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Your_Majesty's avatar

Can one becomes a mid-atheist?

Asked by Your_Majesty (8238points) April 22nd, 2010

So I’m a Christian and I believe in God but somehow I’m also a rational-skeptical person. Honestly I tend to miss my prayer and religionist duty,and let myself busy with my other real-world jobs most of the time. Sometime I considered that I’m an atheist but at the same time I still believed I haven’t lost my faith. So I struggle to decide my identity when someone ask me about it. I know I’m selfish to consider that I’m a mid-atheist and since I enjoy both world and I always try to do both thing at different time.

Can I really keep both world and live with it? Do you think a mid-atheist and mid-religionist person could really exist?
I even feel guilty to write this…

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