How far do you get involved if witness to a lopsided fight?
How far do you get involved if any? You are walking back in a parking lot to get back to your car, from an adjacent parking garage some skinny geeky kid comes tearing out of there as if the devil was after him and close on his heels are 3 attractive young cheerleaders (yes they are in uniform). Just when it looks as if the guy was going to get away he stubbles and the lead girl grabs his shirt tail. This allows the other 2 to catch up where they start viciously punching and kicking this guy and kneeing him in the middle (maybe trying for the chestnuts). The girls are screaming at him at the top of their lungs. Above the screaming you hear him say in a pitiful voice, “But I wasn’t talking about you! Please stop!”. With that one of the girls picks up his binder and starts bashing him in the head with it. You look around and you are the sole witness. What would you do? Get in your car and go about your way? Go try to save this guy? Go get help to save him? Whip out your camera phone can load it to YouTube later when you get home?
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28 Answers
I’d have to get involved.
I couldn’t let a man get beaten to death.
Though this probably wouldn’t happen, I would do my best (probably miserably so if at all), but I would do my very best to muster courage, and step in the middle of the ordeal. That’s the easy part.
The hard part is quoting the words of Christ with authority…
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”.
I don’t know if I could actually do that. But I know it would be the right thing to do.
First stone has already been thrown at that point.
When I was in High School there was this little five foot kid who wore a hat with ear flaps and carried a briefcase that said “Have Books Will Travel”. He’d walk to school close behind me because he knew I’d stop the boys from sticking him head-side-down into garbage cans.
That worked great until the fateful day I, generously, agreed to dance with him, and he asked me why I didn’t snuggle up to him and let him feel my “boobies” like I did to all the other guys. He left that dance with a very large red hand mark across his face. And that ended my protective services gig.
We don’t know what preceded the scene we witnessed.
I’d call 911 and then take out my camera/video phone while alerting other onlookers, maybe there will be a doctor in the crowd or someone not worried about getting their own ass kicked who will step into the pile.
Get involved. Those girls should have been criminally charged. It doesn’t matter who you are or what sex you are. No one has the right to lay a finger on you in an aggressive manner.
Call 911. Yell loudly, “The police are coming, they’re on the way!” Take photo evidence.
(I’d be lousy in a physical fight.)
Me too! I’m 100lbs of not good enough health insurance, no sick leave or vacation pay so I’d have to hope the poor guy can outlast those girls until better help comes.
@netgrrl What if you said that and they came after you?? <gasp>
It’s a chance I’d have to take, I can’t imagine being quiet. I’d want to try & do what I could to break it up, but physically I’d only get myself hurt.
I would so totally get involved. It could be some weird thing like what happened in FL., so I wouldn’t want to know that I didn’t do anything when I could have. So, Bring it on! It will give me a reason to finally do some cheering of my own on their asses. No offense to any cheerleaders out there.
Oh, I’d be yelling at those girls, no trouble at all. AND I’d have my phone out taking pics and I’d get the damn ‘cheerleader’ uniform id and send the photos to the school! First, though, I’d call the police and then I’d yell that I had called the police and the school (bluff, I probably wouldn’t know what school they were from) but I could take care of that later. Then I’d get in my car and lock the doors and call people I knew to back me up, in case they came after me in the car.
There is NO excuse for violence. The boy allegedly ‘talked’ about them??? gimme a break. If the cheerleaders of my old school beat the shit out everyone who talked about them, there’d be no one left to play the game on Friday night.
The fact that some of you are talking about not having sick leave or health insurance makes me sooo amazingly sad.
Recently in the UK, two teenage girls, young and attractive, not big and butch, beat a guy to death – stomped on him while he was on the ground. They did it because they thought that he was gay. The boyfriend of one of them knocked him to the ground and they killed him. They were laughing and yelling abuse at bystanders as they walked away from the guy.
Yes, even if it was girls, nowadays I would get involved. In the past it would only have been if it was guys.
I’d definitely call the police if I were to witness a fight, lopsided or not. Following that, I’d also try to get photographic evidence: that usually freaks people out. The moment they start attacking his head though, I’d have to get in there myself. Like the example @DarkScribe mentioned, 11% of brain injuries are caused by assaults. That’s something no one should have to suffer. Even if I couldn’t break up a fight, I can help, and I can scream damn loud.
I can get very detailed with this:
Chances are, they’re too distracted to watch for another assailant. So I sneak up from behind, grab the binder from the girl’s hand when she lifts it up, & swing it around, making sure to hit the girls in their kidneys.
Then I leap on the girl who had the binder, & beat her to a pulp. If her friends try to help her, I pin her down by her collarbone, & knock them off with my legs & free hand.
If they try to attack the boy, I’ll jab her in the temple, & knock her out.
Then I’ll go after them & repeat the process.
@DarkScribe How many times in the news do you hear some teens pummeling someone, the elderly, each other, city workers etc for what seem to be pretty flippant reasons. Almost as if we as a socirty reaised a segment of kids who feel if they are disrespected the way to handle it is “Shock and Awe” reather than walk way or talk civily.
@Draconess25 Talk about channeling your inner Jason Bourne. If they gals gang up on you think the dude will hand to try and help you?
@Hypocrisy_Central Chances are, he would be too traumatized & injured to help. If they did stay conscious long enough to attack….well, they’d be better off playing dead. I’ve fought bigger, better, & more numerous opponents than that.
It is a curious phenomenon that when a crowd witnesses a crime they rarely take action to stop it. What you need to do is swallow this natural fear of involvement and be a leader. In these situations people respond to clear and simple directions. What you need to remember is that no matter what this kid did, what those girls are doing is illegal and dangerous, thus they need to be stopped or YOU allowed it to happen.
Steps to Follow:
1) call 911 and hand the phone near by witness and direct them to inform the operator of the situation.
2) find the two strongest witnesses and tell them to “grab and toss” the girls off the victim. Be sure to designate each witness to one girl. (“you take HER, and you take that one)
3) Protect/remove the victim. Once the “grab and toss” have removed the girls a few feet off the victim, IMMEDIATELY order someone to help you pick him up and carry him to a safe or easily defensible space. If you are having a hard time removing the girls from the victim then use your body to cover the victims (yes you may recieve some blows, but often this act will either startle the attackers or motivate the bystanders)
4)Once the victim is safe do not try to stop the attackers but note their clothes and physical features so that you may give a detailed police report.
**if there are no witnesses who seem capable of doing a “grab and toss” then have them pick up the biggest stick or object you can find and hold it out arms length between the girls and the victim.
Yesterday’s headline regarding New York.
As I said earlier, it has a lot going for it, but it is not a “friendly” city when taken as a whole.
@DarkScribe That is one damn shame. Not even the woman he helped got any help for him. THAT is one reason why many don’t get involved personally because if it goes bad people might IGNORE THEM and not give them aid. But in this day of cell phones and Blackberries there is no excuse not to call, you don’t need a phone booth or a quarter to do it.
I’d certainly intevene taking whatever actions I deemed necesary at the time… although I’d be very interested to find out what had started the whole thing.
@JeffVader I’m a dragon, not a kitty. My girlfriend is the kitty!
I would be glad to help out the person personally. Than again this hot sexy woman loves to help defend others. :)
@Draconess25…... any particular type of dragon? According to the Chinese I’m a Fire Dragon, which Im more than happy about :)
@JeffVader There’s many different breeds. Ziedrar Dragon.
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