My feeling is that I can decide for myself, so you don’t need to say anything either to puff you up or pull you down. I am perfectly capable of see who you are no matter what you say.
I assume the same thing about myself. I assume you will see me and judge me how you judge me. You might think I’m crap or you might think I’m good.
Where the problem comes in for me is whether I want to hear what you think. I guess I don’t really want to hear it if it’s bad. I just don’t need any more beating down. I do that quite well enough myself, thank you very much. But if I don’t want to hear the bad, then it only seems fair to not hear the good.
So in the end, I need to hear because I don’t know what other people think, and it would be nice to know whether, when I’m trying to help, I do any good. This is mostly because I care about my customers and giving them the best product I can. If that product is my thoughts, then I want to give the best true thoughts I can. I would not lie to curry favor, but I would change the way I say things if I think people aren’t hearing me right.
But there are many times when I despair. I don’t believe I’m doing well no matter what others say. It’s complicated, because I do believe in myself and what I’m doing, but I don’t believe that anyone else could believe in it. I think they should believe in it, but I dare not hope. It’s that Japanese thing about the nail that sticks up is the one that gets pounded down.
Can you stick up without sticking up? But there are many other things in the equation—love, self-love, love for others, desire, panic, anxiety, security, belief, confidence…..
I prefer the people who say they aren’t as good as they are. Them I can tell to shut up because I see through their racket. We can come to an agreement that neither of us will lie to other from now on.
The braggarts—I simply can not understand. I always feel like they are trying to pull the wool over my eyes and rather than deal with that, I’d rather go somewhere else. I don’t like people who brag or who make themselves out to be more than they are, or who try to influence me to think more of them than I do.
It’s a fine line between confidence and too much confidence. But people read things in different ways. Someone might ask me if I’m good, and I’ll say you should decide for yourself. They might read that as a lack of confidence. It isn’t. In fact, I am confident that if you like what I like, you’ll like what I do.
But it’s easy to slip over the top to that territory where doubt sets in. It happens pretty quickly for me. My nose is very sensitive where bullshit is concerned. Has to be. I worked on a dairy farm when I was a kid. I got into big trouble over bullshit. Burning hot trouble, in fact.
Anyway, the shit detector goes off real easy, and once it goes off, you can pretty much forget gaining my trust. But other people aren’t like me. They prefer a story to the data. They don’t care if the story is supported by the data. It makes me wonder…..