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What is so compelling about psychological drama (for those who can not stay away from it)?
I’ll admit it. I’m a drama queen. I seem to keep on seeking out drama in my life. Like I need trouble. I’ll create a problem if there doesn’t seem to be one handy. I’ll get insecure and decide that someone I love really doesn’t care about me, and then I’ll freak out and do crazy things like pester them endlessly about why they are treating me that way.
It’s not like I like being this way. I’m trying to build up my self esteem and my ability to be happy just by myself. It’s a work in progress. But this isn’t about me.
Other people are like this, too. Everything is a problem. Every emotion gets jacked up out of proportion. They seek trouble, it seems, and find it easily.
Why? Is it a need to feel important? Like your life matters? Is it a way to occupy your mind? Is it a way of hurting yourself? Why would anyone do something like this?
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