General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

Will the addition of a yellow filter on a TV really add that much to the color quality of the picture?

Asked by tinyfaery (44302points) April 24th, 2010

(My terminology may be way off.)

Sharp is introducing a new TV that adds yellow to the typical RGB color filters. Supposedly, this combination enables more than one trillion colors to be perceived by the naked human eye.

Will this new technology really make that much of a difference in what I see on my TV, or is this just a marketing ploy? I am in the market for a new TV and I am wondering if I should wait for this fshmancy new one.

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8 Answers

syz's avatar

The tech reviews that I have read have been glowing (no pun intended). One reviewer wrote that he attended a show specifically to review the new 3D television offerings, but was so enamored of the Aquos 4 color technology, he revised his plans (sorry, I can’t find the article that I read).

gemiwing's avatar

I think it’s worth it if you watch a lot of tv/movies. Every review I’ve read says it’s quite amazing. Here is one of them I’ve read.

arpinum's avatar

It depends on what you want to see. HDTV programs and movies are meant to be displayed in sRGB space, which most sets can fully produce. By adding yellow, they may expand their color gamut, but nothing will really take advantage of this. Sharp may mess around with algorithms to use the expanded sections of the color gamut, but this will not be a faithful reproduction as the director and colorist intended it.

CodePinko's avatar

Yes. Now instead of the viewer perceiving yellow hues in their brain yellow will actually be seen onscreen.

The_Idler's avatar

@CodePinko Could you explain exactly how there is a difference between seeing and perceiving, with regards to the visual experience of the viewer, preferably with specific relevance to the topic at hand: Yellowness?

CodePinko's avatar

With TV’s with yellow phosphors the yellow is actually there, on the screen. On RGB sets the yellow hues are ‘processed’ in the viewers mind.

The_Idler's avatar

But how is the visual experience any different?

It’s like, rather than mixing paint to achieve a colour, an artist just buys that colour paint.
What is the difference, if they both look yellow to me?

CodePinko's avatar

I just have to be very miserly with my limited brainpower. I’d rather have the TV do the work for me.

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