Social Question

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Can you name one area in your life where you are a hypocrite?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) April 26th, 2010

Such a popular word on the internet.

Here’s my small time example:
I’m openly critical of Apple Computer’s business practices while I own an iPhone and have bought music on iTunes recently, but their new phone looks damn cool and I’m probably going to buy it.

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36 Answers

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Yes, I believe that I can name at least one.

Perhaps more

jaytkay's avatar

I love animals and want to scratch them behind the ears. Then I eat some.

jeanmay's avatar

I’m always outraged when my husband breaks wind in my presence, but I never hold back from reciprocating.

RedPowerLady's avatar


And I get overly frustrated with DH for being grumpy when tired but I do the same myself. Actually there are probably a handful of similar ones with DH… perhaps I should evaluate that. LOL

cockswain's avatar

really want to eat only local organic foods and buy local products and not support any sort of 3rd world abuses but I fail

TexasDude's avatar

Every part.

Vunessuh's avatar

I always tell people to stick up for themselves, but I’m way more passive when it comes to doing it myself.

bob_'s avatar

I always tell people to make me a sandwich, but I’m actually more of a panino kind of guy.

What, that’s not hypocritical?

bob_'s avatar

@Vunessuh Aww, people shouldn’t take advantage of your big, kind heart!

Say, will you be a doll and make me a sandwich?

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

@bob_ With your avatar, there’s little you can say that isn’t going to make me laugh.
I mean that in a good way

AstroChuck's avatar

I’m a vegetarian for ethical reasons but whenever I get the chance I eat a baby.

Vunessuh's avatar

@bob_ Only if you bitch slap me when you say it.

bob_'s avatar

@Vunessuh Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

@bob_ See? There it is!

@Vunessuh Dang, Bats is not to be messed with apparently.

Silhouette's avatar

Nope, it’s like eating only one Lay’s potato chip, it can’t be done. I could give you a small list of my top 3 hypocritical moments.
1. I get pissy if someone stops in the entrance and blocks my way and I have found myself standing in the same doorway looking for my keys or some such thing blocking someone else.
2. It irritates me when others are indecisive but when I do it it doesn’t irritate me at all.
3. I don’t like hearing a roaring party at the neighbors when I’m trying to sleep but I keep my tunes cranked up pretty late when we have a party.

Rarebear's avatar

I chant Shabbat prayers every Friday night and I’m an atheist.

escapedone7's avatar

I hate haters and sometimes I even troll trolls (or antagonize antagonizers) . I know that makes no sense but there you have it. Oh no. I also just realized I am intolerant of intolerence.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I implicitly believe in the power of reason.

Violet's avatar

I hate holidays, but I buy people gifts for Christmas and Hanukkah.

cazzie's avatar

Yeah… the loving animals thing and then eating them….. definite hypocrisy going on there.
So, the wearing of leather to perhaps…

Oh,,, and I hate judgemental people… lol.

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tb1570's avatar

I tell people if they are in a bad, un-loving, un-rewarding, un-supportive relationship with someone who doesn’t truly love, cherish and respect them to get out of it as soon as possible because life is too short to waste time in a relationship like that, but I have been in such a relationship for more than a year, and my previous two-year plus relationship was also such a relationship.

Blackberry's avatar

I bitch about kids being everywhere and how annoying they are even though I know I would probably want to start a small family someday? Lol.

wtfrickinfrack's avatar

I’m gay and Jewish… but not a liberal

someone slap me

Kodewrita's avatar

I criticise guys that are hard core alpha male extroverts as being brainless hunks but secretly want to be like them. [they get all the herd females]

Blackberry's avatar

@wtfrickinfrack What the frickinfrack…..You aren’t a republican are you lol?

aprilsimnel's avatar

@bob – I LOL’ed.

I suppose I’m a hypocrite with the breathe and meditate stuff, but that’s why it’s called a practice.

bob_'s avatar

@aprilsimnel You LOL, you owe me a sandwich.

wtfrickinfrack's avatar

@Blackberry haha no :) I’m an independent

aprilsimnel's avatar

@bob_ – I’m from NYC, ergo, I don’t cook. Here’s $5. Go get a Subway. ;)

bob_'s avatar

@aprilsimnel Here’s $5. Go get me a Subway.

aprilsimnel's avatar


I say I want to live simply, and then I watch Jeeves and Wooster DVDs and lust after this house and this house, complete with help, ball gowns, car(s) and driver, horses, etc., etc..

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I expect my partner to find ways other than substance abuse to deal with stresses but there are times myself where I’ve abused medications when I’ve been angry or overstressed. I know it’s not right or fair but a little voice in my head says, “he’s an addict and you’re not so if you act out now and then nothing worse will happen.”

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