[NSFW] Why do some girls in their 20's do low paid amateur porn?
Is this to break into porn or glamour full time, or is it just for some extra cash?
It’s surprising how many beautiful young girls are prepared to do this and in doing so are risking bringing great shame to their families as well as jeopardising their own futures.
Or do some people simply think it is no big deal to have sex on camera that will be shown to the masses?
And has anybody on here every done it? And if so, are you happy for people to see it still and do you regret it?
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25 Answers
I can’t say for sure because I’ve never done porn (and I never would) but I assume they have some sort of interest in sex. Otherwise why would they ever think that having sex with random people on camera would be a good way to make some cash? They must really love sex, be an extrovert, and not care what people think of them. I always find it hard to believe when strippers, hookers, or porn stars claim they do it because the money is good and they need the job in order to support their kid. That’s a load of crap. There are always other options. Secretly I believe it’s something that deep down they enjoy but because society disapproves of that lifestyle and judges woman that choose it, they feel the need to defend themselves by saying they do it for their kid. It’s a cop out. Own up to it!
I’ve always wondered that. It’s sad.
My guess would be a lack of self esteem, resulting in a lack of self respect.
They needed the money to pay for health care insurance!
Could be a lot of reasons, but there’s a lot of drug addiction going on. Also, lately many are Easter European women who see it as an opportunity to get to America or Western Europe. And I expect a few of them think it’s fun. Some also probably are pressured into it by boyfriends who think it’s fun.
Because it is easy money for a young fresh piece of ass.
The women that I know who have done this were motivated by desperate need for money. Some of them were feeding a drug addiction, others to pay for school expenses or support children. Many of them were younger than “early twenties”, some were below legal age and used fake IDs. Most considered it a degrading experience and none considered it “fun”. In one case that I know of in great detail, the young woman was actually trafficked as a sex-slave and barely escaped alive, albeit with severe physical and psychological injuries.
I’m neither pro- or anti-pornography, but strongly believe that the women involved must have greater protection both physically and economically.
well, we all know the reason ($$$), but “to save my life,” cannot understand why anyone would not think more of themselves than that…
Great shame to their families? “Lack of self-esteem”?
What? I’m still mesmerized by this weird notion that being sexually liberal makes you less of a person.
And by mesmerized, I mean disgusted. What an immature society.
These people are not shackled by the yoke of shame most of the populace drags around. They know that sex is a completely natural act and not something to be ashamed of.
If you don’t like it, don’t watch it.
Because they’re young free & whey hey!!
They probably think the money is good and for some girls who can handle the experience and exposure then doing a few porns here and there is a supplement to whatever jobs they may already have. Some of the girls really do think they’ll meet “industry” people by doing porn and others may truly think they’re the next Jenna Jamison marketing genius. I don’t think many do it for the sex though.
Strippers get approached a lot for webcam/live sex site business and amateur porn because people know they’re already comfortable or at least willing to perform nude and put up with the scene and lifestyle that surrounds that kind of business. Most I’ve known don’t like the atmosphere, the customer scene or even the business scene but like any job, they hang out with who they know and spend the most time with which often means drugs, escort and prostitution propositions.
The money isn’t bad, most girls will get at least $300. for a porn they can show up and do on a day off or off regular work schedule. Strippers usually make more than that for a shift and if they work say 5days a week then that’s pretty damned good going towards paying off school loans, raising kids, recovering from bankruptcy, seed money to just get going towards school/vocatinal training. For good bodied girls who may have little support, job experience or schooling elsewhere to be on their own, where else can they just walk in and work less than 40hrs a week with negligible work clothes expense and get about $4000. a month?
Statistically there is some inference that there is a correlation between sex work and early-childhood sexual abuse. Of course correlation is not causal, and there must be many exceptions, but my guess would be that many of these young people suffer from damage, and are not happy about what they are doing.
I wold guess that damaged people have a hard time making it to college or pricey vocational training schools, have a hard time breaking into other solid jobs that require some social finesse and experience and porn offers an alternative from the traditional “girl down & out-hits the streets” deal.
I’m not making any moral judgments.
Me either even though I very much dislike the porn/sex industry. If I could then I’d take the money and run but then, probably every girls has said that to herself if she entertained the idea.
The attitudes on this topic are depressing. As if their is something wrong with a woman being proud and unashamed of her sexuality. She’s gotta be damaged in some way if she enjoys sex and makes no apologies for that.
Maybe these women just enjoy sex? Maybe they have an exhibitionist streak, and get off on being watched while having sex? And the money in porn is pretty good, too.
I have a friend who is a stripper, and she does it because she finds it empowering. She originally went to school to be a lawyer, and interned in a law firm, but found that to be far more degrading and demeaning for her as a woman.
What if your career got second guessed by everyone? ‘Oh, he’s a chef. He’s obviously screwed up and is only doing it for the money.’ ‘She must have been seriously messed up to be a doctor. No way anyone would want to do that.’ How would YOU take it?
@QuartzKitty Show me where anyone here said “she’s gotta be damaged,” You are making up criticism and then responding to it.
I didn’t say you were, but the general attitude of some on this question is much the same. Look at what syz said, for example, implying that any woman who is unashamedly sexual has low self respect and self-worth.
Well, to be fair the OP does ask about low-pay porn, not high-pay stripping of the kind your friend does.
I am happily “proud and unashamed of my sexuality”. And while there may indeed be participants in the porn industry who enjoy what they do, I would be willing to bet large sums of money that that is not the majority.
Thinking that young women who participate in cheap porn are merely empowered is (in my opinion) much more a fallacy than my belief that it is more often a decision that they would later consider a serious mistake.
(I will admit that my own direct experience is limited, since I have only known 3 “sex industry” workers in anything other than a very superficial manner, which is hardly a statistical pool. However, those 3 have only reinforced my opinions.)
iction, truth from diction. Back when I worked un a salon and no I am NOT Gay a couple of my customers and their friends use to time to time go to San Fran or Oakland and dance. They were college age and they thought quite high of themselves and none had any visible or glaring drug problems; most were in homes you would call “good homes”.
Most did it 1st out of curiosity others did because they wanted to experience what their friends before them had and they also seen how much money was in it (paid for a lot of expensive text books). Most worked places that did not allow the dudes to touch the girls at all unless a glancing brush stiffing a $20 or $50 in a G-string.
They were not desperate, many had great support from their families or other sources if money (just not enough to comfortably pay for credits and expensive text book, etc.) They earned more in 3 days than most of us could in 2 weeks. When they got enough to cover their expenses and supplies they stopped going. Though some stopped because they did not like being leered at by men that could have been their dads or grand dads and the comments made to them.
Many gals do low pay porn and many do it for FREE, I suppose they might have done it anyhow but the money made it much easier. “risking bringing great shame to their families as well as jeopardising their own futures.” Why would they risk it? Why not? Sex is everywhere and used to sell everything, gum, eye glasses, ED pills, leg shaving gunk, etc. It is all over primetime just in innuendo and double speak. If you ain’t getting it it is because you are a boring un-cool trollish looking man or a mud duck woman and that is why as much as people think little about having one night stands for free they won’t with someone unattractive. Having your sex tape leaked out is not a death knoll it might have been it can even gain or add to your celebrity these days. Plus so much of it is out there maybe if they ever did anything political it would be too deeply buried and if not they can say so many others have done it it is not that bad, just a unwise mistake.
Gotta pay the rent, and they are sitting on a goldmine.
@hypocrisy_central That’s a really great answer.
There are numerous reasons….. The reason the one female porn star I know got into it was basically because she thought she wasn’t worth anything else but to be used & abused by men.
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