but her premise is solid as we do need to find other ways to help control the spiraling out of control costs of the current system in place.
Hey everybody just in case you are interested in facts and what really was said here…I found the entire interview from Nevada Newsmaker program that will clearly show the truth of the matter and I will even save you the trouble of sitting through the commercials and 1st 11 minutes of the program (which is pretty good in itself). Watch from 11:30 minutes to 16:00 minutes yes that is 5 more minutes of interview than @ETpro‘s link offered and you see this lady is not a kook but has a solid grasp of the health care problem we all face.
@CyanoticWasp I may feel compelled at some point to squawk at you if you don’t object to being hen pecked. I’m watching you for “Only cock in the yard” syndrome. ;-)
@janbb This is eggszactly the problem I have with you people…..
I don’t have anything to back that up with. I haven’t been to bed yet. Just jumped on to catch up.
Guess the yolk’s on you then. G’night.
@ETpro You’ve never seen someone take the light angle when approaching a serious issue?
@Cruiser I have seen the entire interview. It still boils down to Chickens for Checkups. @Nullo She was serious and said she was serious. Sorry, sticking your head in the sand doesn’t change the truth.
@ETpro Same can be said for those who choose to ignore the facts of the matter to better suit their own agenda! ;)
@Cruiser I watched the interview too. The more she talked the more she sounded like a Luddite with a wish to go back “to the old days”. I suspect that she has never been really sick or if she was, she had really good insurance. It was reminiscent of Bush Sr. going to a grocery store and being surprised that they had scanners to record the prices.
We have all these rich people that never experienced life of the average American telling us that the system should be every man for himself.
We are supposed to living in a society, not a jungle. In society individuals have rights but we also have a common interest. Starting with Reagan, our common interests have been sold to the highest bidder. I suggest people that feel like Lowden follow the advice of their patron saint Ayn Rand and remove themselves and “their talents” from our society and hide out in their capitalist enclave where they wont have to share with anyone.
@Ron_C I heartily second that motion.
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