General Question

Allie's avatar

What do you do when you really need a break, but can't afford to take one?

Asked by Allie (17551points) April 23rd, 2010

Things aren’t going too well right now. I’m overwhelmed, stressed, confused, disappointed, and kind of sad. On top of all that, I’m sick. I would love nothing more than to disappear from everything for a while, but I have a lot on my plate right now and disappearing isn’t an option.
What do you do when you want to get away and, at the moment, you can’t?

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19 Answers

Fyrius's avatar

Knowing myself, I’ll probably take one anyway. :/ And get in trouble for it.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you can handle your crisis better than that.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

fluther awhile. Or check out a porn site.

CMaz's avatar

My home is my fortress of solitude. If I don’t have the time or the money.
There is always something I can do right here to escape for a while.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I try to get together with a friend for an afternoon of eating, hanging out on the sofa watching TV, just veging together where it feels safe and not alone. With a friend I can speak what’s on my mind even if it’s nonsense or selfish or whatever and I’ll be heard, we’ll laugh, talk seriously about mindset and then just get over it.

Cruiser's avatar

Get an MP3 player and just start playing all your favorite songs. Even though you are sick see if you can get out and go for a walk somewhere to get away…I like a special forest preserve by my house I can go skip stones in the river and skip away the blues and the things that are bothering me. If all else a hot bubble bath with lots of big mounds of bubbles to hide in with candle light and a comfort beverage like a glass of iced tea to relax with again some favorite music. Repeat as necessary as you have unlimited refills on this prescription!

SamIAm's avatar

firstly, you should be taking some vitamins – a multi, and some vitamin c or even that emergen-c mix. and you also need rest. maybe if you can find a great relaxing way to unwind, like what @Cruiser said, then you can sleep better and that will also make you feel better. trying to turn yourself off at night and make time for you may be really helpful! good luck.

marinelife's avatar

Dance. Stretch. Walk. Breathe.

My heart goes out to you, Allie.

casheroo's avatar

I’m in the same boat :( Sick and can’t just have life stop even for a second

I’m sorry hun. For me, I take long, hot showers. It really just calms me down. Also, just sitting and taking the time to do my hair makes me feel a lot better. I don’t know why. Maybe because I then just feel ready for the day or anything once my hair is done lol

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I just said “screw everything” and disappeared for 3 months. For me, staying was just not an option. People couldn’t understand that I needed solitude rather than a stream of visitors offering condolences. I’m still dealing with the havoc I created by doing this, some of the consequences can’t be repaired.

holden's avatar

** * * { { { hugs } } } * * **

slick44's avatar


YARNLADY's avatar

I take a long hot shower and settle down in my favorite chair with my favorite book or DVD

aprilsimnel's avatar

Make yourself a good hot bath and soak for an hour with the lights off. Just a candle. Play soothing music. Massage yourself with scented oil. And make so that no one is allowed to disturb you.

Supacase's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land You have lived one of my fantasies.

I usually only get as far as going to my room, shutting the door, getting in bed and pulling the covers over my head. It doesn’t last long – someone always needs something. Every now and then I get lucky and my husband puts our daughter to bed and leaves me alone while I’m in there.

J0E's avatar

Control what you can control. You can’t take a break from everything but you can “clear the clutter” so to speak. Eliminate things you don’t need to be worrying about or things that are causing the stress. When I took a break this last weekend I eliminated technology because that was one thing I could control. I needed to concentrate on my “real life” for a bit and put my “online life” on the shelf. We tend to put so much on our plates that is all gets mixed together and we lose sight of the most important stuff. I’m certain you can find something that works for you, good luck Al Pal. :)

snowberry's avatar

There’s nothing in the world better than a travel log from Spud the Potatohead. Honest! Click on the travel archive at the bottom of the screen.

If you haven’t clicked on that link yet, perhaps you need a nudge. This is a never-ending story about Spud, a Potatohead doll who gets in hit and run accidents with potato chip trucks, who drives a Ferarri Tuberosa, and who goes ice climbing and falls into a crevasse. When the doctors finally got him out, they said he’d be a vegetable for the rest of his life. Please, please, do yourself a favor, and check it out!

Even if you only have fifteen minutes to relax, this site will give you a lift.

thriftymaid's avatar

It needn’t cost you anything to take a break.

Pandora's avatar

1. Morning stretches are great for getting your body relaxed and ready for the day. Take deep slow breathes to re-energize your muscles.
2. As already mentioned, take vitamins. Especially women need to do so. Having a cycle once a month is draining and you lose a lot of iron.
3. Change your diet and some of your routine where you can. Being in a rut can make you feel bored and that leads to feeling tired and depressed.
4. Indulge. Go out with a pal to a place like Ruby Tuesdays and order their chocolate cake with ice cream and have some really delicious fruity drink. Don’t go there to order anything else. Just dive into the junk food. If you don’t like that, than just go to your favorite place and order your favorite desert. Sometimes it feels just great to give yourself a treat.
5. Depending on what you need, play music that speaks to your heart. If you need to relax, than play soothing music, if you need to vent than play heart break music, if you need to loosen up than play upbeat music. Dance around and sing like your a rock star diva. This one is my favorite therapy of all. It helps loosen the cob webs.
6. A nice soothing lavender bath. So relaxing before bed.
7. For a cheap get away, rent a comedy where its played out on a beach and make your own pina colada, and munch on a bag of chips.
8.I don’t know if you live in a home with a porch or in a city with a park near by. But go for a stroll in the park, and buy an popsicle. I love icecream on a hot day. Or sit on your porch and take in the view while listening to music in the back ground.
9. Read a romance novel. I know its a cliche but it helps get your mind off your own troubles. Its like taking a mini vacation to another world.

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